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I'm back, back in town

热度 3已有 857 次阅读2011-10-29 23:52 |个人分类:金典|

I'm back, back in town   我回到了原来的那座小镇  
  and everything has changed        发现一切都已经改变    
  I feel, feel let down            那感觉有些许失落     
  the faces stayed the same         但人们的面孔却和从前一样熟悉     
  I see, see shadows            我看见了我们     
  of who we used to be           曾经嬉戏玩耍的影子     
  When I drive, drive so slow         当我漫溯在脑海中    
  through this memory            沿着记忆之路    
  When we were only kids          我们当初还正值年少    
  And we were best of friends        我们曾是莫逆之交     
  And we hoped for the best         我们希望做到最好     
  And let go of the rest            抛却余下的纷纷扰扰      
  I heard, heard myself            我仿佛听见自己     
  say things I take back           说着那些想说却一直说不出口的话     
  If I could, could retell            如果能再给我一次机会    
  and make these stories last         也许便能让我们的故事继续下去     
  I see, see shadows            我看到了你的影子    
  of who you'll always be           永远在脑海中挥之不去     
  When I drive, drive these roads       当我驶过这一条条     
  That made our memories          伴随着我们记忆的道路     
  And we were only kids           我们当初还正值年少    
  And we were best of friends         我们曾是莫逆之交     
  And we hoped for the best          我们希望做到最好     
  And let go of the rest            抛却余下的纷纷扰扰    
  Shadows and regrets            我们的曾经也伴随着遗憾    
  Let go of the rest              抛却余下的纷纷扰扰吧    
  Everything has changed           一切都发生了改变      
  Faces stayed the same          但却仍是那些熟悉的面孔     
  Everything has changed           一切都发生了改变     
  Faces stayed the same           但却仍是那些熟悉的面孔    
  And we were only kids            我们当初还正值年少    
  And our time couldn't end          我们的时光不会终结   
  And how tall did we stand          我们曾站在人生之巅    
  With the world in our hands          把世界紧握在自己手中    
  And we were only kids           我们当初还正值年少    
  And we were best of friends         我们曾是莫逆之交     
  And we hoped for the best          我们希望做到最好     
  And let go of the rest            抛却余下的纷纷扰扰   
  And shadows and regrets          我们的曾经也伴随着遗憾     
  We let go of the rest             让我们抛却这些纷纷扰扰   
  Shadows and Regrets            我们的曾经也伴随着遗憾    
  We let go of the rest            让我们抛却这些纷纷扰扰







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