






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-6-21 15:34| 查看数: 21822| 评论数: 1|

&nbsp;<p>  对于那些极富爱国热情的英格兰球迷来说,他们在自己的汽车外面悬挂旗帜行为将会受到警方的警告。目前,英国很多轿车和轻型货车已经开始在车身外悬挂代表自己球队的旗帜,有的将旗子绑在车前的收音机天线上,还有一些则将旗子夹在前挡风玻璃处,人们希望表达出他们对于本国球队的狂热支持。 </p><p>  Patriotic football fans who attach flags to their cars could also be in trouble with the law. Thousands of cars and vans across the country are sporting the English flag, either attached to the radio antenna or clamped in windows, to show their support in the run-up to the World Cup which starts in Germany next week. </p><p>  英格兰汉普郡警方已经向那些习惯在车外悬挂旗帜的驾车人提出了警告,警方认为随风飘扬的旗子会使过往的马匹受到惊吓。当地警官格里斯特表示:“全体英国人万众一心支持自己的球队,这种情感无疑是值得称道的,但我还是担心悬挂在车外的旗帜会使得马儿在受到惊吓后狂奔不止,最终导致它自身、骑马者甚至无辜的路人受伤。” </p><p>  Police in rural Hampshire have warned motorists that their fluttering flags are frightening the horses. </p><p>  "It is commendable that the nation is getting behind their football team, but I do have concerns that motorists may cause an animal to bolt and possibly cause injury to itself, its rider or innocent passers-by," said Police Constable Derek Grist. </p><p>  格里斯特还特地告诫那些驾车者,如果在车外所悬挂的旗帜突然飞出后击中行人或骑车人并导致他们受伤的话,那么司机本人将会被警方以蓄意侵犯他人的罪名提出指控。格里斯特说:“其实我们也并非故意要扫大家的兴,只是为了提醒大家多为他人的安全考虑。” </p><p>  However Grist, the local force's Equine Liaison Officer, cautioned drivers that they could face assault charges if their flag flew off and struck a pedestrian or a cyclist and hurt them. </p><p>  "We are not trying to be killjoys. All we ask for is a little bit of consideration," he said. (文/张咏) </p>


Fancy-Teng 发表于 2006-6-21 17:29:07
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