






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-6-22 12:59| 查看数: 9832| 评论数: 0|

<p>第八拿手好戏:人的生命和活力之源-工作(一) </p><p><br/>1. What do you do for a living? (你以什么为生?) <br/>2. I'm with the Bank of China. <br/>3. What position do you hold? (你的职位是什么?) <br/>4. I'm in charge of the sales department. <br/>5. I'm tired of working all day. (我厌倦整天工作。) <br/>6. I'm off today. (我今天休假。) <br/>7. I have two days off a week. (我一星期休息两天。) <br/>8. What kind of job do you have? <br/>9. What's your occupation? (你的职业是什么?) <br/>10. What business are you in? (你从事哪一行?) <br/>11. What do you do, if I may ask? /Whom do you work for? <br/>12. What's your position in the company? <br/>13. Is he still with IBM? (他还在IBM工作吗?) <br/>14. I moonlight as a reporter. (我兼职当记者。) <br/>15. The professor runs a restaurant on the side〖副业〗. <br/>16. I work part time〖兼职〗at the gas station. <br/>17. I'm unemployed out of a job〖失业〗at the moment. <br/>18. Stone has been out of work for three months. <br/>19. What's the starting salary in your company? <br/>20. He has a white-collar job〖白领工作〗. <br/>21. He is a salesman or something. (推销员之类的人。) <br/>22. Do you have any openings〖空缺〗for a typist? <br/>23. That's a pretty good salary. (那待遇很好。) <br/>24. He has the advantage of a good education. (他有受良好教育的优势。) <br/>25. Could you work in her place? (你能代替她吗?) <br/>26. She was hired on the spot〖当场〗by the company. <br/>27. I'm looking for somebody fit for the work. <br/>28. We need a man who knows the ropes〖内行〗. <br/>29. He jumps from one job to another. (他经常换工作。) <br/>30. What's your new job like? (你的新工作是什么性质?) <br/>31. He is equal to the task. (他能胜任这个工作。) <br/>32. He is a leader in his field. (他是他行业的领导者。) <br/>33. That's just what you are cut out for〖正是你适合〗. <br/>34. He is new at the work /green to the work. (没经验) <br/>35. I'm fresh out of college. (我刚从大学毕业。) <br/>36. He is not up to the job. (他不能胜任这个工作。) <br/>37. It's his first venture into business〖投身商界〗. <br/>38. It's well worth the time. (很值得花时间。) <br/>39. He jumped at the offer. (他欣然接受这个工作机会。) <br/>40. I know all the ins and outs〖详情〗of the business. <br/>41. Let's share the money fifty-fifty〖平分〗. <br/>42. His restaurant is a real moneymaker〖非常赚钱〗. <br/>43. He's on his way up. (他的事业蒸蒸日上。) <br/>44. His concert brought the house down〖博得满堂喝彩〗. <br/>45. He did everything within his power to achieve the goal. (他竭尽全力去接近目标。) <br/>46. It took years of hard work. (那需要多年辛苦工作。) <br/>47. The work is in full swing. (工作正在全力进行。) </p>


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