






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-6-22 13:03| 查看数: 12892| 评论数: 1|

<p>第十拿手好戏:人的生命和活力之源-工作(三) </p><p><br/>92. He patted me on the back for the deal made yesterday. (他对我昨天所做的交易表示满意。) <br/>93. He is good at getting a point across to people. (他善于让人信服他的观点。) <br/>94. What are you working on? (你在做什么?) <br/>95. I had a busy day. I'm, all in〖精疲力竭〗. <br/>96. This has been a long day. (这是个漫长的一天。) <br/>97. Everyone is goofing around. (人人都在混时间。) <br/>98. You mean I have to work overtime〖加班〗tonight? <br/>99. I think I'm under-paid. (我想我的薪水太低了。) <br/>100. I had words with〖吵架〗my boss today. <br/>101. I tried to keep out of the trouble〖尽量不惹麻烦〗. <br/>102. Aren't you happy with your present occupation? <br/>103. That doesn't make sense. (那没有意义。) <br/>104. He's sore over the fact that he wasn't promoted this year. (他对今年没有升迁而感到恼怒。) <br/>105. How did he get to be a department head so fast? (他怎么这么快就成为一个部门的主管?) <br/>106. That remains to be seen. (那还要看看。) <br/>107. No way! I wouldn't touch that in any case. Don't push me! (绝不!我无论如何都不会去碰它,别逼我!) <br/>108. Are you here on business〖公事〗or for pleasure? <br/>109. He's a real workaholic〖真正的工作狂〗. <br/>110. You don't sound very enthusiastic〖似乎不太热衷〗. <br/>111. A little bird told me that Tony was going to be fired. (消息灵通人士告诉我他要被炒鱿鱼了。) <br/>112. I'm afraid Tony's days are numbered〖快要被解雇〗. <br/>113. What are your hours? (你是几点上班?) <br/>114. What time does he punch out? (他几点打卡下班?) <br/>115. He's gone for the day. (他整天都不在。) <br/>116. He's gone for the summer. (他夏天度假去了。) <br/>117. He's on leave now. (他现在在休假。) <br/>118. He won't come until next week. (他下星期才会回来。) <br/>119. I took a month off for a holiday〖休了一个月假〗. <br/>120. I'm on coffee break. (我正在休息时间。) <br/>121. He came down with the flu, so he didn't go to work. <br/>122. How long does your vacation last? <br/>123. It's tough getting an O.K.〖同意〗from the boss. <br/>124. I'm pooped /very tired. (我精疲力尽。) <br/>125. So how is it working out? (那事进行得怎样呢?) <br/>126. We have a very important meeting on at the moment. <br/>127. He's making money hand over first. (他财源滚滚。) <br/>128. How much did you estimate this job is going to cost us? (呢估计这工作要花我们多少钱?) <br/>129. He made good in business. (他事业成功。) <br/>130. I'm in hot water /trouble〖有麻烦〗with the boss. <br/>131. He turned over his company to his son last year. <br/>132. You're on the day shift now〖上日班〗. <br/>133. He's living on easy street. (他过得很富裕。) <br/>134. To get ahead〖出人头地〗, you'll have to work ling hours and take short vacations. </p>


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