






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-6-20 03:28| 查看数: 116| 评论数: 0|

Two brothers, Liam and Jessin Fisher, were hiking in North Dakota with their father and cousin, Kaiden Madsen during the summer of 2022.2022年夏天,利亚姆·费舍尔和杰森·费舍尔两兄弟与父亲以及表弟凯登·马德森在北达科他州徒步旅行。

They were looking for dinosaur fossils.他们在寻找恐龙化石。

And they found one.他们找到了一具恐龙化石。

Liam and his father, Sam, noticed a large leg bone sticking out of the ground.利亚姆和父亲萨姆注意到一根伸出地面的大腿骨。

They shouted to the others to come and look.他们喊其他人过来看。"They came running," said Liam, who is now nine years old.“他们就跑过来了,”现年九岁的利亚姆说。

"And dad asked, 'What is this?' And Jessin said, 'That's a dinosaur.'"“爸爸问这是什么?杰森说那是恐龙。”

Two years later, experts removed the fossils from the ground and the remains of a young Tyrannosaurus rex are now at a museum in Colorado where people can see them.两年后,专家们把这些化石从地下挖了出来,这只年轻霸王龙的残骸现在存放在科罗拉多州一家博物馆里,人们可以在那里看到其残骸。

The dinosaur is being called "Teen Rex" because it was not yet an adult when it died.这只恐龙被称为“少年霸王龙”,因为它死亡时还没有成年。

The Denver Museum of Nature and Science announced the find in early June.丹佛自然科学博物馆在六月初宣布了这一发现。

The fossil will be displayed and studied for years to come.该化石将在未来几年进行展示和研究。

Jessin is now 12.杰森现在12岁了。

When he saw the leg bone, he was sure it was a dinosaur, but he did not know what kind it was.当他看到那根腿骨时,他就确信该残骸是一只恐龙,但他不知道是哪种恐龙。

His father, Sam, contacted a childhood friend, Tyler Lyson, a scientist who studies dinosaurs and works at the museum in Denver.他的父亲萨姆联系了儿时的朋友泰勒·莱森——一位研究恐龙并在丹佛自然科学博物馆工作的科学家。

He sent a photo and Lyson started working on the permissions required to do an excavation.他发了一张照片,莱森开始办理挖掘所需许可。

Last year, everyone went back to the place to start working.去年,大家都回到这个地方开始进行作业。

At first, the group thought the bone belonged to a smaller plant-eating dinosaur.起初,该小组认为这块骨头属于一种较小的食草恐龙。

But later that day, Lyson said he and Jessin found the lower jaw and some large T. rex teeth.但当天晚些时候,莱森说自己和杰森发现了下颌和一些大的霸王龙牙齿。

"It still gives me goosebumps," Lyson said.“这仍然让我起鸡皮疙瘩,”莱森说。

"I was completely, like, speechless," said Kaiden, who is now 11.“我完全说不出话来,”现年11岁的凯登说。

Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs.霸王龙是最大的食肉恐龙之一。

Scientists say it lived in what is now North America about 67 million years ago.科学家称,它在约6700万年前生活在如今的北美地区。

All dinosaurs disappeared about 66 million years ago.所有恐龙大约在6600万年前消失了。

The scientists say the young T. rex was 13 to 15 years old.科学家们说,这只年轻的霸王龙年龄在13到15岁之间。

These dinosaurs are considered fully grown starting at 18 years.霸王龙被认为从18岁开始发育成熟。

The "Teen Rex" was about 7.6 meters long, about two-thirds the size of an adult.这只“少年霸王龙”长约7.6米,大约是成年霸王龙的三分之二。

One fossil, named Sue, which is displayed at the Field Museum in Chicago is 12.3 meters.在芝加哥菲尔德博物馆展出的一具名为“苏”的化石长12.3米。

Lyson said the Denver display will not be as big as the display in Chicago莱森说,展示在丹佛博物馆的这个恐龙化石不会像芝加哥展示得那么大,

because much of it is still contained in a large piece of rock.因为这个化石大部分仍然包含在一块大岩石中。

He said they have a hip bone, the skull and a number of vertebrae, which are back bones.他说他们找到了一块髋骨、头骨和一些椎骨,也就是脊骨。

The fossil was found in a piece of soft stone, called sandstone.这具化石发现于一块叫做砂岩的软石中。

This leads the scientists to believe the dinosaur got stuck on a sandy area in the middle of a river.这让科学家们认为,这只恐龙被困在河中央的沙地上。

Lyson said scientists are interested in finding ways that younger T. rexes were different from older ones.莱森说,科学家们对寻找较年轻霸王龙与较年长霸王龙之间的不同之处感兴趣。

They were faster and had smaller heads.较年轻霸王龙速度更快,头更小。

Because of this, the scientists think the young dinosaurs had a different diet than the older ones.正因为如此,科学家认为年轻恐龙的饮食与年长恐龙不同。

There are very few young Tyrannosaurus fossils available.能找到的年轻暴龙化石很少。

A younger one is at the Burpee Museum in Rockford, Illinois.一具较年轻恐龙的化石收藏在伊利诺伊州罗克福德的伯彼博物馆。

Lyson said the new discovery should help dinosaur researchers understand another theory.莱森表示,这一新发现应该有助于恐龙研究人员理解另一种理论。

A small number of scientists believe a dinosaur, called Nano tyrannus, was related to T. rex and lived at the same time.少数科学家认为一种叫做矮暴龙的恐龙与霸王龙有亲缘关系,并且生活在同一时期。

A movie about the discovery with scientists from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science is expected to be released on June 21.一部与丹佛自然科学博物馆的科学家们一起拍摄的关于这一发现的电影预计将于6月21日上映。

I'm Dan Friedell.丹·弗里德尔为您播报。


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