






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-6-26 17:32| 查看数: 98| 评论数: 0|

When I was a little girl,


my parents would take me outside and show me all the incredible ways that they would take care of our land to produce good food.

我的父母会带我到外面, 并展示所有不可思议的, 保护我们的土地 和生产优质食物的方法

And I would begrudgingly follow them out and listen to the stories that they had to say.

我会勉强地跟着他们 听听他们要讲的故事。

And their pieces of advice would range from totally rational and practical to absolutely bizarre.

有些内容完全合理和实用, 有些却极其奇怪。

For example, my grandfather would say, "Hey Louise, if you want to plant good root crops this season,

例如,我的祖父会说:“露易丝,如果你想在这个季节, 种植好的块根作物,”

what you should do is plant some rocks underneath your sweet potatoes."


And I would look at him and be like, "OK, Grandpa, sure.


I totally believe you."


And my grandmother would say, "OK, to have the best harvest of fruits from the fruit-bearing trees this season,

然后我的祖母会说, “为了让这个季节的果树 收成最好的果实,”

you want to be able to plant according to lunar cycles.


You want to plan towards the full moon and never towards a new moon."

“你要朝着满月做计划, 永远不要计划到新月。”

And I would look at her and say, "What?"


And my dad, most bizarrely of all, would say, "If you want to sift rice or cocoa nibs to get rid of all the dust,

最奇怪的是我爸, 他说:“如果你想筛选大米粒 或可可豆粒里的灰尘,

the best thing that you can do is to whistle a certain tone to harness the wind."

最好的做法 就是用某种音调吹口哨 以此来利用风的力量。”

And I'd be like, "Dad, like airbending?"

然后我会想, “降世神通里的御气术吗?”



"OK, sure."


So as I grew up, I would ask them, "Why?

所以在我的成长过程中, 我会问他们, “为什么?

Why do we do all these weird, strange things," right?

我们为什么 要做这些奇怪的事情?’

And my relatives and my family would come up to me and be like, "Louise, here's the thing.

然后我的亲戚和家人会说, “露易丝,事情是这样的。

Your grandparents are kind of crazy.


So this is just traditions.


You don't have to think about it.


It's fine."


But my work has put me at the frontlines of the climate crisis,

但我的工作使我站在 气候危机的前线,

working with communities and farmers to build resilient agroforests that really react best to the intense super typhoons that we experience.

与社区和农民合作, 建设有弹性的农业森林, 这些森林可以更好的抵抗 我们常见的超级台风。

I established an initiative called the Cacao Project,

我发起了一项名为 “可可项目” 的计划,

which works to build these resilient agroforests and work closely with farmers to understand how we could best steward our ecosystems and landscapes.

旨在建设这些 富有弹性的农业森林, 并与农民密切合作, 以了解我们如何才能 最好地管理生态系统和景观。

And over the years, I've been able to really do my best dream job, which is make chocolates for restoration.

这些年来,我能够从事 我梦寐以求的工作, 那就是制作用于修复的巧克力。

And I have the best job, I know.


I get to eat chocolates, talk to farmers, live on the land and have such a good life.

我可以吃巧克力,和农民说话, 在陆地上生活, 有着美好的人生。

And we look at the ways that we can marry practical, traditional knowledge techniques with modern science and know-how,

我们还研究 如何将实用的传统知识技术 与现代科学和专有技术相结合,

so that we could really put a spotlight on those simple, practical solutions that react effectively to climate change.

这样我们才能真正关注, 聚焦那些简单和实用的 气候变化解决方案。

Now over the years I've trained with farmers, and we make sure that learning is a two-way street where we listen to the stories that they have to say,

这些年来, 我一直在为农民提供培训, 我们确保学习是一条双向的道路 我们倾听他们所说的故事,

but also be able to teach them regeneration.


So very simple concepts, like putting more carbon back in the soil than we take from it,

这些概念非常简单, 比如向土壤中排放的碳量 要高于从土壤中摄取的量,

or maybe planting the crops that are suited to our ecosystems and our landscapes.

或者种植适合我们生态系统 和景观的作物。

And even propagating the life that strengthens our forests and our trees.

甚至传播 能增强森林和树木的生物。

And as I was talking to these farmers, these crazy stories started resurfacing, and I said, "OK, hang on, hang on.

当我与这些农民交谈时, 一些疯狂的故事开始浮出水面, 我说:“等一下,

Maybe they're on to something here." So together with our farmers, we started kind of trying it out.

或许这些故事有其依据。” 因此,我们开始和农民一起实验。

OK, let's plant some rocks here and see what happens.

让我们在这里种一些石头, 看看会发生什么?

OK, let's plant according to the lunar cycles.


And for some reason, every single time that we would do that, it would work.

不知为何,我们每次这样做时, 都会奏效。

When we plant rocks under sweet potatoes, they were better, sweeter, just more delicious.

当我们将石头埋在红薯下, 它们更好、更甜、更美味。

Every time we planted according to lunar cycles, we'd have delicious harvests.

每当我们按照月球周期进行种植, 收成都会更美味。

And I thought, maybe, what if all of these weird stories are just kind of decades of peer review that has passed down from grandmother to grandson,

我想,或许这些奇怪的故事 可被视为几十年的同行评审, 从祖母传给孙子,

from father to daughter, in the ways that they best knew how?

从父亲到女儿, 以最熟悉的方式传下来。

And maybe Grandma wasn't so crazy after all.


So I quickly learned that lunar cycles were actually tied to insect flight activity and reproduction that made better pollinators, so more fruits.

因此,我去学习并了解到, 月球周期实际上与昆虫的 飞行活动和繁殖息息相关, 昆虫的传粉媒介更好, 果实也更多。

It was tied to irrigation and water patterns.


And I thought, wow, that is so cool.

然后我想, “哇,这也太酷了。

So my grandmother had a point.


I digress.


It turns out planting rocks under root crops, it meant that you were just actually making better drainage,

事实证明, 在块根作物下种植岩石, 实际上改善了排水系统,

but also it was creating this inviting ecosystem for worms and little creatures to live under.

但同时也创造了 一个诱人的生态系统, 它吸引了蠕虫和小生物。

And they were just natural fertilizers.


So, awesome, Granddad was right.

这方法太棒了, 爷爷说的都是对的。

And whistling for wind, well ...


I wish I could give you a scientific explanation.

我希望我能给你 一个科学的解释。

I have no idea how that works, but every time I ask my dad, "Can you bring me out to a field and whistle?" a light breeze would always seem to blow.

我不知道其原理, 但每当我问我爸, “你能带我到田野里吹口哨吗?” 似乎总是会有微风吹过。

And it was magic.


I was like, what is this sorcery?


So what if all of these invisible pieces of knowledge are actually keys to how we can best curate our stewardship to our landscapes,

我们来设想下, 或许这些无形的知识 都是一些可以帮助我们更好的 管理景观的关键点呢?

how we could best create resilience in our ecosystems and forests to react better to climate change.

创造最有复原能力的 生态系统和森林 以更好地应对 气候变化的关键。

And all of this knowledge exists in countries and communities, and traditions and stories within our families.

所有这些知识都存在于 国家和社区中, 也存在于我们家庭的 传统和故事中。

And as a young person who works in the environmental field,


I think it is so cool to have that kind of responsibility to carry this knowledge on to the next generation,

我认为这种将知识 传递给下一代的责任感,

to transfer this information over into our modern age and be able to articulate why they work.

将这些古老信息传递至现代, 并能够阐明它们为何起作用, 是件非常酷的事。

Because maybe the solutions to our climate crisis, maybe the next big fix-all, isn't just this one big, amazing, sparkling solution.

因为,或许, 气候危机的解决方案, 人们寻找的万能解决方案, 不是一个宏伟、神奇、 闪亮的解决方案。

Maybe it exists in the soils under our feet.

也许它存在于 我们脚下的土壤中。

Maybe it's in the wind that blows in the air or the sunlight that beats down on us.

也许是空中飘荡的风, 或是照射在我们身上的暖阳。

Or maybe it exists in the crazy, wild stories of our grandmothers.

或许它存在于 我们祖母的疯狂故事中。

And it is such an honor to think that maybe these amazing solutions are actually an opportunity for us to build something that embodies the wisdom of our communities,

这些神奇的解决方案, 实际上给予了我们 一个建设的机会, 以我们的社区、

of our families and of our landscapes over years and generations.

家庭和景观 代代相传的智慧为基石,想到这里,我倍感荣幸。

And as a young person carrying that on, I think, wow, we have some exciting magic in our planet to offer,

作为一个传承人, 我认为我们的地球 提供了很多魔法,

and hopefully we can harness that power and all this sorcery and secret bits of knowledge to do something really great with it in different parts of the world that curate our stewardship to our planet.

希望我们能利用这种力量, 以及这些巫术和秘密知识, 为世界的各个角落 带来美好的变化, 为我们的地球尽职尽责。

With that, thank you.





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