






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-7-16 23:48| 查看数: 101| 评论数: 0|

Near Jammu, India, the smell of burning garbage, or waste material, spreads out for kilometers across the city.在印度查谟附近,燃烧垃圾或废物的气味在城市各处蔓延数公里。The site where the garbage is burned holds a mix of plastic, industrial, and medical waste.焚烧垃圾的地点混合着塑料、工业和医疗废物。

Experts say the air is dangerous to breathe.专家表示,呼吸空气是危险的。

The extremely high summer temperatures add to the danger.夏季极高的气温增加了危险。

But a small number of people work at the site through the smoke and intense heat.但少数人在现场冒着烟雾和高温工作。

They search the garbage before it goes into the fire.他们在垃圾进入焚烧之前对垃圾进行搜查。

They collect anything that might be sellable.他们收集任何可能出售的东西。

They earn at most four dollars a day.他们每天最多赚四美元。

"If we don't do this, we don't get any food to eat," said 65-year-old Usmaan Shekh.“如果我们不这样做,我们就没有食物吃,”65岁的乌斯曼·谢克说。

"We try to take a break for a few minutes when it gets too hot, but mostly we just continue till we can't."“天气太热时,我们会试着休息几分钟,但大多数情况下,我们会一直坚持到干不动。”

Shekh and his family are among as many as four million garbage pickers around India.谢赫和他的家人是印度400万拾荒者中的一员。

The job is dangerous, and increasing summer heat brings even greater risk to the workers.这项工作很危险,夏季高温的增加给工人带来了更大的风险。

In Jammu, a northern city, temperatures this summer have climbed above 43 degrees Celsius often.在北部城市查谟,今年夏天的气温经常攀升至43摄氏度以上。

As waste breaks down, it creates heat.当废物分解时,会产生热量。

Summer temperatures intensify this heating.夏季气温加剧了这种加热。

As a result, the landfill releases more gases such as methane and carbon dioxide.结果,垃圾填埋场释放更多甲烷和二氧化碳等气体。

These gases are dangerous to breathe.呼吸这些气体是危险的。

Experts say the summer landfill fires can burn for days.专家表示,夏季垃圾填埋场火灾可能会持续数天。

India's federal government estimates the country produces about 56 million metric tons of waste each year.印度联邦政府估计该国每年产生约5600万吨废物。

A 2016 law requires dangerous material to be separated from landfills.2016年的一项法律要求将危险材料与垃圾填埋场分开。

But enforcement of the law has been weak.但法律的执行力一直很薄弱。

This adds to the risk the landfill workers face.这增加了垃圾填埋场工人面临的风险。

Bharati Chaturvedi is founder of the New Delhi-based Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group.巴拉蒂·查图尔维迪是总部位于新德里的Chintan环境研究和行动小组的创始人。

She has worked with waste pickers for more than 20 years.她与拾荒者一起工作了20多年。

She noted that the workers already face health risks from direct contact with the waste.她指出,工人们已经面临直接接触废物的健康风险。

The extreme heat is an additional danger.极端高温是一个额外的危险。

"It's been a terrible, terrible, terrible year," she said.“这是特别可怕的一年,”她说。

"They already expect to suffer from the heat and that gives them a lot of anxiety, because they don't know if they'll make it, if they'll survive it."“他们已经预计会遭受高温的折磨,这让他们非常焦虑,因为他们不知道自己是否能成功,是否能挺过来。”

Heatstroke, cardiovascular diseases and chronic kidney diseases are some of the risks from working outdoors during high heat.中暑、心血管疾病和慢性肾病是高温期间户外工作的一些风险。

Ruksana Begum is a 41-year-old waste picker at the Bhalswa landfill in the city of New Delhi.鲁克萨娜·贝古姆是新德里市巴尔斯瓦垃圾填埋场的一名拾荒者。

She said some waste pickers are working less because of the heat.她说,由于天气炎热,一些拾荒者的工作量减少了。

As a result, they only have enough money for one meal a day.结果,他们每天的钱只够吃一顿饭。

"They are trying to avoid work because of the heat since if they go to work, they end up spending more at the hospital than for their food," Begum said.“由于天气炎热,他们试图避免工作,因为如果他们去上班,他们在医院的花费最终会超过食物的花费,”贝古姆说道。

Chaturvedi said it is necessary to give the workers water, shade, or a cooled building to use near the landfill.查图尔维迪说,有必要给工人们提供水、阴凉处或冷却的建筑,让他们在垃圾填埋场附近使用。

She said they should be urged to work less when the temperatures are high.她说,当气温高时,应该敦促他们减少工作。

And she said medical care must be available to the workers when they need it.她说,当工人需要时,必须为他们提供医疗服务。

Geeta Devi is a 55-year-old garbage picker.吉塔·德维是一名55岁的拾荒者。

She also works at the Bhalswa landfill in New Delhi.她还在新德里的巴尔斯瓦垃圾填埋场工作。

Devi says when the heat makes her dizzy, she takes shelter.德维说,当高温让她头晕时,她就会躲起来。

Sometimes, someone gives her water or food.有时,有人给她水或食物。

But she has no choice about working at the garbage site.但她别无选择,只能在垃圾场工作。

She earns about two dollars a day.她每天赚大约两美元。

That's what she needs to feed her children.这就是她养活孩子所需的东西。

"It is difficult to do my job because of the heat.“由于天气炎热,很难完成我的工作。

But I have no other job," she said.但我没有其他工作,”她说。

I'm Andrew Smith.安德鲁·史密斯为您播报。


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