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And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.现在是VOA慢速英语《词汇掌故》节目。

On this program, we explore words and expressions in the English language.在这个节目中,我们探索英语中的单词和表达。

We give examples and notes on usage.我们会给出有关用法的示例和注释。

Do you have a friend, co-worker, or family member who you are very close with?你是否有与自己非常亲密的朋友、同事或家人?

Do you often work on projects or activities with that person?你经常和那个人一起做项目或活动吗?

If so, the two of you could be called partners in crime.如果是这样,你们两个就可以被称为“partners in crime”。

And those projects or activities are not even illegal!而且这些项目或活动甚至并不违法!

Partners in crime is an expression that describes two or more people who are very close to each other.Partners in crime是描述彼此非常亲密的两个或两个以上的人的表达。

But more than being close, they are usually involved in playful or adventurous activities.但除了关系亲密之外,他们通常还会参与一些有趣或冒险的活动。

Even though the expression has the word "crime", the activities are more often than not legal ones.尽管这个短语里有“crime”这个词,但这些活动往往是合法的。

Originally the expression may have described actual criminals.最初,这个短语可能描述的是真正的罪犯。

But today, it does not.但如今情况并非如此。

It is a fun, light-hearted way to describe close friends who may be involved in some kind of mischief.这是描述可能卷入某种恶作剧的亲密朋友的一种有趣、轻松的方式。

Not surprisingly, the expression is often used in mystery stories, films, and television shows.毫不奇怪,这个表达经常用于悬疑故事、电影和电视节目中。

The most famous example is Partners in Crime, a collection of short stories by Agatha Christie published in 1929.最著名的例子是阿加莎·克里斯蒂于1929年出版的短篇小说集《犯罪团伙》。

The stories were turned into a radio broadcast and then a television program.其中的故事被改编成电台广播,之后被改编成电视节目。

A less popular example is the television show Partners in Crime from 1984 in the U.S., starring Lynda Carter and Loni Anderson.一个不太流行的例子是1984年由琳达·卡特和洛尼·安德森主演的美国电视节目《犯罪团伙》。

Besides partners in crime, we also have a similar expression, thick as thieves, to describe very close friends who share information and secrets.除了partners in crime之外,我们还有一个类似的表达,thick as thieves,来形容会分享信息和秘密的非常亲密朋友。

Now, let's talk about some more words that are similar or related to partners in crime.现在,我们来谈谈更多与“partners in crime”相似或相关的单词。

Someone who is your partner in crime can also be called your sidekick.你的搭档也可以被称为sidekick。

A sidekick is someone who is usually by your side.sidekick是指经常陪伴在你身边的人。

If your sidekick is helping you in a social situation, like meeting members of the opposite sex, then we can call them a wingman or wingwoman.如果你的伙伴在社交场合帮助你,比如与异性见面,那么我们可以称他们为“僚机”或“女僚机”。

In airplane talk, a wingman is a pilot who flies his aircraft behind the leading pilot.在飞机用语中,僚机是指在领航员后面驾驶飞机的飞行员。

There are other more formal, or official, words to describe a partner in crime, such as collaborator or accomplice.还有其他更正式或官方的词来描述搭档,比如collaborator或accomplice。

Although, you may want to be careful when using the word "accomplice".不过,你在使用“accomplice”这个词时可能要小心。

When talking about a real crime, an accomplice is a person who helps others do something illegal.当谈到真正的犯罪时,accomplice是帮助他人做非法之事的人。

Now, let's hear this expression used in a couple of examples.现在,让我们听听在几个例子中使用的这个表达。

In the first one, two friends talk about a great party.在第一个例子中,两个朋友谈论一个很棒的聚会。

"How did you manage to throw such a great party?“你是如何办成这么盛大的晚会?”

You thought of everything!"你什么都考虑到了!”

"I couldn't have done it without my partner in crime – Emma!“如果没有我的伙伴艾玛,我不可能做到!

Where is she, anyway?"对了,她在哪儿?”

Emma, your party collaborator is on the karaoke machine and is about to start the singing contest.艾玛,你的派对搭档正在卡拉OK机旁,即将开始歌唱比赛。

Atta girl, Emma!干得漂亮,艾玛!

Now, let's hear this expression used in a work situation.现在,让我们听听使用于工作场合的这个表达。

Are Michael and Evan working on another project together?迈克尔和埃文正在一起做另一个项目吗?

They are.是的。

Those two have been partners in crime ever since they started working together.他俩自从开始合作以来就一直是搭档。

You're right.说得没错。

And it's a good thing for us.这对我们来说是一件好事。

They are a great team and collaborate really well together.他们是一个很棒的团队,合作得非常好。

And that's all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories.以上就是我们本期《词汇掌故》的全部内容。

Until next time, I'm Anna Matteo.下期节目再见,安娜·马特奥为您播报。


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