






发布者: 五毒 | 发布时间: 2024-7-24 23:58| 查看数: 78| 评论数: 0|

And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.现在是VOA慢速英语《词汇掌故》节目。

On this program, we explore words and expressions in the English language.在这个节目中,我们探索英语中的单词和表达。

We hope it gives you something to think about.我们希望它能给予你一些值得思考的东西。

In other words, we hope this show gives you some food for thought.换句话说,我们希望这个节目能给予你一些发人深思的东西。

Food for thought is a set noun phrase.Food for thought是一个固定的名词短语。

It describes something that should be thought about and considered carefully.它描述的是应该仔细思考和考虑的事情。

The "food" can come from many different sources.“food”可以有很多不同的来源。

A news story, an idea, an offer, an opinion, or advice can all give us food for thought – just to name a few.一篇新闻报道、一个想法、一个提议、一个观点或建议都可以给我们提供思考的内容——仅举几例。

When you give someone food for thought, you make them consider carefully, or think seriously about something.当你给予某人发人深思的东西时,你就是让他们仔细考虑或认真思考某事。

Food for thought can also make us see things in a new way.发人深思的东西还可以让我们以新的方式看待事物。

It can make us look at something with new eyes.它可以让我们以新的眼光看待事物。

Or we can say it opens our eyes or is eye-opening.或者我们可以说它打开我们的眼界或让我们大开眼界。

Now, let's hear two friends use some of these expressions.现在,让我们听听两位朋友使用其中一些表达。

I read a story the other day about beekeeping.前几天我读到了一个关于养蜂的故事。

It was eye-opening.那个故事让人大开眼界。

Did you know that some people use it as a way to reduce stress?你知道一些人用它来减轻压力吗?


I know it helps the environment.我知道它对环境有益。

But I did not know that it also helps the beekeeper.但我不知道它对养蜂人也有帮助。

The story really opened my eyes to the possibility of beekeeping.这个故事确实打开了我的眼界,让我看到了养蜂的可能性。

So, I've decided to start this summer.所以,我决定今年夏天开始养蜂。

Do you want to help?你想帮忙吗?

No, thanks.不了,谢谢。

I'm afraid of bee stings.我害怕蜜蜂蜇伤。

But you've given me food for thought.但你给予了我发人深思的东西。

Working to help the environment and reduce stress sounds like an interesting idea.努力改善环境并减轻压力听起来是一个有趣的想法。

Maybe I can find another way.也许我可以找到另一种方法。

I'm sure you can!我相信你可以!

Food for thought is meant to be processed or digested...发人深思的东西是为了加工或消化……

just like, well, food!就像,嗯,食物一样!

In fact, we sometimes use the word "digest" when talking about thoughts and ideas.事实上,当谈论想法和看法时,我们有时会使用“digest”这个词。

Here's an example:这里有一个例子:

The writer's conference gave her much food for thought.那个作家的会议给予了她许多发人深思的东西。

It took her weeks to digest everything she learned.她花了几周时间才消化了自己所学到的一切。

Food for thought can be used in formal and informal situations.Food for thought可用于正式和非正式场合。

There is a food-related phrasal verb that is similar to food for thought, although it is much more informal – to chew on something.有一个与食物相关的动词短语和“food for thought”类似,尽管它更不正式——to chew on something。

Like eating food, when you "chew on" something, you think about it thoroughly.就像吃东西一样,当你“咀嚼”某物时,你会彻底地思考它。

Here's an example:这里有一个例子:

When my friend was offered a job he chewed on the offer for some time.当我的朋友得到一份工作时,他深思了一段时间。

In the end, he decided that the job was not for him and did not accept it.最终,他认为那份工作不适合他,没有接受。

If you want to sound more formal, you can use verbs like reflect or contemplate.如果你想听起来更正式,你可以使用reflect或contemplate等动词。

Food for thought often leads to reflection and contemplation.发人深思的东西通常会导致反思和沉思。

And that brings us to the end of this Words and Their Stories.以上就是本期《词汇掌故》的全部内容。

Recently, what has given you food for thought?最近,有什么事情引发你深思?

Let us know in the comments section.请在评论区告诉我们。

Or send us an email at learningenglish@voanews.com.或发送电子邮件至learningenglish@voanews.com

Until next time, I'm Anna Matteo.下期节目再见,安娜·马特奥为您播报。


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