






发布者: laniya | 发布时间: 2006-7-5 23:37| 查看数: 8439| 评论数: 4|

PART&nbsp;IV&nbsp;TRANSLATION <br/>SECTION&nbsp;A&nbsp;CHINESE&nbsp;TO&nbsp;ENGLISH:&nbsp; <br/>Translation&nbsp;the&nbsp;following&nbsp;underlined&nbsp;part&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;text&nbsp;into&nbsp;English.&nbsp;Write&nbsp;your&nbsp;translation&nbsp;on&nbsp;ANSWER&nbsp;SHEET&nbsp;THREE.&nbsp; <br/>来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往往会抽出一天甚至两天的<a class="kk" id="B8X" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171238706.html"><u><font color="#800080">时间</font></u></a>去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出得较多。我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。但他十分欣赏亚裔学生勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心理。 <br/>因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余五位均是亚裔学生。他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:“本室助研必须每周<a class="kk" id="ClFgaDm" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171238706.html"><u><font color="#800080">工作</font></u></a>七天,早10时至晚12时,<a class="kk" id="ClFgaDm" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171238706.html"><u><font color="#800080">工作</font></u></a><a class="kk" id="B8X" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171238706.html"><u><font color="#800080">时间</font></u></a>必须全力以赴。”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名的,在我所呆的3年半中,共有14位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下5人。1990年夏天,我不顾别人劝阻,硬着头皮接受了导师的资助,从此开始了艰难的求学旅程


laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 23:37:25
<p>2</p><p>In this section <a class="kk" id="Wg3iJ" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">there</font></u></a> are four reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully <a class="kk" id="Yl" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a> then write your answers on the space given. TEXT A </p><p>A magazines design is more than decoration, more than simple packaging. It expresses the magazines very character. The Atlantic Monthly has long attempted to provide a design environment in <a class="kk" id="xYu8" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">which</font></u></a> two disparate traditions -- literary <a class="kk" id="Yl" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a> journalistic -- can co-exist in pleasurable dignity. The redesign that we introduce <a class="kk" id="uVWaNdN" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">with</font></u></a> this issue -- the work of our art director, Judy Garlan -- represents, we think, a notable enhancement of that environment. Garlan explains some of what was in her mind as she began to create the new design:" I saw this as an opportunity to bring the look closer to matching the elegance and power of the writing <a class="kk" id="xYu8" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">which</font></u></a> the magazine is <a class="kk" id="Rf" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">known</font></u></a> for. The overall design has to be able to encompass a great diversity of styles and subjects -- urgent pieces of reporting, serious essays, lighter pieces, lifestyle-oriented pieces, short stories, poetry. We dont want lighter pieces to seem too heavy, and we dont want heavier pieces to seem too pretty. </p><p>We also use a broad range of art and photography, and the design has to work well <a class="kk" id="uVWaNdN" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">with</font></u></a> that, too. At the same time, the magazine needs to have a consistent feel, needs to underscore the sense that everything in it is part of one Atlantic world. The primary typefaces Garlan chose for this task are Times Roman, for a more readable body type, and Bauer Bodoni, for a more stylish and flexible display type (article titles, large initials, and so on). Other aspects of the new design are structural. The articles in the front of the magazine, which once flowed into one another, now stand on their own, to gain prominence. The Travel column, now featured in every issue, has been moved from the back to the front. As noted in this space last month, the word "Monthly" rejoins "The Atlantic" on the cover, after a decade-long absence. Judy Garlan came to the Atlantic in 1981 after having served as the art director of several other magazines. </p><p>During her tenure here the Atlantic has won more than 300 awards for visual excellence. from the Society of illustrators, the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Art Directors Club, Communication Arts, and else<a class="kk" id="I1fEf" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189.html"><u><font color="#800080">where</font></u></a>. Garlan was in various ways assisted in the redesign by the entire art-department staff: Robin Gilmore, Barnes, Betsy Urrico, Gillian Kahn, and Lisa Manning. The artist Nicholas Gaetano contributed as well: he redrew our colophon (the figure of Neptune that appears on the contents page) and created the symbols that will appear regularly on this page (a rendition of our building), on the Puzzler page, above the opening of letters, and on the masthead. Gaetano, whose work manages to combine stylish clarity and breezy strength, is the cover artist for this issue<br/><br/>11. Part of the new design is to be concerned <a class="kk" id="U68Ds" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">with</font></u></a> the following EXCEPT ______ <br/>A) variation in the typefaces. <br/>B) reorganization of articles in the front. <br/>C) creation of the travel column. <br/>D) reinstatement of its former name. </p><p>12. According to the passage, the new design work involves ______ <br/>A) other artists as well. <br/>B) other writers as well. <br/>C) only the cover artist. <br/>D) only the art director. </p><p>13. This article aims to ______ <br/>A) emphasize the importance of a magazine’s design. <br/>B) introduce the magazine’s art director. <br/>C) persuade the reader to subscribe to the magazine. <br/>D) inform the reader of its new design <a class="kk" id="Hj8e" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171259189-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a> features</p>
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 23:37:46
<p>3</p><p>WHY SHOULD anyone buy the latest volume in the ever-exp<a class="kk" id="S" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a>ing Dictionary of National Biography? I do not mean that it is bad, as the reviewers will agree. But it will cost you 65 pounds. And have you got the rest of volumes? You need the basic 22 plus the largely decennial supplements to bring the total to 31. Of course, it will be answered, public <a class="kk" id="S" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a> academic libraries will want the new volume. After all, it adds 1,068 lives of people who escaped the net of the original compilers. Yet in 10 years time a revised version of the whole caboodle, called the New Dictionary of National Biography, will be published. Its editor, Professor Colin Matthew, tells me that he will have room for about 50,000 lives, some 13,000 more than in the current DNB. </p><p>This rather puts the 1,068 in Missing Persons in the shade. When Dr Nicholls wrote to the Spectator in 1989 asking for names of people whom readers had looked up in the DNB and had been disappointed not to find, she says that she received some 100,000 suggestions. (Well, she had written to "other quality newspapers" too. ) As soon as her committee had whittled the numbers down, the professional problems of an editor began. Contributors didnt file copy on time; some who did sent too many: 50,000 words instead of 500 is a record, according Dr Nicholls. There remains the dinner-party game of whos out. That is a game that the reviewers have played and will continue to play. Criminals were my initial worry. After all, the original edition of the DNB boasted: Malefactors whose crimes excite a permanent interest have received hardly less attention than benefactors. Mr. John Gross clearly had similar anxieties, for he complains that, while the murderer Christie is in, Crippen is out. One might say in reply that the injustice of the hanging of Evans instead of Christie was a force in the repeal of capital punishment in Britain, as Ludovie Kennedy (the author of Christie entry in Missing Persons) notes. </p><p>But then Crippen was reputed as the first murderer to be caught by telegraphy (he had tried to escaped by ship to America). It is surprising to find Max Miller excluded when really not very memorable names get in. There has been a conscious effort to put in artists and architects from the Middle Ages. About their lives not much is always <a class="kk" id="rbnCo" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826.html"><u><font color="#800080">known</font></u></a>. Of Hugo of Bury St. Edmunds, a 12th-century illuminator whose dates of birth and death are not recorded, his biographer comments:" Whether or not Hugo was a wall-painter, the records f his activities as carver and manuscript painter attest to his versatility". Then <a class="kk" id="2w" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826.html"><u><font color="#800080">there</font></u></a> had to be more women, too (12 per cent, against the original DBNs 3), such as Roy Strongs subject, the Tudor painter Levina Teerlinc, of whom he remarks:" her most characteristic feature is a head attached to a too small, spindly body. Her technique remained awkward, thin and often cursory". Doesnt seem to qualify her as a memorable artist. Yet it may be better than the record of the original DNB, <a class="kk" id="UTLSfA3" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826.html"><u><font color="#800080">which</font></u></a> included lives of people who never existed (such as Merlin) and even managed to give thanks to J. W. Clerke as a contributor, though , as a later edition admits in a shamefaced footnote, "except for the entry in the List of Contributors <a class="kk" id="2w" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826.html"><u><font color="#800080">there</font></u></a> is no trace of J. W. Clerke". </p><p>14. The writer suggests that <a class="kk" id="V4nclq" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">there</font></u></a> is no sense in buying the latest volume ______ <br/>A) <a class="kk" id="eKg" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">because</font></u></a> it is not worth the price. <br/>B) <a class="kk" id="eKg" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">because</font></u></a> it has fewer entries than before. <br/>C) unless one has all the volumes in his collection. <br/>D) unless an exp<a class="kk" id="5Mrh" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a>ed DNB will come out shortly. </p><p>15. On the issue of who should be included in the DNB, the writer seems to suggest that ______ <br/>A) the editors had clear rules to follow. <br/>B) <a class="kk" id="V4nclq" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">there</font></u></a> were too many criminals in the entries. <br/>C) the editors clearly favoured benefactors. <br/>D) the editors were irrational in their choices. </p><p>16. Crippen was absent from the DNB ______ <br/>A) because he escaped to the U.S. <br/>B) because death sentence had been abolished. <br/>C) for reasons not clarified. <br/>D) because of the editors’ mistake. </p><p>17. The author quoted a few entries in the last paragraph to ______ <br/>A) illustrate some features of the DNB. <br/>B) give emphasis to his argument. <br/>C) impress the reader <a class="kk" id="Gy913pYs" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171336826-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">with</font></u></a> its content. <br/>D) highlight the people in the Middle Ages. </p><p>18. Throughout the passage, the writer’s tone towards the DNB was ______ <br/>A) complimentary. <br/>B) supportive. <br/>C) sarcastic. <br/>D) bitter.</p>
laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 23:38:12
<p>4</p><p>TEXT&nbsp;C&nbsp;Medical&nbsp;consumerism&nbsp;--&nbsp;like&nbsp;all&nbsp;sorts&nbsp;of&nbsp;consumerism,&nbsp;only&nbsp;more&nbsp;menacingly&nbsp;--&nbsp;is&nbsp;designed&nbsp;to&nbsp;be&nbsp;unsatisfying.&nbsp;The&nbsp;prolongation&nbsp;of&nbsp;life&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="a6Ee0H3F" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a>&nbsp;the&nbsp;search&nbsp;for&nbsp;perfect&nbsp;health&nbsp;(beauty,&nbsp;youth,&nbsp;happiness)&nbsp;are&nbsp;inherently&nbsp;self-defeating.&nbsp;The&nbsp;law&nbsp;of&nbsp;diminishing&nbsp;returns&nbsp;necessarily&nbsp;applies.&nbsp;You&nbsp;can&nbsp;make&nbsp;higher&nbsp;percentages&nbsp;of&nbsp;people&nbsp;survive&nbsp;into&nbsp;their&nbsp;eighties&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="a6Ee0H3F" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a>&nbsp;nineties.&nbsp;But&nbsp;as&nbsp;any&nbsp;geriatric&nbsp;ward&nbsp;shows,&nbsp;that&nbsp;is&nbsp;not&nbsp;the&nbsp;same&nbsp;as&nbsp;to&nbsp;confer&nbsp;enduring&nbsp;mobility,&nbsp;awareness&nbsp;and&nbsp;autonomy.&nbsp;Extending&nbsp;life&nbsp;grows&nbsp;medically&nbsp;feasible,&nbsp;but&nbsp;it&nbsp;is&nbsp;often&nbsp;a&nbsp;life&nbsp;deprived&nbsp;of&nbsp;everything,&nbsp;and&nbsp;one&nbsp;exposed&nbsp;to&nbsp;degrading&nbsp;neglect&nbsp;as&nbsp;resources&nbsp;grow&nbsp;over-stretched&nbsp;and&nbsp;politics&nbsp;turn&nbsp;mean.&nbsp; <br/>What&nbsp;an&nbsp;ignominious&nbsp;destiny&nbsp;for&nbsp;medicine&nbsp;if&nbsp;its&nbsp;future&nbsp;turned&nbsp;into&nbsp;one&nbsp;of&nbsp;bestowing&nbsp;meagre&nbsp;increments&nbsp;of&nbsp;unenjoyed&nbsp;life!&nbsp;It&nbsp;would&nbsp;mirror&nbsp;the&nbsp;fate&nbsp;of&nbsp;athletics,&nbsp;in&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="wpxP" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546.html"><u><font color="#800080">which</font></u></a>&nbsp;disproportionate&nbsp;energies&nbsp;and&nbsp;resources&nbsp;--&nbsp;not&nbsp;least&nbsp;medical&nbsp;ones,&nbsp;like&nbsp;illegal&nbsp;steroids&nbsp;--&nbsp;are&nbsp;now&nbsp;invested&nbsp;to&nbsp;shave&nbsp;records&nbsp;by&nbsp;milliseconds&nbsp;And,&nbsp;it&nbsp;goes&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="lhA9u" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546.html"><u><font color="#800080">with</font></u></a>out&nbsp;saying,&nbsp;the&nbsp;logical&nbsp;extension&nbsp;of&nbsp;longevism&nbsp;--&nbsp;the&nbsp;"abolition"&nbsp;of&nbsp;death&nbsp;--&nbsp;would&nbsp;not&nbsp;be&nbsp;a&nbsp;solution&nbsp;but&nbsp;only&nbsp;an&nbsp;exacerbation.&nbsp;To&nbsp;air&nbsp;these&nbsp;predicaments&nbsp;is&nbsp;not&nbsp;anti-medical&nbsp;spleen&nbsp;--&nbsp;a&nbsp;churlish&nbsp;reprisal&nbsp;against&nbsp;medicine&nbsp;for&nbsp;its&nbsp;victories&nbsp;--&nbsp;but&nbsp;simply&nbsp;to&nbsp;face&nbsp;the&nbsp;growing&nbsp;reality&nbsp;of&nbsp;medical&nbsp;power&nbsp;not&nbsp;exactly&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="lhA9u" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546.html"><u><font color="#800080">with</font></u></a>out&nbsp;responsibility&nbsp;but&nbsp;with&nbsp;dissolving&nbsp;goals.&nbsp;Hence&nbsp;medicines&nbsp;finest&nbsp;hour&nbsp;becomes&nbsp;the&nbsp;dawn&nbsp;of&nbsp;its&nbsp;dilemmas.&nbsp; <br/>For&nbsp;centuries,&nbsp;medicine&nbsp;was&nbsp;impotent&nbsp;and&nbsp;hence&nbsp;unproblematic.&nbsp;From&nbsp;the&nbsp;Greeks&nbsp;to&nbsp;the&nbsp;Great&nbsp;War,&nbsp;its&nbsp;job&nbsp;was&nbsp;simple:&nbsp;to&nbsp;struggle&nbsp;with&nbsp;lethal&nbsp;diseases&nbsp;and&nbsp;gross&nbsp;disabilities,&nbsp;to&nbsp;ensure&nbsp;live&nbsp;births,&nbsp;and&nbsp;to&nbsp;manage&nbsp;pain.&nbsp;It&nbsp;performed&nbsp;these&nbsp;uncontroversial&nbsp;tasks&nbsp;by&nbsp;and&nbsp;large&nbsp;with&nbsp;meagre&nbsp;success.&nbsp;Today,&nbsp;with&nbsp;mission&nbsp;accomplished,&nbsp;medicines&nbsp;triumphs&nbsp;are&nbsp;dissolving&nbsp;in&nbsp;disorientation.&nbsp;Medicine&nbsp;has&nbsp;led&nbsp;to&nbsp;vastly&nbsp;inflated&nbsp;expectations,&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="wpxP" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546.html"><u><font color="#800080">which</font></u></a>&nbsp;the&nbsp;public&nbsp;has&nbsp;eagerly&nbsp;swallowed.&nbsp;Yet&nbsp;as&nbsp;these&nbsp;expectations&nbsp;grow&nbsp;un-limited,&nbsp;they&nbsp;become&nbsp;unfulfillable.&nbsp;The&nbsp;task&nbsp;facing&nbsp;medicine&nbsp;in&nbsp;the&nbsp;twenty-first&nbsp;century&nbsp;will&nbsp;be&nbsp;to&nbsp;redefine&nbsp;its&nbsp;limits&nbsp;even&nbsp;as&nbsp;it&nbsp;extend&nbsp;its&nbsp;capacities.&nbsp; <br/>19.&nbsp;In&nbsp;the&nbsp;author’s&nbsp;opinion,&nbsp;the&nbsp;prolongation&nbsp;of&nbsp;life&nbsp;is&nbsp;equal&nbsp;to&nbsp;______&nbsp; <br/>A)&nbsp;mobility.&nbsp; <br/>B)&nbsp;deprivation.&nbsp; <br/>C)&nbsp;autonomy.&nbsp; <br/>D)&nbsp;awareness.&nbsp; <br/>20.&nbsp;In&nbsp;the&nbsp;second&nbsp;paragraph&nbsp;a&nbsp;comparison&nbsp;is&nbsp;drawn&nbsp;between&nbsp;______&nbsp;</p><p>A)&nbsp;medicine&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="XT" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a>&nbsp;life.&nbsp; <br/>B)&nbsp;resources&nbsp;<a class="kk" id="XT" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171135546-2.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a>&nbsp;energies.&nbsp; <br/>C)&nbsp;predicaments&nbsp;and&nbsp;solutions.&nbsp; <br/>D)&nbsp;athletics&nbsp;and&nbsp;longevism.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 23:38:54编辑过]

laniya 发表于 2006-7-5 23:38:37
<p>5</p><p>TEXT F<br/>&nbsp;First read the question. 27. The message of the passage is that shares can now be sold ______ A. through the computer. B. in the shop. C. at the bank. D. through the mail. Now, go through the text quickly <a class="kk" id="p" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171209639.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a> answer the question. Investors seeking a cheap, no-frills way to sell privatisation shares need look no further than the post box.</p><p>&nbsp;Most stockbrokers offer bargain-basement deals on postal trades. They are ideal for selling a small holding for the lowest possible commission. But the arrangements leave investors at the mercy of the Royal Mail <a class="kk" id="p" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171209639.html"><u><font color="#800080">and</font></u></a> a seller will not know in advance how much a sale will produce. Data processing engineer Mark Stanistreet of Bradford sold by post after buying a few National Power and PowerGen shares when they were privatised. He says: "I didnt really know <a class="kk" id="p8o" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171209639.html"><u><font color="#800080">where</font></u></a> to go to for help. </p><p>An information slip <a class="kk" id="gN" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171209639.html"><u><font color="#800080">with</font></u></a> the shares gave details of Yorkshire Building Societys share shop service, <a class="kk" id="2EYEL" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171209639.html"><u><font color="#800080">which</font></u></a> offered to sell for a flat fee of ?. "It was an ideal first step that showed me how easy and cheap it is to sell shares. I have been investing in a small way since then. "I use Yorkshires telephone service, <a class="kk" id="2EYEL" title="exam.studa.com" href="http://exam.studa.com/2005/12-5/171209639.html"><u><font color="#800080">which</font></u></a> has a ? minimum fee." Many stock brokers offer postal deals as part of their usual dealing services, but clients may normally sell only big company or privatisation shares this way. ShareLinks minimum postal commission is 7.50, Skipton Building Societys is 9 and Nat Wests is 9.95. </p><p>27. The message of the passage is that shares can now be sold ______ <br/>A) through the computer. <br/>B) in the shop. <br/>C) at the bank. <br/>D) through the mail.</p>
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