





Daily Growing-Altan

发布者: 海伦 | 发布时间: 2006-7-19 07:57| 查看数: 11114| 评论数: 1|


the trees they grow high, the leaves they do grow green, 树儿长得很高,叶儿长的很绿,
many is the time my true love i've seen,我老是见到我爱的人,
many an hour i have watched him all alone,很多时候我单独的看着他,
he's young but he's daily growing. 他很年轻但是他天天在长大。
father, dear father, you've done me great wrong,

you have married me to a boy who is too young, 你把我嫁给了一个很年轻的孩子,
i am twice twelve and he is but fourteen, 我二十四岁他只有十四岁,

he's young but he's daily growing. 他很年轻但是他天天在长大

daughter, dear daughter, i've done you no wrong,

i have married you to a great lord's son, 我把你嫁给一个大地主的儿子,

he will be a man for you when i am dead and gone, 在我死之前他就会长成一个男人,
he's young but he's daily growing 他虽然年轻但是他天天在长大

father, dear father, if you see fit,
we'll send him to college for another year yet, 我们就将他送到大学里再呆一年,

i'll tie a blue ribbon all around his head, 我会在他的头上绑上蓝带子,
to let the maidens know that he is married. 让他的女同学知道他已经结了婚。

one day i was looking over my father's castle wall,
i spied all the boys playing with a ball, 我发现所有的男孩都在玩球,
and my own true love was the flower of them all, 而我的爱人是他们中的佼佼者,

he's young but he's daily growing. 他很年轻但是他天天在长大。
and so early in the morning at the dawning of the day,
they went into a hayfield to have some sport and play, 他们就到草地上运动,

and what they did there she never would declare, 对于他们在草地上做的事情她也从来没有同意,

but she never more complained of his growing. 但她从来没有埋怨过他的长大
at the age of fourteen he was a married man,
at the age of fifteen the father of my son, 十五岁的时候他就是我孩子的父亲
at the age of sixteen his grave it was green, 十六岁的时候他坟头却长满了青草。

and death had put an end to his growing. 死亡结束了他的生长
i'll buy my love some flannel,
i'll make my love a shroud, 我会给我的爱人买些法兰绒,给他做个裹尸布
with every stitch i put in it,
the tears they will pour down,
with every stitch i put in it,
how the tears they will flow,
cruel fate has put an end to his growing.

altan仍旧在不断的发展壮大。虽然1994年乐队创建人frankie kennedy的离世使乐队看似有一丝解散的迹象,但乐队仍以坚强的信念延续了下来,并以此推进了对爱尔兰音乐创作的脚步。但是 当你已如此之好——如今他们已经成为最佳爱尔兰乐队,并如此卓有成就——你就不必再做出巨大的进展。然而他们的新曲目“dail y growing”又使乐迷们为之一震,其中mairéad ni mhaonaigh与paul brady重新编排的歌曲在保留了民族特点的基础上,又有了新的特色。“the pretty young girl”一曲加入了dolly parton的演奏。她看上去似乎不适合这种参与,但是实际上她表现的非常好——毕竟她展现了一些爱尔兰本土的山间音乐。同往常 一样,乐队在乐器和歌唱之间加入了新鲜元素,恰当的同时照顾到了两种音乐演绎类型。事实上,专集大部分都是在录音棚现场录制而成 ,但是乐队的整体性却显示的很差,尤其是在ni mhaonaigh的“slainte theilinn”一曲中集中体现了这种缺陷。乐曲“comb your hair and curl it”中融入了爵士调,“gweebarra bridge”则是以欢快的苏格兰双人舞曲为结尾曲目。公平的说,altan乐队从未做过如此差的专集,但是准确点说他们应该做 的更好,此时他们确实应该消除各种不利因素,排除忧伤情绪,重新振奋精神,以其作品为其自身争得发言权。——chris nickson


fannyni 发表于 2006-7-20 09:17:03


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