






发布者: NCE1-Mary | 发布时间: 2009-11-25 13:01| 查看数: 1144| 评论数: 0|


The manipulation of state affairs by the prime minister Dong Zhuo towards the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220) aroused strong anger in people, but nobody dared to air it. Upright ministers wanted to but failed to think of a way to get rid of him. Deep at night and alone in his garden, Wang Yun, a minister, sighed at these worries, his teaful eyes cast up at the moon. Suddenly, he heard a sigh from the pavilion nearby. He went over to see Diao Chan, the sixteen-year-old, very beautiful singsong girl in his family. Upon enquiry, the girl went down on her knees and said, "Your excellency has treated me so nice after Icame. How could I repay your kindness? Ihave noticed your knitted eyebrows, You must have big worries that Idare not ask. Isighed, because Iwish Icould help you in some way."

   Who could believe, thought Wang that the destiny of the Han Dynasty lies in this girl's hand. He helped the girl up, then he himself prostrated and kowtowed to her. "Why do you bow to me?" the puzzled girl asked. She repeated her offer to help in any way.

   Convinced of her resolüte attitude, Wang Yun was straightforward: "Both Dong Zhuo and his stepson Lü Bu love women. I'll take you as my step daughter, then I'll betroth you to Lü Bu before I present you as a gift to Dong Zhuo. You will seek opportunities to sow discord between them and make Lü kill Dong. In this way we can preserve the Han Dynasty." "If I fail to do as you say," she vowed, "I will die a violent death." These were the interlocking stratagems laid by Wang Yun and Diao Chan.



Fresh from Thatched Cottage

  Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and finally succeeded in inviting Zhuge Liang to be his military adviser. Yet his sworn brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, did not take Zhuge seriously. Before long, Cao Cao dispatched an army of 100,000 to attack Liu Bei's headquarters at Xinye. Cao's troops were at the command of General Xiahou Chun. When Liu Bei turned to Zhuge Liang for advice, Zhuge said: “Ihave to borrow your majesty's sword of authority in that I am f\afraid that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will not listen to me.” Liu lost no time in lending his sword of authority to Zhuge who then started to dispatch Liu's army for the defence.

  Zhuge ordered Guan Yu to Lück and wait at Mount Yushan with 1,000 troops. Guan was not to attack the enemy but rather let them pass. He would charge at the enemy as soon as he saw fire break out in the enemy procession. Zhang Fei was ordered to Lürk and wait in the valley with another 1,000 troops. Zhang was to attack the town of Bowang as soon as he saw fire break out in the enemy procession. Guan Ping, adopted son of Guan Yu and General Liu Feng were ordered to each guide 500 troops to wait behind the slope of Bowang. They would set fire to the enemy procession as soon as the enemy arrived at the slope. Zhuge recalled Zhao Yun from Fancheng to be the vanguard of Liu's army. But Zhao was ordered not to defeat the advancing enemy but rather pretend to be defeated. Liu Bei was given 1,000 troops as the back up force.

  Guan Yu was so curious that he asked: “We all go out to fight the battle. But what will you do?” Zhuge Liang answered smiling, “I will sit and wait here in town.” Zhang Fei burst into larghter and said: “We all go out to risk our lives while you enjoy your time carefree inside the town!” Zhuge said: “I have the sword of authority. Those who disobey my orders will be executed.” Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say, but they walked away sneeringly.

  Since the generals carried out Zhuge Liang's orders to the letter, the enemy was routed Zhuge's first military advice truned out to be smart and farsighted. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals in the Liu camp soon came to respect the new military adviser.

  刘备三顾茅庐请出诸葛亮并拜为军师。而关羽、张飞对此不以为然。没过多久,曹操派大将夏侯惇领十万大军打新野,刘备找诸葛亮商议,诸葛亮说:“ 怕众将不听我令,愿借主公印剑一用。”刘备忙将印剑交给诸葛亮。诸葛亮开始集众点将。命关羽带一千人马埋伏在豫山,放过敌人先头部队,看到起火,迅速出击。张飞带一千人马埋伏在山谷里,待起火后,杀向博望城。关平、刘封带五百人马,在博望坡后面分两路等候,敌军一到,立刻放火。又把赵云从樊城调来当先锋,只许败不许胜。刘备带一千人马作后援。关羽忍不住问:“我们都去打仗,先生干什么?”诸葛亮说:“我在城中坐等。”张飞大笑说:“我们都去拼命,先生你好逍遥!”诸葛亮说:“印剑在此,违令者斩!”关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。在战斗中,各将按诸葛亮吩咐行事,直杀得曹兵丢盔弃甲。诸葛亮初次用兵,神机妙算,大获全胜。使关羽、张飞等佩服得五体投地。三国故事(3):水淹七军

Guan Yu Floods Seven Armies

  This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao appointed Yu Jin as the chief commander in charge of the southern expedition, together with Pang De in the vanguard. They led seven armies to rescue Fancheng City. When Guan Yu of Shu learned this, he led his army to take them on. Guan and Pang fought over one hundred rounds with neither gaining an advantage. The fight continued on the second day without an exchange of words. After another 50rounds, Pang rode his horse to flee and Guan rode after him. Pang shot an arrow at Guan who was unable to dodge it. The wounded Guan went back to his camp for recuperation. Ten days later, Guan's wound got healed. Guan Yu learned from Guan Ping that Cao Cao's army had moved to the north of the city. Guan Yu went to a nearby hilltop to look at the terrain. He saw the enemy's troops in the northern mountain valley; also, he noticed that the Xiangjiang River was unusually swift. He hit on the idea of flooding the seven armies. He ordered his army to get boats and rainwear ready. He had his men dam up several points in the river so as to flood Cao Cao's army. Pang De talked with his generals of moving out of the valley onto higher ground the next day. That night, wind blew fiercely and rain came down heavily. Pang De, sitting in his tent, heard the restless movements of the horses and the sound of battle drums. Alarmed, he went outside to look. From all sides, floodwaters were rushing in; the seven armies, thrown into a panic, had already lost untold numbers in the tide. The water reached a depth of over three meters. With their soldiers, Yu Jin and Pang De climbed to higher ground. Guan Yu urged his forces to strike. Yu Jin and Pang De's armies, seeing no way out, surrendered. Pang De, who had gotten hold of a boat, tried to escape westward. The boat, however, was knocked down by Zhou Cang's raft and Pang De was captured alive.


  曹操命大将于禁为南征将军,庞德为先锋,统帅七路大军,星夜去救樊城。关羽得信,亲自披挂前去迎敌。关羽、庞德大战百余回合,不分胜负。第二日交战,二将齐出,并不答话,拍马交锋五十回合,庞德拨马逃走,关羽紧追不舍。庞德取箭,关羽躲闪不及中箭,回营养伤。十日后,箭伤愈合。又听关平说曹兵移到城北驻扎。关羽不知何意,骑马登高观望,看到北山谷内人马很多,又见襄江水势汹猛,水淹七军之计,油然而生。遂急命部下准备船筏,收拾雨具,又派人堵住各处水口。庞德与众将商议,山谷不易久留,准备明日将军士移入高地。就在这天夜里,风雨大作,庞德在帐中,只听万马奔腾,喊声震天。出帐一看,大水从四面急剧涌来。七军兵士随波逐浪,淹死很多。于禁、庞德率将士登上小土山躲避,关羽带大军冲杀而来,于禁见四下无路,投降关羽。庞德和身无盔甲的残兵败将,被关羽的兵马团团围住,战不多时,众将全都投降。只有庞德夺一小船,想顺流西去,却被周仓的大筏撞到水中,后被生擒。三国故事(4):桃园结义Brotherhood Forged in the Peach Garden

  Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25-220) China was war-stricken. After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou, three heroes surfaced. One was Liu Bei, a descendent of Liu Sheng, Prince Jin of Zhongshan during the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei was sighing while reading the posted edict when he heard an impatient voice behind, “ What use is just sighing, without a man's devotion to his country?”

  then the man introduced himself: “I'm Zhang Fei and my livelihood is selling wine and slaughtering hogs.”

  “I do want to devote myself to the country,” Liu explained after telling Zhang his name. “But how can I help if I'm empty handed?”

  “You needn't worry,” said Zhang. “I'm willing to give up my fortune to build an army and embark on this new career with you.”

  While the two talked merrily over cups in a small restaurant, in came a martial looking, handsome man with a huge build and a red complexion. Liu and Zhang invited him to join them. They learned that the man was named Guan Yu. As he had upheld justice by killing a local tyrant, he had fled home and wandered about for many years. During an amiable conversation the three found that they shared a common ambition and the next day in a peach garden they swore brotherhood to heaven and earth before lit candles and joss sticks, Liu Bei the eldest, Guan Yu the second-oldest and Zhang Fei the youngest. They vowed devotion to China. Later, the three sworn brothers had successful career. Liu Bei ascended to the throne of the State of Shu in 221A.D in present-day Sichuan.


  东汉(25 -220年)末年,天下大乱。朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马。榜文到涿县,引出了三位英雄。刘备,是汉朝中山靖王刘胜的后代。一天,他边看榜文边长叹,忽听背后有人说:“男子汉大丈夫不思为国出力,在这里叹什么气?”并自报姓名说:“我叫张飞,靠卖酒杀猪为生。”刘备说出自己姓名后说:“我想为国出力,又感到力量不够,故而长叹!”张飞说:“这没什么可难的,我可以拿出家产,招兵买马,创建大业。”刘备听后非常高兴。二人来到一个小店,边喝酒边谈,正说得投机,门外突然来了一个红脸大汉,威风凛凛,相貌堂堂。刘备、张飞请他一同饮酒。交谈中得知,此人名关羽,因仗义除霸有家不能归,已流落江湖五、六年了。他们各自抒发自己的志向,谈得十分投机。

  隔日,三人来到一个桃园,点燃香烛,拜告天地,结为兄弟。按年龄刘备为大哥,关羽为二哥,张飞为三弟。并发誓“同心协力,报效国家。”此后,三人果然作出一番惊天动地的事业。三国演义双语故事(4):吕布与貂蝉 Following the interlocking stratagems they had laid, Wang Yun betrothed his step daughter Diao Chan to Lü Bu, then, to sow discord between the two, presented the girl to Dong Zhou as a concubine. Lü Bu was furious, and each time he met Diao Chan, the latter feigned a sad tearful look. One day, while Dong Chan was in court, Lü Bu rushed back to Dong Zhuo's residence to see the girl. In the Fengyi Pavilion the girl said to him with a desperate look, “I have prolonged my life in disgrace simply so I could have a final meeting with you and let you know my feelings. Ishould have waited upon you but unfortunately Dong Zhuo took me by force. We can only meet in the next life…” So saying she meant to throw herself into the lotus pool. Lü Bu hurriedly held her back and swore, “How can I be a man if I fail to marry you?”Suddenly aware of Lü Bu's absence, Dong Zhuo, suspicious, rushed back to his residence to see Diao Chan was nowhere. The service maids told him the girl and Lü Bu were in the back garden. Dong Zhuo rushed there and at the sight of the two, roared with anger. Lü Bu fled. When Dong Zhuo got back to his bedroom he saw Diao Chan's face was tearful. Being demanded for an answer, the girl said, “I was enjoying flowers in the back garden when Lü Bu stole in to take my liberty. I tried to escape but he drove me to the pavilion with his lance…” Before long the interlocking stratagems worked out-Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu.

  按着王允和貂蝉商定的“连环计”,王允先把貂蝉收为义女许给吕布为妻。为挑拨董卓与吕布的关系,后来又把貂蝉送给董卓为妾。吕布见貂蝉被董卓霸占,心中愤愤不平。貂蝉在吕布面前也假意伤心落泪。一日,董卓上朝议事,吕布忙跑加相府来会貂蝉,二人来到风仪亭,貂蝉凄凄切切地说:“我忍辱偷生是为了见将军一面,表白我心意,我本应该服侍将军,现在却被董卓霸占,今日见面,我心意已了,今生不能作夫妻,再等来世吧!”说完纵身要往荷 花池跳。吕布上前抱住说:“我今生不娶你,绝非英雄!”董卓在殿上正议事,回头不见吕布,心中疑惑,急忙回府。进后堂找不到貂蝉,问丫环才知貂蝉、吕布在后花园。董卓急赶到后花园,向二人在吼一声,吕布转身就跑。董卓回到卧室,见貂蝉哭得泪人一般,责问貂蝉说?quot;你为什么私通吕布!“貂蝉哭诉道:”我在后花园看花,吕布进来调戏我,我急忙躲开,他提画戟把我赶到凤仪亭……“,后来,董卓找吕布追问貂蝉被调戏之事,吕布反目刺死了董卓。三国演义双语故事(26):苦肉计

the Battered-Body Trick

  This is a story from Three Kingdoms that happened before the Battle of Chibi. One night, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao's army, when Huang Gai came in . He suggested attacking with fire. “Well, it's exactly what I mean to do.” Said Zhou Yu. “That's why I'm keeping those two spies: to convey false information to Cao's camp. But I need a man to play the same game for us.” Huang Gai said he was willing to do it. They decided to carry out the trick of being flogged to win the enemy's confidence.

  the next day Zhou Yu convened a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent. He ordered the commanders to take three months's rations and prepare to defend their line. Huang Gai came forward and said: “We don't need three months. If not, we'd better throw down our weapons and sue for peace.”

  Zhou Yu exploded in fury. “Ibear our lord's mandate,” he cried, “to lead our troops to destroy Cao Cao. How dare you weaken our morale? Remove him and execute him!”

  Huang Gai proudly, “I have served the Southland through three successive reigns. Where do the likes of you come from?”

  the entire assembly got on their knees to intercede for Huang Gai. Zhou Yu said at last: “In consideration for the commanders' views, I shall not kill you. Give him one hundred strokes across the back!”

  Huang Gai was forced facedown to the ground. Not yet at fifty blows of the rod, his skin was broken and his oozing flesh was crossed with welts. He fainted several times.

  Zhou Yu let Kan Ze, Huang Gai's friend, to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao, which Huang Gai had prepared. Before long, Cao Cao received a letter from the two spies, saying “Look for a boat with a blue-GREen flag at the bow. That will be Huang Gai.” In Huang Gai's boat there were combustibles. In this way, Huang Gai was able to set fire to Cao Cao's camp. When the red current of fire passed through the surface of the river, Cao Cao's ships, linked with chains, turned into ashes.


  赤壁大战之前,周瑜苦思破曹之计。一日深夜,老将黄盖来到帐中,商议破曹以火攻为好。周瑜说:“ 我也这样想,所以才留下假投降的蔡氏兄弟,只是无人去曹营诈降。”黄盖自告奋勇,甘愿领此重任。当夜二人定下“苦肉计”。第二天,周瑜传各路将军帐下议事,命大将们各领三个月粮草,准备抗敌。黄盖反对说:“不用三个月,如果这个月能破敌就破,不能破敌,早点投降!”周瑜听后大怒道:“我奉命督军破敌,你敢动摇军心,推出去斩了。”黄盖骄傲地说:“我是东吴三世重臣,南征北伐时,你还不知在哪呢?”在场的将领们跪下替黄盖求情。周瑜狠狠地说:“看在众将面上,饶你不死,打一百军棍!”武士们把黄盖推倒在地,没打到五十下,已皮开肉绽,鲜血直流,几次晕死过去。黄盖的好友阚泽,根据周瑜的安排,带着黄盖早已写好的投降书前去诈降。不久,曹操又接到蔡氏兄弟的密信,说只要见到插有青牙旗的船只就是黄盖来投降了。结果在赤壁一战中,黄盖引火船冲入曹营,大江之上一片通红,把曹操用铁链连起来的几千条战船烧成灰烬。


Winning Over Jiang Wei by a Clever Stratagem

  This is a story from the novel Three Kingdoms. Jiang Wei was adept with both pen and sword. He was not only a man of intelligence and bravery, but also a man of resources and astuteness. Zhuge Liang wanted to win Jiang Wei over to be his assistant. When he learned that Jiang Wei was a filial son whose mother was living in Jicheng City, he devised a plan to win him over. He ordered Wei Yan to attack Jicheng City by bluffing and blustering. As soon as Jiang Wei heard the news, he immediately led the troops to Jicheng City to save his mother.Zhuge Liang sent captured-general Xiahou Mao to Jicheng City to persuade Jiang Wei to surrender. When Xiahou Mao was only halfway there, he was told by people that Jiang Wei had already surrendered to the Shu State. Therefore Xiahou Mao had to go to Tianshuiguan. He came to the city of Tianshuiguan about Jiang Wei's surrender. In the middle of the night, Zhuge Liang asked somebody to dress up as Jiang Wei and attack Tianshuiguan. This made the officers and soldiers in the dity really believe that Jiang Wei's surrender to Shu State was true.

  Jiang Wei tried every possible means to protect Jicheng City, although he lacked the necessary army provisions. One day Jiang Wei led his soldiers to seize army provisions. The soldiers of the Shu State took advantage of this and seized the city. Since Jiang Wei had lost the city, he could only run to Tianshuiguan. The generals and soldiers wouldn't let him into the city, becarse they mistakenly believed that he surrendered to the enemy. Jiang Wei had to go off into the wilderness. He went less than a few kilometers before Zhuge Liang came along in a carriage and his troops encircled Jiang Wei. Realizing he was trapped, he surrendered to Zhuge Liang.





To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats

  This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang to manufacture 100,000 arrows within ten days. Zhuge said, “Give me three days.” He also signed a pledge placing himself liable for punishment should he fail to complete the order. Zhou Yu ridiculed that Zhuge Liang was looking for self-destruction. On the one hand, Zhou Yu ordered his troops not to provide Zhuge Liang with materials to make the arrows. He also sent Lu Su to spy on him to find out what was going on. In fact, Zhuge Liang had already realized that this was a plot by room, Zhuge said to Lu Su, “Save me please.” He asked Lu Su to lend him 20boats, each lined with straw-made scarecrows and manned by 30 soldiers. He requested that Lu Su not tell Zhou Yu what was happening.

  When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he did not find anything unusual. Nothing happened on the second day either. In the small hours of the third day, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhuge's fleet sailed toward the camp of Cao Cao. A thick mist had spread over the surface of the river. People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhuge's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn, Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack. Zhuge and Lu Su simply sat inside one of the boats and drank wines to enjoy themselves.

  As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they mistook it for a surprise attack by the Zhou Yu camp. Since they could see nobody on the river, they gathered 3,000 bow men and ordered them to shoot arrows towards where the shouting and drum beating came. The front of the scarecrows was quickly shot full of arrows. After a while, Zhuge Liang had his fleet turned around to expose the other side of the scarecrows. When this side was also shot full of arrows, the day broke. Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to return to their base port. The soldiers shouted, “Thank you, Cao Cao, for your arrows.” After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows from the scarecrows.


  东吴与刘备联合抗曹,东吴大都督周瑜命诸葛亮十日内制作十万支箭。诸葛亮说:“ 只击需三日。”并立下军令状。周瑜笑诸葛亮是自取灭亡。周瑜一边吩咐士兵不给诸葛亮准备制作箭的材料,一面让谋士鲁肃偷偷借给他二十条船,每船三十个军士,两边扎上稻草人,听候调用。又叮嘱鲁肃千万别告诉周瑜。鲁肃又来见诸葛亮,第一天不见动静,第二天也不动。第三天四更时分,诸葛亮密请鲁肃到船上。同时,把二十条船用绳索连好,向曹营进发。此时,江上大雾迷漫,对面看不见人。五更时分,船只接近曹营。诸葛亮让军士们在船上擂鼓呐喊,装作周瑜来偷袭。无奈江上雾大看不清楚,曹操只好调三千弓箭手向船上射箭。待草人身上密密地插满了箭,天已放亮,诸葛亮下令收船。军士们高喊着:“谢谢曹丞相的箭。”高高兴兴地往回走了。回营后,把箭取下,十万有余。


Mi Heng's Denouncement of Cao Cao

  Mi Heng was recommended to Cao Cao when the latter, to expand his infLüence, needed someone to lobby Liu Biao. But Mi was slighted. Mi took his anger out on almost all of Cao Cao's subordinates. One day, at a banquet in honor of distinguished guests, Cao bid Mi to work as a drummer, just to insult him for fun. Mi came dressed in rag, and when asked why he simply stripped off what was on him to proudly stand nude before the public. Guests shut their eyes in embarrassment. To rebut the angry blame by Cao Cao. Mi said. “You said I'm shameless? Not me but someone who has misled his majesty. Let people vies my clean conscience.” “If you're clean,” Cao roared, “Who's dirty?” “You!” Mi sneered. “Your eyes are dirty for being unable to tell good men from bad, your mouth is dirty because you do not read, your ears are dirty because you refuse to listen to advice, you know nothing about history because of your dirty body, and you tolerate nobody because of the dirt in your belly.” Cao, infuriated, ordered him to the battle front, hoping the enemy's sword would kill him.


  曹操为了扩大自己的努力,想请人去刘表那里游说,孔融就推荐了他的好朋友祢衡。祢衡被请来后,曹操对他不以礼相待惹得祢衡当面骂遍了曹操手下的谋士和大将。第二天,曹操大宴宾客,让祢衡击鼓取乐。祢衡身穿破衣上堂,有人责问祢衡为何不更衣,祢衡当场脱衣,光着身子站立,吓的宾客以手捂眼,气得曹操大骂祢衡无耻。祢衡反唇相讥说:“什么叫无耻,欺君才叫无耻。我光着身子,是让大家看看我的清白。”曹操怒指祢衡说:“ 你清白,谁肮脏?”祢衡冷笑道:“你就是一个肮脏的人。你不分好人坏人,是你的眼太脏;你书也不读,是因为你嘴太脏;你不听人劝,是因为你的耳朵太脏;你不董历史,是因为你的身体太脏;你容不得别人,是因为你的肚子太脏。”曹操一气之下,命他立即出征,借敌人的刀杀了祢衡。


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