





Lesson 82 I had...

发布者: ferly | 发布时间: 2006-8-5 17:41| 查看数: 21110| 评论数: 65|


SHINee妍 发表于 2012-11-8 22:42:19
Lesson 82 I had...我吃(喝、从事)了...

A About you: the verb have

Answer these questions with full sentences. 用完整的句子回答以下问题。

1 When do you usually have breakfast?

_i usually have breakfast at 8.0_____

2 What do you usually have for lunch?

__i usually havesome rice____

3 When do you usually have dinner?

__i usually have dinner at 6.0____

4 How often do you have a haircut?

__j often go to the hairdress'____

5 When did you last have a haircut?

____ihad a haircutlast month__

6 When (in the week) do you have English lessons?

__i have english lessonson monday and thursday____

7 Did you have a holiday last year? Where did you go?

__i had a holidayin july_ i stayed at home___

8 When did you have a party? What was it for?

__i had a party five years ago. it was my birthday____

B Situations

Read each situation carefully. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你可


1 You are going out with an English speaking friend. He/ She asks if

you are ready. You are- almost. __iam nearly ready____

2 A friend looks ill, or worried, or something. You want to know what's

wrong. __what's wrong?____

3 A friend says he/ she hasn't got much money. Nor have you. How do

you agree? ___i haven't got much money either___
betty9011 发表于 2012-12-12 21:47:38
Lesson 82 I had...我吃(喝、从事)了...

A About you: the verb have

Answer these questions with full sentences. 用完整的句子回答以下问题。

1 When do you usually have breakfast?


2 What do you usually have for lunch?


3 When do you usually have dinner?


4 How often do you have a haircut?


5 When did you last have a haircut?


6 When (in the week) do you have English lessons?


7 Did you have a holiday last year? Where did you go?


8 When did you have a party? What was it for?


B Situations

Read each situation carefully. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你可


1 You are going out with an English speaking friend. He/ She asks if

you are ready. You are- almost. ______

2 A friend looks ill, or worried, or something. You want to know what's

wrong. __

3 A friend says he/ she hasn't got much money. Nor have you. How do

you agree? ______


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lcly 发表于 2013-9-14 21:53:29
Lesson 82 I had...我吃(喝、从事)了...

A About you: the verb have

Answer these questions with full sentences. 用完整的句子回答以下问题。

1 When do you usually have breakfast?

_I usually have breakfast at half past seven._____

2 What do you usually have for lunch?

_I usually have some rice for lunch_____

3 When do you usually have dinner?

__I usually have dinner at a quarter to seven.____

4 How often do you have a haircut?

_I have a haircut once a month_____

5 When did you last have a haircut?

_I last have a haircut last weekend_____

6 When (in the week) do you have English lessons?

_I have English lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday._____

7 Did you have a holiday last year? Where did you go?

_Yes, I had a holiday last year. I went to the England._____

8 When did you have a party? What was it for?

_I had a party in Spring.it was for my daughter's birthday._____

B Situations

Read each situation carefully. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你可


1 You are going out with an English speaking friend. He/ She asks if

you are ready. You are- almost. __I'mnearly ready.____

2 A friend looks ill, or worried, or something. You want to know what's

wrong. __what's the matter with you?____

3 A friend says he/ she hasn't got much money. Nor have you. How do

you agree? _I haven't much money , either._____
olinawang 发表于 2013-10-11 09:46:25
A About you: the verb have

Answer these questions with full sentences. 用完整的句子回答以下问题。

1 When do you usually have breakfast?

_i usually have breakfast at 7:20 o'clock_____

2 What do you usually have for lunch?

_i usually have lunch at ten to twelve_____

3 When do you usually have dinner?

__i usually have dinner at twenty to eight p.m.____

4 How often do you have a haircut?

_i often have a haircut half year_____

5 When did you last have a haircut?

_i had a haircut The Month Before Last


6 When (in the week) do you have English lessons?

_i have english lessons on mondays_____

7 Did you have a holiday last year? Where did you go

no, i didnt_____

8 When did you have a party? What was it for?

__no, i didnt____

B Situations

Read each situation carefully. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你可


1 You are going out with an English speaking friend. He/ She asks if

you are ready. You are- almost. _im nearly ready_____

2 A friend looks ill, or worried, or something. You want to know what's

wrong. __what's the matter____

3 A friend says he/ she hasn't got much money. Nor have you. How do

you agree? ______

zcax2018 发表于 2018-9-10 11:23:31
thank you
linknintendo 发表于 2021-2-3 09:27:18
Lesson 82 test
1 I usually have breakfast at seven o’colck.
2 I usually have for lunch at 11.40.
3 I usually have dinner at 7.30.
4 I often have a haircut once a month.
5 I last had a haircut about a month ago.
6 I have English lesson on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
7 Yes, I have. I went to Shidu last year.
8 I had a party in November. It was for my wife’s friend’s child’s 100 day.

I’m nearly ready.
What’s the matter?
I haven’t either.
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