





Lesson 86 What have you done?

发布者: ferly | 发布时间: 2006-8-5 17:52| 查看数: 22129| 评论数: 64|


lcly 发表于 2013-9-14 16:09:08
Lesson 86 What have you done? 你已经做了什么?

A Has he ever been to⋯?

Look at this. 请看下表。

A: Have you ever been to B: Yes, I have. I was there three years ago.

America? or No, I haven't. I've never been to America.

Write conversations from these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 Ken/ to Paris? Has Ken ever been to Paris?

Yes/ April Yes, he has. He was there in April.

2 you/ to London? ___Have you ever been to London?

Yes/ 1997 __Yes, I have. I have been to London in 1997.____

3 Carol/ to Australia? _Has Carol ever been to Australia?_

No/ never ___No, she haven’t . She has never been to Australia._

4 your friends/ to England? __Have your friends ever been to England?_

Yes/ six months ago . Yes, they have. They have been to England six months ago.

5 Sam and Carol/ to China? _Have Sam and Carol ever been to China?_

No/ never __No, they haven’t. They have never been to China.__

B I've already done it. I did it an hour ago.

Complete sentences 2-4 like sentence 1.模仿例句完成以下句子。

1 I have already listened to the news. I listened to it at two o'clock.


2 She __has already typed _ your letters. She__typed_ them an hour ago. (type)

3 They _have already cleaned their shoes. They__cleaned__ them this morning. (clean)

4 Mum _has already cooked a meal. She _cooked_ it at 6 o'clock. (cook)

C Situations

Read each situation carefully. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应


1 You want to know what film is being shown at the Roxy Cinema this


What do you ask a friend? _Could you tell me What’s on at the Roxy Cinema this week?

2 A friend has been to see a new film.

You want to know what it was like. _What’sthe new film like?
olinawang 发表于 2013-10-14 10:18:18
She aired it this morning.

In which of these sentences can we put has?


1 She __has____ just boiled an egg.

2 She ______ boiled it a minute ago.

3 She __has____ never been to China, but he was there in 1992.

4 He _has_____ already painted that bookcase.

5 He ______ painted it a week ago.

6 She __has____ emptied the basket this morning.

7 He __has____ just dusted the cupboard.

B Rewrite these sentences.



Air the room! (this morning)

I've already aired the room.

I aired the room this morning.

1 Clean your shoes! (last night)

i've just cleaned your shoes

i cleaned your shoes last night

2 Open the window!(an hour ago)

i've already opened the window

i opened the window an hour ago

3 Sharpen your pencil! (a minute ago)

i've just sparpened your pencil

i sparpened your pencil a minute ago

4 Turn on the television! (ten minutes ago)

i've just turned on the television

i turned on the television ten minutes ago

5 Boil the milk! (yesterday morning)

i've just boiled the milk

i boiled the milk yesterday moning

6 Empty the basket! (yesterday)

i've just emptied the basket

i emptied the basket yesterday

7 Ask a question!(two minutes ago)

8 Type that letter! (this morning)

9 Wash your hands!(five minutes ago)

10 Walk across the park!(an hour ago)

11 Paint that bookcase!(a year ago)

12 Dust the cupboard!(this afternoon)
olinawang 发表于 2013-10-14 15:34:25
Lesson 86 What have you done? 你已经做了什么?

A Has he ever been to⋯?

Look at this. 请看下表。

A: Have you ever been to B: Yes, I have. I was there three years ago.

America? or No, I haven't. I've never been to America.

Write conversations from these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 Ken/ to Paris? Has Ken ever been to Paris?

Yes/ April Yes, he has. He was there in April.

2 you/ to London? _have you ever been to london?_________________________

Yes/ 1997 __yes, i have, i was there in 1997________________________

3 Carol/ to Australia? _has carol ever been to australia________________________

No/ never ___no, she hasnt, she has never been there_______________________

4 your friends/ to England? _have your friends ever been to england_________________________

Yes/ six months ago _yes, they have, they were there six months ago_________________________

5 Sam and Carol/ to China? _have sam and carol ever been to china_________________________

No/ never _no, they hasnt, they have never been there_________________________

B I've already done it. I did it an hour ago.

Complete sentences 2-4 like sentence 1.模仿例句完成以下句子。

1 I have already listened to the news. I listened to it at two o'clock.


2 She _has already typed_____ your letters. She_typed_____ them an hour ago. (type)

3 They _have just cleaned_____ their shoes. They_cleaned_____ them this morning. (clean)

4 Mum _has just cooked_____ a meal. She _cooded_____ it at 6 o'clock. (cook)

C Situations

Read each situation carefully. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你应


1 You want to know what film is being shown at the Roxy Cinema this


What do you ask a friend? _what's on_____

2 A friend has been to see a new film.

You want to know what it was like. __what was the film like____
zcax2018 发表于 2018-9-10 11:24:47
thank you
linknintendo 发表于 2021-2-6 10:59:38
Lesson 86 What have you done?
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