






发布者: twemty | 发布时间: 2009-11-26 22:02| 查看数: 1178| 评论数: 2|


Rolling Stone Italy names Berlusconi 2009 rock star

The "Rolling Stone Magazine" cover depicting Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

The Italian edition of Rolling Stone has named Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi its "rock star of the year," paying tribute to his "lifestyle worthy of the greatest rock star."

An illustration of a smiling Berlusconi, who weathered a summer of scandals over his relations with an 18-year-old underwear model and allegations he slept with a prostitute after a party, emblazons the cover of the Rolling Stone's December issue, against the backdrop of the Italian flag.

Carlo Antonelli, editor of Rolling Stone Italy, said the 73-year-old media mogul had been chosen unanimously by the magazine's editorial staff.

"This year the choice was unanimous, for his obvious merits due to a lifestyle for which the words 'rock and roll' fall short," Antonelli said in a statement.

"Rod Stewart, Brian Jones, Keith Richards in their prime were schoolboys compared to him."

It has been a turbulent year for billionaire Berlusconi, with his second wife Veronica Lario demanding a divorce in May after photographs emerged of Berlusconi attending the 18th birthday party of aspiring model Noemi Letizia.

Berlusconi, who had told his wife he going to a conference, has denied any "steamy affair."

Italy was subsequently convulsed, with the Italian church voicing its "mortification," when call girl Patrizia D'Addario in July alleged she had been paid to attend a party at Berlusconi's Rome mansion and had slept with the prime minister.

She even produced recordings of conversations with a man she said was Berlusconi. The prime minister has not directly commented but has publicly acknowledged he is "no saint."

In a book published on Tuesday, entitled "Take Your Pleasure, Prime Minister', D'Addario recounts an evening at Berlusconi's residence where he was surrounded by around 20 young women, many of whom seemed to know him well.

The scandals made front page news around the globe, but had only a moderate impact on Berlusconi's robust popularity ratings in Italy. Antonelli denied that his magazine had any political agenda behind its choice.

"We are far from favoring left or right ... Silvio Berlusconi's daily behavior, his furious vitality, his inimitable lifestyle have given him, especially this year, incredible international popularity," he said.

weather:to bear up against and come safely(经受,挨过)

emblazon:to adorn (a surface) richly with prominent markings(用图案、符号或文字醒目地装饰)

mogul:an important, powerful, or influential person(显要人物,有权势的人)

fall short:to fail to reach a particular standard(不达标,不符合)

steamy: passionate or erotic(色情的,放纵的)

convulse:to cause to shake violently with laughter, anger, pain(震动,震撼)


twemty 发表于 2009-11-26 22:02:41













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