





Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

发布者: Chirts6021 | 发布时间: 2006-8-10 11:03| 查看数: 25508| 评论数: 59|


快乐小静 发表于 2010-11-2 10:45:45
Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? _No,I haven't._____

2 Have you ever had a crash on your _No,I haven't.Because I ride bicycle very carefully._____

bicycle (or in a car)? ______

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. _No,I haven't.But I eager to there._____

or to the U. K.? ______

4 Which foreign country or countries _I've never been any countries._____

have you been to? ______

5 Have you watched television today? _Yes,I have.I watch television every day._____

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _No,I haven't.Because I have no homework.Ihave many housework.____
后天老板 发表于 2010-12-10 13:49:51
1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? __Have they seen'Star Wars' yet?

No/ not yet __No ,they haven't,they not seen it yet.

3 she/ find a new job yet? ___Has she finded a new job yet?

Yes/ a week ago _Yes,she have, she finded it a week ago.

4 he/ meet your family yet? ___has he met your family yet?

Yes/ just ___Yes,he has,he met my family just.

5 you/ hear the news about ___Have you heard the news atout Ken. yet?

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday ____Yes, I have,I heard it yesterday.

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? ______Yes , I have.I read it just.

2 Have you ever had a crash on your ______No. I haven't.

bicycle (or in a car)? ______I never had a crash.

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. ______Yes, I have been to the U.S.A.

or to the U. K.? ______But I naver been to the U.k.

4 Which foreign country or countries ______I have been to Shanhai.

have you been to? ______But I never been to Beijin.

5 Have you watched television today? ______No.I haven't

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _____Yes. I have finshed it an hour ago.
daikai 发表于 2011-1-3 20:07:43
1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? Have they seen "Star Wars" yet?

No/ not yetNo. they have not seen it yet.

3 she/ find a new job yet?Has she found a new job yet?

Yes/ a week ago Yes,she has ,she found it a week ago.

4 he/ meet your family yet? Has he met your family yet?

Yes/ just Yes,he has just met they.

5 you/ hear the news about Ken yet? Have you heard the news about Ken yet?

Yes/ yesterday Yes,I have,I heard it yesterday.

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet?

NO,I have not read an English book.

2 Have you ever had a crash on your

bicycle (or in a car)?

Yes ,I have had a crash on my bicycle,but I have never had a crash in a car.

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A.

or to the U. K.?

Yes ,I have just came back from the U.S.A.I went to the U.k.

last year.

4 Which foreign country or countries

have you been to?

I have been to England and Japan.

5 Have you watched television today?

No,I have not watched TV today.

6 Have you finished your homework yet?

YES,I have just finished it.
cren2020 发表于 2011-7-2 16:54:54
1 Have you read an English book yet? ______yes, i have read an english book before.

2 Have you ever had a crash on your ______yes, but its not a terrible crash

bicycle (or in a car)? ______

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. ______no..never

or to the U. K.? ______

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to? ______japan

5 Have you watched television today? ______ no

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _____ of course
馨韵旖旎 发表于 2011-10-23 17:15:22
本帖最后由 馨韵旖旎 于 2011-10-23 17:24 编辑

Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

A Has he finished it yet?

Look at this. 请看下表。

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2006-8-10 11:20

Write conversations with these prompts.

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? Have they seen‘Star Wars’yet?

No/ not yet No,they haven’t seen it yet.

3 she/ find a new job yet?

Has she found a new job yet?

Yes/ a week ago

Yes,she has.She found one a week ago.

4 he/ meet your family yet?

Has he met your family yet?

Yes/ just

Yes,he has.He’s just met them.

5 you/ hear the news about

Have you heard the news about Ken yet?

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday

Yes,I have.I heard about it yesterday.

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences.


1 Have you read an English book yet? Yes,I have.I have read it an hour ago.

2 Have you ever had a crash on your

bicycle (or in a car)? No,I have never had a crash.

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A.

or to the U. K.? No,I have never been to the U.S.A.or to the U.K.

4 Which foreign country or countries

have you been to?

I have been to many countyies,but I have never have been to forrign country.

5 Have you watched television today? No,I haven’t watched it yet.

6 Have you finished your homework yet? Yes,I have.I have just finished it.

llruyi 发表于 2011-12-5 21:54:05
A Has he finished it yet?

Look at this. 请看下表。

下载 (13.92 KB)

2006-8-10 11:20

Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? _Have they seen 'Star Wars ' yet?_______________________________

No/ not yet __No,they haven't. They haven't seen it yet._______________________________

3 she/ find a new job yet? ___Has she found a new job yet?______________________________

Yes/ a week ago __Yes,she has.She found a new job a week ago._______________________________

4 he/ meet your family yet? __Has he met your family yet?_______________________________

Yes/ just _____Yes,he has.He has just met my family.

5 you/ hear the news about ___Have you heard the news about Ken yet?______________________________

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday ___Yes,we have. We heard it yesterday.______________________________

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? _Yes,I have.I read it last week._____

2 Have you ever had a crash on your __No, I haven't.I don't ride bicycle.____

bicycle (or in a car)? ______

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. ___No,I haven't. I have never been there.___

or to the U. K.? ______

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to? __I have never been to any foreign country or countries.____

5 Have you watched television today? __No,I haven't.____

6 Have you finished your homework yet? __Yes, I've just finished it.___
虹色 发表于 2011-12-6 21:44:25
Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

yet, Lesson, Have, Yes, watch

Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

A Has he finished it yet?

Look at this. 请看下表。

下载 (13.92 KB)

2006-8-10 11:20

Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? __Have they seen "Star Wars 'yet ?_______________________________

No/ not yet _No, they haven't .They haven't seen it ________________________________

3 she/ find a new job yet? ___Has she found a new job yet ?______________________________

Yes/ a week ago __Yes,she has .She found a new job a week ago ._______________________________

4 he/ meet your family yet? __Has he met my family yet ?_______________________________

Yes/ just ___Yes ,he has .Hemet my family just .______________________________

5 you/ hear the news about __Have you heard the news about Ken yet ?_______________________________

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday __Yes ,I has .I heard the news about Ken yesterday ._______________________________

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? _No,I haven't .I haven't read an English book yet ._____

2 Have you ever had a crash on your bicycle (or in a car)? _Yes ,I have. I've had a crash on my bicycle ._____

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. _No, I haven't .I haven't been to the U.S.A._____

or to the U. K.? ______

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to? _I have been to +++_____

5 Have you watched television today? __No, I haven't .I haven't watched television today yet .____

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _No,I haven't .I haven't finished my homework yet .____

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our320 发表于 2011-12-7 12:04:24

Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

A Has he finished it yet?

Look at this. 请看下表。

Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? _Have they seen "Star Wars" yet?_____

No/ not yet _No, they haven't. They haven't seen "Star Wars" yet.________

3 she/ find a new job yet? __Has she found a new job yet?_______

Yes/ a week ago __________Yes, she has. She found a new job a week ago._

4 he/ meet your family yet? __Has he met your family yet?____

Yes/ just _________Yes, he has just met your family.__

5 you/ hear the news about ___Have you heard the news about Ken yet?____________

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday __Yes, I have. I heard the news about Ken yesterday._

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? ___No, I haven't read an English book yet.___

2 Have you ever had a crash on your ______

bicycle (or in a car)? __Yes, I have. I had a crash on my bicycle this morning.____

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. ______

or to the U. K.? ____No, I haven't. I have never been to the U.S.A. or to the U.K.__

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to? ___I have never been to foreign country.___

5 Have you watched television today? ___No, I haven't.___

6 Have you finished your homework yet? __Yes, I have.___
luciayuan 发表于 2011-12-26 14:51:40
yanglei4213 发表于 2012-5-8 10:16:26
Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? __Have they seen 'Star wars' yet?

No/ not yet _No,they haven't.They haven't seen it yet._

3 she/ find a new job yet? _Has she found a new job yet?

Yes/ a week ago _Yes,she has.She found it a week ago.

4 he/ meet your family yet? __Has he met your family yet?

Yes/ just Yes,he has.He just met my family.

5 you/ hear the news about Have you heard the news about Ken yet?

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday Yes,I have.I heard it yesterdday.

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? _Yes,I have._____

2 Have you ever had a crash on your ______

bicycle (or in a car)? _Yes, I have._____

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. ______

or to the U. K.? ___No,I haven't.___

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to? _No,I haven't been to any foreign countries_____

5 Have you watched television today? No,I haven't______

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _No,I haven't____
fujinke007 发表于 2012-5-8 18:29:05
哈哈 !!!
刘茵 发表于 2012-9-20 08:44:30
Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

A Has he finished it yet?

Look at this. 请看下表。

Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet?Have they saw 'Star Wars' yet?

No/ not yetNo,they haven't yet.

3 she/ find a new job yet? Has she found a new job yet?

Yes/ a week agoYes,she has.She found the job a week ago.

4 he/ meet your family yet? Has he met your family yet?

Yes/ justYes,he has. He just met my family.

5 you/ hear the news aboutHave you hear the news about Ken yet?

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday Yes,I have,I hear the news yesterday.

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? __Yes,I have.

2 Have you ever had a crash on yourbicycle (or in a car) _No,I have not

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A.or to the U. K.? _No,I haven't

4 Which foreign country or countries have you been to? ___I have never been any foreign country.

5 Have you watched television today? ______No,I have not.

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _____Yes,I have
ぷ星月垂铃ぷ 发表于 2012-10-30 22:48:44
加油啊 亲!
fiona158 发表于 2012-11-5 17:31:06
Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

A Has he finished it yet?

Look at this. 请看下表。

Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? __Have they seen 'StarWars'yet?_______________________________

No/ not yet __No,they haven't seen it yet._______________________________

3 she/ find a new job yet? __Has she found a new job yet?_______________________________

Yes/ a week ago ___Yes,she has.She found a new job a week ago.______________________________

4 he/ meet your family yet? _Has he met your family yet?________________________________

Yes/ just ___Yes,he has just met my family. ______________________________

5 you/ hear the news about __Have you heard the news about Ken yet?_______________________________

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday __Yes,I have.I heardthe news about Ken yesterday._______________________________

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? __No,I haven't.____

2 Have you ever had a crash on your ______

bicycle (or in a car)? __No,I haven't.____

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. ______

or to the U. K.? __No,I haven't.____

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to? _None_____

5 Have you watched television today? __No,I haven't.____

6 Have you finished your homework yet? __Yes,I have.___
SHINee妍 发表于 2012-11-8 22:14:48
you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? Have they seen "Star Wars" yet?

No/ not yetNo. they have not seen it yet.

3 she/ find a new job yet?Has she found a new job yet?

Yes/ a week ago Yes,she has ,she found it a week ago.

4 he/ meet your family yet? Has he met your family yet?

Yes/ just Yes,he has just met they.

5 you/ hear the news about Ken yet? Have you heard the news about Ken yet?

Yes/ yesterday Yes,I have,I heard it yesterday.

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet?

NO,I have not read an English book.

2 Have you ever had a crash on your

bicycle (or in a car)?

Yes ,I have had a crash on my bicycle,but I have never had a crash in a car.

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A.

or to the U. K.?

Yes ,I have just came back from the U.S.A.I went to the U.k.

last year.

4 Which foreign country or countries

have you been to?

I have been to England and Japan.

5 Have you watched television today?

No,I have not watched TV today.

6 Have you finished your homework yet?

YES,I have just finished it.
betty9011 发表于 2012-12-28 16:08:08
Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? _have they saw star wars yet________________________________

No/ not yet no they haven't sawstar wars yet_________________________________

3 she/ find a new job yet? _has she found a new job yet________________________________

Yes/ a week ago _yes she has shefound a new job a week ago________________________________

4 he/ meet your family yet? has he met your family yet_________________________________

Yes/ just _yes he has hemet my family just________________________________

5 you/ hear the news about have you heard the news about _________________________________

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday _________________________________

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? ______

2 Have you ever had a crash on your ______

bicycle (or in a car)? ______

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. ______

or to the U. K.? ______

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to? ______

5 Have you watched television today? ______

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _____

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lcly 发表于 2013-9-14 13:39:33
Lesson 88 Have you……yet? 你已经……了吗?

A Has he finished it yet?

Look at this. 请看下表。

Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? __Have they seen ‘Star Wars’ yet?

No/ not yet __NO, they haven’tseen ‘Star Wars’ yet. __

3 she/ find a new job yet? __Has she found a new job yet?

Yes/ a week ago __Yes ,she has. She found a new job a week ago._

4 he/ meet your family yet? __Has he met your family yet?_

Yes/ just _Yes, he has just met my family ._

5 you/ hear the news about _Have you heard the news about Ken yet?_

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday _Yes, I heard the news about Ken yesterday.

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? __ Yes , I have already read an English book.Yes, I have. /No,I haven’t

2 Have you ever had a crash on your _Yes, I have already had a crash on my bicycle.No , I haven’t had a crash

bicycle (or in a car)? ______

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. _ I haven’t been to the U.S. A.

or to the U. K.? _ I have already been to the U.K_____

4 Which foreign country or countries ______

have you been to?I have already been to the U.K

5 Have you watched television today? _No, I havn’t watched television today.

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _Yes, I have already finished my homework.
olinawang 发表于 2013-10-15 17:49:43
Write conversations with these prompts. 根据提示完成以下对话。

1 you/ repair my watch yet? Have you repaired my watch yet?

Yes/ yesterday evening Yes, I have. I repaired it yesterday


2 they/ see‘Star Wars’yet? _have they saw star wars yet________________________________

No/ not yet _no, they not saw it yet________________________________

3 she/ find a new job yet? __has she found a new job yet_______________________________

Yes/ a week ago _yes, she found it a week ago________________________________

4 he/ meet your family yet? __has he met your family yet_______________________________

Yes/ just _yes, he has just met my family________________________________

5 you/ hear the news about _have you heard_the news about ken yet_______________________________

Ken yet? Yes/ yesterday ___yes, __i heard it yesterday____________________________

B About you

Answer these questions with short answers or full sentences. 用简短


1 Have you read an English book yet? _no, i have read half an english book_____

2 Have you ever had a crash on your __yes, i have____

bicycle (or in a car)? ______

3 Have you ever been to the U. S. A. _no, i have never been there_____

or to the U. K.? ______

4 Which foreign country or countries _i have never go abroad_____

have you been to? ______

5 Have you watched television today? _yes, i watched it at noon_____

6 Have you finished your homework yet? _yes____
zcax2018 发表于 2018-9-10 11:25:25
thank you
linknintendo 发表于 2021-2-7 17:38:45
2 Have they seen ‘Star Wars’ yet?
No, they haven’t seen it yet.
3 Has she found a new job yet?
Yes, she has. She found a new job a week ago.
4 Has he met your family yet?
Yes, he has. He has just met my family.
5 Have you heard the news about Ken yet?
Yes, I have. I heard that yesterday.

1 Yes, I’ve read ones.
2 No, I’ve never had a crash on my car.
3 No, I’ve never been to any foreign country.
4 Well, I’ve never been to any foreign country.
5 No, I haven’t.
6 Yes, I’ve just finished it.

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