





英语大赢家:Topic 232 茶文化 Tea Culture

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-24 11:48| 查看数: 1964| 评论数: 0|


Tea is one of the greatest cultural treasures of Chinese civilization. Tea was historically discovered by the legendary emperor, Shennong, who believed that water was safe to drink only by first boiling it. One day he noticed some leaves had fallen into his boiling water. The ever curious monarch took a sip of the brew and was pleasantly surprised by its flavor and its restorative properties. Tea remained in Chinese hands for centuries, before foreign explorers brought this to an enthusiastic public in Europe and other places. Tea drinking then became a standard feature of the Chinese culture. Regions famous for Chinese tea in the south have produced much of the world's tea. China for centuries has been acting as the first nation of tea because of its outstanding products. Today, Chinese tea must compete against foreign teas from many other places in the world. China has an advantage in this, however, because of her long history and the quality of her teas. Rituals have even appeared in the preparing and drinking of tea. This tea culture places emphasis on the taste and color of the tea as well as on the presentation of the tea set. Tea has become more than a mere drink. Rather, it is a symbol of the Chinese people and culture.



Grammar 语法小结


1.现在完成进行时表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。现在这个动作和能刚刚终止,也可能仍在进行。它的基本结构是have/ha been +现在分词

I have often been thinking of you. 我常常想念你。

I've been waiting for an hour and he still hasn't turned up.


Your fingers are brown. You've been smoking too much.


I have been sitting here all afternoon. 我在这儿坐了一下午。

2. 现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别在于:现在完成进行时一般强调过去发生的动作现在仍在继续;现在完成时强调过去发生的动作现在已经完成或表示曾经发生的动作

I have been writing an article. 我一直在写一篇文章。(仍在)

I have written an article. 这已写好了一篇文章。 (已完成)

I have been reading that book since last week.

自从上周以来,我一直在读那本书。 (还在读)

I have read that book before.

以前我曾读过那本书。 (动作在过去曾经发生过)

家庭总动员 Do it together


1.By now, he has watched TV for more than 5 hours.

2.My mom has read the book since two days ago.

3.The boy has been finishing the book today.

4.I have been watching the movie for three times.

5.I have been getting into the room.

1.has watched →has been watching

2.has read → has been reading

3.has been finishing → has finished

4.have been watching → have watched

5.have been getting → have got


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