






发布者: NCE1-Mary | 发布时间: 2009-12-24 12:46| 查看数: 1266| 评论数: 2|





[1]Edward Tian said good-bye to Lubbock, Tex., his pickup truck, horseback riding, and seven years of studying broom snakeweed to return to Beijing in 1995. He took home a Texas Tech University doctorate in range management and a small Internet software company that he co-founded in Dallas. Now the company, Asia info, has $50 million in annual『每年的』sales and 400 employees and is building much of China’s Internet backbone『中坚;支柱』. “I wanted to do something to change people’s lives in the next five years, not the next 200 years,” says Tian, now 35.

[1]爱德华·田告别了得克萨斯州拉伯克市,告别了他的轻型小货车,告别了纵马驰骋的时光,告别研究了7年的金雀花属蛇草专业,于1995年回到北京。他带回来的不仅有得州理工大学牧场管理学博士学位,还有一个小型互联网软件公司棗亚洲信息公司(Asia info)。这是他与别人合伙在达拉斯创立的。目前该公司的年销售额已高达5000万美元,拥有400名雇员,并且在中国因特网的发展中成为骨干力量。今年35岁的田博士说:“我想做些具体事来尽快改变人们的生活水平,力争在未来5年之内而不是未来漫长的200年。”

[2]Tens of thousands of Chinese who studied in the U.S. have the same idea. Mostly in their 30s and 40s, they are the new dynamos『动力;生力军』in China’s fast-reforming economy. Many, like Tian, are starting entrepreneurial『创业的』companies. Some are running economics departments at major Chinese schools. Others are advising banks, stock markets, and government ministries how to adapt to『适应;适合』the global economy.


[3]The returnees come back with much more than salable『可出售的;畅销的』skills. They have a grasp of how the outside world works that stay-at-home Chinese don’t. Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer『指导;引导』Beijing away from the heavy-handed『沉重的;不灵活的』state planning used by South Korea and Japan. “The entrepreneurial, market-driven approach is what makes good technology,” he says.


[4]Furthermore, Zhang and people like him open new private channels between the U.S. and China. His company, Internet Technologies China Inc., is a gateway into China for U.S. and other foreign companies. Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, and Ericsson, for instance, all advertise on ITC’s Web site, one of the most popular in China with 280,000 hits per day.

[4]此外,张朝阳以及许多像他那样的人正在开拓中美之间新的民间沟通渠道。张朝阳的公司“爱特信公司”(Internet Technologies China)是美国和其他外国公司进入中国的门户之一。微软、惠普、摩托罗拉和爱立信等公司都在爱特信网页上刊登广告。爱特信公司的网页已成为中国最受欢迎的网页之一,每日访问者达28万人次。

[5]Even more important, outfits『公司;企业』such as Zhang’s are a promising『有希望的;有前途的』new way of piping『输入;注入』foreign investment into China. Traditionally, such inflows have been filtered『进入;流入』through clumsy『臃肿的;不灵活的』and one-sided joint ventures in which foreigners have few rights. ITC, however, was set up with $225,000 in seed money from MIT professors, including Nicholas Negro Ponte, founding director of the MIT Media Laboratory and co-founder of Wired magazine. Zhang received $2 million more investment from Intel Corp. And other U.S. companies in March.


[6]China needs more than entrepreneurial drive, however. Rebuilding the superstructure『上层建筑』of a modern market economy is essential. Returnees such as former New York Stock Exchange economist Wang Boming, 42, are key architects in the restoration『修复;修补』. For a fraction『小部分』of his Wall Street salary, he joined a team to set up China’s new stock exchanges in 1988. These days, he is a publisher “trying to educate people how to manage their wealth.”


[7]As reforms succeed, Western-educated Chinese will start to move into senior government jobs. Zhang Xiang, 57, armed with a PhD in economics from New York’s Columbia University, became vice-minister at the Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Ministry this year. He may be able to avoid Sino-U.S. misunderstandings.


[8]The returnees’ biggest impact may be in opening up China to a flow of new ideas. U.S.-minted doctoral economists are remaking China’s university departments. Leading the way is Beijing University’s prestigious『有声望的;享有盛誉的』China Center for Economic Research. The Center’s influence extends far beyond its campus. Faculty, all Western-educated, are favorite invitees to panels debating economic policy. “We try to provide an independent view to Chinese leaders,” says Deputy Director Hai Wen, 46, a University of California at Davis alum.


[9]Those from the the classes of 1998 and onward who do go home could have a dramatic『重大的;惊人的』impact on China’s future. Their predecessors are getting things started, but they need all the help they can get.



zykenglish 发表于 2009-12-24 21:47:31
they are the new dynamos in China’s fast-reforming economy.

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