





英语大赢家: Topic 277 实习与兼职practice and part-time job

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-25 13:06| 查看数: 1749| 评论数: 0|



May: Hey, This is your order.

Customer: Are you new here? I come to this coffeehouse often. But I didn't see you here before.

May: Yes. I started this part-time job just three days ago. And my internship will last 1 week. I'm still a student now.

Customer: Do you mind if I ask you why you've taken the part-time job here?

May: Of course not. You know, there are many foreign customers like you here. And I think it's good for me to improve my oral English.

Customer: Oh, are you an English student? Or you just study English for interest's sake?

May: No, I'm not an English student. But I do like English. I'm going to be a volunteer in the 2008 Olympics where I want to be helpful with the language. So I try to improve my English.

Customer: Very nice. Thank you for your time.

(He hands May some tips.)

May: Thank you, sir. But I'm not allowed to accept any tips.)

Customer: OK then. I don't want to put you in trouble.

May: Well, would you like something else? The new-made café parfait is really good. Want some?

Customer: OK. But I'd like some cookies.

May: Sure. If you want more coffee, please go over there. There is self-help coffee maker.

Customer: I surely know that. Don't forget that I am a regular customer here.

May: Oops. Well, wait for a while. We'll get it done quickly.

Customer: It's OK. Thank you.


阿美: 嗨。这就是您点的东西。

顾客: 你是这里新来的吗?我经常到这家咖啡厅来。但是我以前都没有在这里见过你。

阿美: 是的。我是三天前开始在这里兼职的。我的实习期会持续一个礼拜。我现在还是个学生呢?

顾客: 你介意我问你为什么到这里来兼职吗?

阿美: 当然不介意了。你知道,这里有很多像您这样的外国客人。而我想这有利于提高我的英语口语

顾客: 哦,你是学英语的学生吗?还是你学英语只是出于兴趣?

阿美: 不,我不是学英语的学生。但是我很喜欢英语。我要成为2008年的奥运志愿者,到时候我可以提供语言帮助。所以我要提高我的英语水平。

顾客: 真不错。谢谢你。


阿美: 谢谢您,先生。但是公司规定我们不可以接受任何小费。

顾客: 那好吧。我可不想给你带来麻烦。

阿美: 对了,您还想要点别的吗?新做的冻糕很不错的。要来一点吗?

顾客: 好的。但我想要点曲奇饼干。

阿美: 好的。如果要更多的咖啡,请过去那边。那里有自助的咖啡机。

顾客: 这个我当然知道啦。别忘了我可是这里的常客啊。

阿美: 哦。那么,请稍等。您要的马上就好。

顾客: 没关系。谢谢你。

经典背诵 Recitation

May:I got a part-time job at a coffeehouse a couple of days ago. My purpose was to improve my oral English, for I was going to be a volunteer in the 2008 Olympics and I wanted to help the foreigners with the language then. The customers here were mostly foreigners so it was great for me. Sometimes, the customers would give me tips, but I would just refuse them politely.


internship n. 实习生身份

parfait n. 冻糕

self-help n. 自助

maker n. 制造者注释

for one's sake 也可以

for the sake of 意为“为了…….的缘故。”

词汇扩展 Vocabulary Builder



black coffee 黑咖啡

coca-cola 可口可乐

ice water 冰水

iced coffee 冰咖啡

orange juice 橙汁

soda water 苏打水

white coffee 牛奶咖啡


cocoa 可可

distilled water 蒸馏水

ginger ale 姜汁

ice candy 棒冰

milk shake 奶昔

mineral water 矿泉水

soft drink 汽水

yoghurt 酸奶

家庭总动员 Do it together


The ( ) is really good.

[例]家长读 orange juice 橙汁

孩子读The orange juice is really good. 橙汁很不错的。


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