





英语大赢家: Topic 280 咖啡情结 Coffee complex

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-25 13:16| 查看数: 1835| 评论数: 0|



Drinking coffee is starting to become a big trend for the young people of China. It is not a serious competitor against the national drink of the Chinese people-tea. It does reflect, however, the influence of Western business and life habits that are slowly changing the traditional face of China. Coffee has always been an important drink in the United States and elsewhere. In the United States, for example, the national drink used to be tea especially Chinese tea. This changed during America’s War of Independence because of a shortage of tea caused by a loss in British trade. Since then, coffee has been the national drink and the symbol of the Western lifestyle. In coffee houses and cafés, business and personal relationship are strengthened. Famous writers and artists, such as Hemingway, conversed and gained inspiration at these places. Traditionally, the best coffee has come from the South American country of Columbia. Small farmers in the past made little money and large coffee chains such as Starbucks made the profit. These coffee chains are beginning to appear in China in increasing numbers. Drinking coffee excessively is, however, harmful for your health. It can lead to emotion changes. It may also change your sleeping habits, causing insomnia or lack of sleep. Yet at the same time, the caffeine in coffee keeps you alert and wakes you up. This is usually helpful. But try never to drink too much coffee as its effects can be as harmful as helpful.



Grammar 语法小结



1.one of 后接的名词要用复数

She is one of my favorite teachers. 她是我喜欢的老师中的一个。

2.一些“成双成套”的名词,如 trousers, pants, glasses, clothes, shoes, scissors 等用作主语时,谓语动词常用复数

My glasses are broken. I have to buy a new pair.


The shoes under the bed belong to Danny. 床底下那双鞋是丹丹的。

3.both, some, many, few, all(of them) 后的谓语多用复数

Both of them are English. 他们都是英国人。

Few of my friends like him. 我的朋友中没什么人喜欢他。

Do it together 家庭总动员


1. One of us are going to the party.

2. The three of them is students.

3. Few girls likes playing basketball.

4. My shoe is worn out. I need to buy a new pair.

5. Some of them is my good friends.

1. are → is

2. is → are

3. likes → like

4. shoe is → shoes are

5. is → are


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