





英语大赢家: Topic 305健美操 Aerobics

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2009-12-27 21:14| 查看数: 1738| 评论数: 0|



Jane: Well, what's this about? I've received more than twenty useless fliers.

Shirley: Yes, that's really annoying. But this one is about bodybuilding.

Jane: Bodybuilding? Let me have a look!I do need such kind of thing. I start to look a little plump.

(Jane has a close look at the flier.)

Shirley: So, what do they say? Is there something special?

Jane: Yeah, it says they have a health club, a health farm and a health spa.

Shirley: And what sort of courses do they offer?

Jane: Let me see, oh, they have aerobics, yoga, hip-top, Taekwondo and things like that.

Shirley: Sounds nice! Aerobics is my favorite activity. It's effective to deal with this waistline. Don't you think my waistline is getting smaller?

Jane: Yes, I've noticed that. You know, my waistline has been a big problem since my son was born. I've tried a number of things, but they've all turned out to be useless. It's really irritating.

Shirley: Yeah, what does it say about personal trainers? We may want to look into that, because some of them are irresponsible and unskillful.

Jane: That's right. The flier says all the aerobics trainers there graduate from International Personal Trainer Institute.

Shirley: Oh, It's relief to hear that. And another thing, can you hold on to it from beginning to the end?

Jane: I see that could be a real problem for me. Do you have any suggestions?

Shirley: Once you made up your mind, don't give yourself any excuse for quitting. But I still wanna say before making any decision, you have to think it over.

Jane: That's definitely right. But beauty never comes cheap. I believe I will overcome it.

Shirley: Yes, nothing is impossible to a willing heart. I know you can do it.



















经典背诵 Recitation

Shirley: Aerobics is my favorite activity. For one thing, it helps people to lose weight, especially the waistline. Look at my waistline. Now, that's the most powerful evidence. For another thing, people can relax while listening to aerobics music. How amazing! You don't even feel a bit tired after aerobics.


aerobics n. 有氧健身操

body building n. 健美运动

plump adj. 丰满的

waistline n. 腰围

irritating adj. 使愤怒的

irresponsible adj. 不负责任的

relief n. 安慰

overcome vt. 克服


Taekwondo 跆拳道

International Personal Trainer Institute 国际私人教练学院,主要为私人教练或有志成为私人教练的人士提供私人教练培训,颁发私人教练证书及学历资格证书

Nothing impossible to a willing heart. 有志者事竟成。心之所愿,无事不成。

词汇扩展Vocabulary Builder



belly dance 肚皮舞

boxing 拳击

hip-hop dance 街舞

swimming 游泳

Taijiquan 太极拳

yoga 瑜伽


aerobics kickboxing 搏击有氧操

fitball 健身球

odypump 杠铃操

pilates 普拉提

shaping 舍宾

spinning 动感单车

Do it together 家庭总动员


My favorite activity is ( ).

[例]家长读yoga 瑜伽

孩子读My favorite activity is yoga. 我最喜欢的运动是瑜伽。


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