





Worth 的用法

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-1-5 15:19| 查看数: 1865| 评论数: 2|

worth意为“值……的,有……的价值的”等,常常用作形容词,在句中一般作表语,有时也可用作定语,如:a place worth seeing(值得一看的地方),a dictionary worth $50(一本值50美元的词典)等。


1. “主语+be+worth+动词的-ing形式+……”此时,句子的主语就是worth之后动词-ing形式的逻辑宾语。例如:

Now John is worth talking to.(现在值得与约翰谈一谈。)

He isn ' t worth getting angry with.(犯不上跟他生气。)


正: The film isn ' t worth seeing.

误:The film isn ' t worth being seen.

2. “It(形式主语)+be+worth+动词的-ing形式+……”例如:

I ' t isn ' t worth repairing the bike.(这辆自行车不值得修理了。)

Is it worth visiting the city?(这个城市值得参观吗?)

一般来说,worth前面可用well, really, very much, hardly, easily等词语修饰,但一般不用very修饰。例如:

This is really worth doing.(这确实值得一做。)

He has something very much worth saying.(他有些话很值得讲。)


正: This book is worth reading.

正: It is worth reading this book.

正: This book is well worth reading.

误: Reading this book is worth.

误: This book is worth being read.

误: This book is very worth reading.



This picture is worth 100 yuan.(这幅画值100元。)

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。)(谚语)


His words are worth notice.(他的话值得注意。)

Is it worth all the trouble?(费那么多事值得吗?)


He is worth a million dollars.(他拥有百万家产。)

(4)用作名词,表示物质、精神等方面的“价值”时,worth是不可数名词,如a picture of great worth(一幅价值昂贵的画),a man of worth(很有价值的人)。

(5)用在一些习惯用语中,如for all one is worth (尽力,尽量地),for what it ' s worth(不论真伪),worth one ' s salt(胜任的,称职的,值得雇佣的)worth somebody ' s while(值得某人花精力[时间]的)。


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
寒江雪柳 + 20 well done



书影阳光 发表于 2010-1-17 14:38:37
It is worth reading
寒江雪柳 发表于 2010-1-27 16:33:41
本帖最后由 寒江雪柳 于 2010-1-27 16:37 编辑

关于worth 的用法 KATY已经总结的非常好而且适用,我在补充两点:

1.词组:Worth it! 常用来表示:做...是值得的!

----I spenta lot of time preparing my speech last night.

----- Worth it!

2.be worth doing

be worthy of being done

be worthy to be done

eg: The book is worth reading.

The book is worthy of being read.

The book is worthy to be read.

3. It is worthwhile to do/ doing something.
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