





[士官B群][11.16] 翻译练习

发布者: iceboy | 发布时间: 2005-11-16 09:31| 查看数: 11104| 评论数: 6|

Aron Ralston, the climber who used a pocketknife to amputate his own arm, talks about the lessons he's learned from the ordeal. (ABCNEWS.com) <br><br>June 8 — Aron Ralston is looking forward to getting back to life as usual. But for this now-famous climber, life right now is anything but. <br><br>The 27-year-old from Aspen, Colo., was thrust into the national spotlight on May 1, when he walked to safety from a remote Utah canyon after using a pocketknife to amputate his own right arm, which had been pinned beneath an 800-pound boulder for five days.<br><br>Now, he's trying to share the lessons he learned from his experience. Recently, he spoke to a class in Greenwood Village, Colo.<br><br>"I went to West Middle School and spoke with a group of eighth-graders. I talked with them about some of the messages that I feel like I have to share now," Ralston told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America this past week.<br><br>Ralston has said he believes he survived his ordeal so he could become an inspiration to others.<br><br>Speaking to the eighth-grade class, he said: "Don't let other people tell you who you are. Don't settle for their expectations, and dream your own dreams."<br>
<FONT color=#0000ff>请大家以跟贴的形式将答案贴在后面, 建议大家在翻译完之前不要参看别人的答案, 我会在周六给出这篇文章的答案.</FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-21 15:52:10编辑过]


iceboy 发表于 2005-11-18 13:39:38
<STRONG>Nobody want to do this practice ? All of you are good at translation?</STRONG>
Michelle 发表于 2005-11-18 19:49:23

回复:(iceboy)[士官B群][11.16] 翻译练习

Aron Ralston, 一个曾经用傍身锉刀砍掉自己右手的登山者,给我们讲述了那段可怕的遭遇。(新闻来自某某网)
June 8 — Aron Ralston 希望自己能回复本来平静的生活,但对现在这个正“当红”的登山者,想要回到过去似乎是不可能的。<BR><BR>5月1日的时候,这个来自科罗拉多Aspen年仅27岁的登山者,当他安全地从尤他峡谷走出来的时候,注定要成为全国的镁光焦点。因为他用锉刀砍掉了被压在800磅重的大石头下五天的右手臂!现在,他想和大家分享下他的经历。最近,他在Greenwood Village, Colo.做了个讲座。“我去了West Middle School ,给8年级的学生讲了我的经历。我给他们讲了我认为应该值得跟大家分享的一些有效信息。” Ralston 在上周接受ABCNEWS' Good Morning America 采访时这么说。<BR><BR>Ralston 说,正是因为他自己闯过那次不平常的难关,才有了值得让人学习的精神。<BR><BR>在对8年级的学生讲话中,他说:“ 不要让别人来告诉你自己是谁。不要为了别人对你的希冀而活,人应该为自己的梦想而活。”
iceboy 发表于 2005-11-21 15:51:47
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-23 23:11:19
I used to live in Colorado. I attended CMU middle school, I have friends from West Middle School.
Pi-Biby 发表于 2006-2-17 13:48:24
wa~i translated it .but connect with the front answer .
i can`t show ~it
hehe ~!
Sailingfish2008 发表于 2013-8-11 00:54:58
pocketknifen. 随身小折刀.amputate vt. 切除(手臂,腿等)ordeal n. 严酷的考验,折磨

anything butadv 决不. pin vt. 钉住, 卡住boulder n. 大石头survive vt.经历, 经受得住

settle for 满足于
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