





高教自考英语(二)讲义 Unit 11 Text B

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-1-18 21:56| 查看数: 1928| 评论数: 4|

Text B Let's Stop Keeping Pets

  New Words

  1.pet n. 宠物,爱畜

  a. 宠爱的,表示亲昵的

  2.delightful a. 令人高兴的;讨人喜欢的

  3.humanity n. 1.人性,博爱,仁慈;2.人类

  4.negative a.1.否定的,否认的;2.反面的,消极的;3.[数]负的,[电]阴性的

  n. 1.负片,底片;2.负数

  5.remark vt. 说,评论

  vi. 评论,议论(on)

  n. 评论,看法

  6.touching a. 动人的,使人感伤的

  7.going n. 进行状况


  8.coming a. 正在到来的,即将来到的

  n. 来到,到达

  9.literal a. 1.精确的,如实的;2.逐字的,字面的

  10.grant vt. 同意;准予


  11.contented a. 满足的,满意的

  12.serene a. 安详的;宁静的

  13.contemplate vt. 1.注视,凝视;2.沉思

  14.plea n. 1.请求,恳求;2.托词

  15.devotion n. 献身,忠诚

  16.ownership n. 1.拥有;2.所有权,所有制

  17.imperative a. 1.绝对必要的,迫切的;



  18.stricken I. strike的过去分词

  II.a. 1.被打中的,被击伤的;


  19.relief n. 1.(痛苦,压迫等)减轻,宽慰;2.救济

  20.donation n. 捐献;赠送

  21.afflict vt. 使苦恼,折磨

  22.deprive vt. 夺去,剥夺;使失去(of)

  23.individualistic a. 个人主义(者)的

  24.prevail vi. 1.胜过(over, against);2.流行,盛行

  25.starvation n. 饥饿;饿死

  26.kwashiorkor n. [医]恶性营养不良症

  27.deficiency n. 缺乏,不足

  28.starve vi. 1.饿死;2.挨饿;3.极需,渴望(for)

  vt. 使饿死;使挨饿

  29.sustain vt. 1.支撑,承受住;2.供养,维持

  30.unreasonable a. 1.不讲道理的,非理智的;



anro 发表于 2010-1-18 21:56:31
Phrases and Expressions

  1.to bring out 1.使显现,显示;2.生产,使产生

  2.to attach……to 使…与…相关,把…附加到

  3.goings and comings 1.来往;2.活动,发生的事

  4.to take……for granted 1.认为真实;2.视为当然

  5.at ease 自在的,舒适的

  6.to plea for 恳求;请求

  7.not that…… 并不是说

  8.not(never) for a moment 决不;从不

  9.to break in on(upon) 1.打扰;2.打断,闯进

  10.to feel bitter at 对…怀恨

  11.to seize hold of 1.抓住;2.占有
anro 发表于 2010-1-18 21:56:45
Text B 重点词汇:

  1.negative :a. 否定的,否认的

  反义词:positive a. 积极的,肯定的,正面的

  We received a negative answer to our request. 我们的请求得到了否定答复。

  She's got such a negative attitude that it’s depressing to be with her. 她的态度非常消极,跟她在一起让人感到很沮丧。

  2. remark : v. / n. 说,评论

  派生词:remarkable a. 显著的,明显的

  Many representatives remarked upon the development of China in their speeches. 发言中许多代表都谈到了中国的发展问题。

  The president made no remarks upon this. 总统对此未置可否。

  3. grant : vt./n. 同意,准予

  They granted her an entry visa. / They granted an entry visa to her. 他们同意发给她入境签证。

  take it for granted …。 : 认为…理所当然

  I took it for granted that you would want to see the play, so I bought you a ticket.


  4. devotion : n. 献身,忠诚

  派生词:devote v. 献身,投入,奉献

  The teacher's devotion to the cause of education is well known. 那位教师对教育事业的献身精神是众所周知的。

  5. relief : n. 减轻,宽慰

  派生词:relieve v. 减轻,缓解

  It was such a relief to hear that Glen had been found safe and well. 听说格仑安然无恙真是让人感到宽慰。

  She breathed a sigh of relief when she found out she had passed her exams. 知道自己通过了考试,她欣慰地舒了一口气。

  6. deprive : vt. 夺去,剥夺;使失去

  No one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep.


  He claimed that they deprived of his freedom. 他声称他们曾剥夺过他的自由权利。

  7. starve : v. 饿死,挨饿;渴望

  They got lost in the desert and starved to death. 他们在沙漠中因迷路而饿死。

  She is lonely, and starving for companionship. 她很寂寞,渴望陪伴。

  8.sustain vt. :支撑,承受住,供养,维持

  We do not have sufficient resources to sustain our campaign for long.



  1.to bring out : 使显现,显示;生产

  The sunshine will bring out the blossom. 阳光将使花朵开放。

  A crisis can bring out the best and the worst in people. 危机可以使人的长处和短处显现无遗。

  2.to attach … to : 使… 与…相关,

  I attached a photo to my application form. 我把一张照片贴到申请表上。

  She attaches great value to being financially independent. 她很看重经济方面的独立。

  3.at ease: 自在的,舒适的

  I never fell at ease in his company. 我在他的公司从没有感到轻松舒适。

  4.not that : 并不是说,不是因为

  He didn‘t come to the party yesterday, not that he wouldn’t come, but that he couldn‘t come.


  5.not for a moment : 决不,从来没有

  I don‘t for a moment doubt his innocence. 我决不怀疑他的清白。

  6.to break in on (upon) : 打扰,打断,闯进

  Please don‘t break in on our conversation. 请别打断我们的谈话。

  He opened the wrong door and broke in on a private room. 他开错了门,闯入了一个私人房间。
anro 发表于 2010-1-18 21:57:00

  Pets are lovable, frequently delightful. The dog and the cat, the most favored of pets, are beautiful, intelligent animals. To assume the care for them can help bring out the humanity in our children and even is us. A dog or a cat can teach us a lot about human nature; they are a lot more like us than some might think. More than one owner of a dog has said that the animal understands everything he says to it. So a mother and father who have ever cared for pets are likely to be more patient and understanding with their children as well, and especially to avoid making negative or rude remarks in the presence of a child, no matter how young.①

  1.1)句中who have ever cared for pets是定语从句。

  2)likely 后接两个由and 连接的不定式结构,即:to be more patient and understanding with their children as well 和 especially to avoid making negative or rude remarks in the presence of a child .

  3)no matter how young.是让步状语从句,省略了they are


  It is touching to see how a cat or dog - especially a dog - attaches itself to a family and wants to share in all its goings and comings. If certain animal psychologists are right, a dog adopts his family in a most literal way - taking it for granted that the family is the band of dogs he belongs to.②

  2.take it for granted that …。 认为…是理所当然的


  It is sometimes said that the cat “takes all and gives nothing.” But is that really true? A cat can teach us a valuable lesson about how to be contented, how to be serene and at ease, how to sit and contemplate. Whereas a dog's constant pleas for attention become, sometimes, a bit too much. Nevertheless it is the dog who can teach us lessons of loyalty and devotion that no cat ever knew.

  So there's plenty to be said in favor of keeping pets.③ But with all that in mind, I sill say let’s stop keeping pets. Not that a family should kill its pets. Very few could bring themselves to do that. ④To be practical, I am suggesting that if we do not now have a pet we should not acquire one; second, that if we now have a pet, we let it be our last one. I could never say that pets are bad. I am saying, let's give up this good thing - the ownership of a pet - in favor of a more imperative good. ⑤

  3.in favor of 赞成,喜爱,支持



  5. 1)in favor of 意思是“为了…的好处,有利于”。

  2)句中第一个good 是形容词,意思是“好的”。

  3)第二个good 是名词,意思是“好事”。


  The purchase, the health care, the feeding and housing and training of a pet -and I chiefly mean the larger, longer -lived pets -cost time and money. Depending on the animal's size and activity, it’s special tastes and needs, and the standard of living we establish for it, the care of a pet can cost from a dollar a week to a dollar of more a day. I would not for a moment deny it is worth that.

  But facts outside walls of our home keep breaking in on our awareness. Though we do not see the poverty-stricken people of India and Africa and South America, we can never quite forget that they are there. Now and then their faces are shown in the news, or in the begging ads of relief organizations. Probably we send a donation whenever we can.

  But we do not, as a rule, feel a heavy personal responsibility for the afflicted and deprived for we are pretty thoroughly formed by the individualistic, competitive society we live in.⑥ The first dime we ever made was ours to spend in any way we chose. No one thought of questioning that. That attitude, formed before we had learned to think, usually prevails through our life: “I made my money. I can spend it any way I like.”


  2)the afflicted and deprived 是“定冠词 + 分词”的形式,表示一类人。意为“受折磨的人和被剥夺了生存条件的人”。

  3)we live in .是定语从句修饰society


  But more and more we are reading that the people of the “Third Word” feel bitter at us in the developed countries (with the United States far more developed than any of the others) for our seizing hold of two-thirds of the world's wealth and living like kings while they work away all day to earn a bare living.⑦

  7.1)本句的主干是we are reading

  2)在that引导的宾语从句中,our seizing hold 中,our 是动名词seizing 的逻辑主语。 while表示对比,意思是“而,然而”。work away意思是“连续地工作,忙碌地工作”


  The money and the time we spend on pets is simply not our own to spend as we like in a time of widespread want and starvation. ⑧A relief organization advertises that for $33 a month they can give hospital care to a child suffering from kwashiorkor -the severe deficiency disease which is simply a starving for protein. Doing without such a pet, and then sending the money saved to a relief organization would mean saving a life -over the years, several human lives.⑨

  8.1)本句的主干是The money and the time , we spend on pets 是定语从句修饰The money and the time.

  2)to spend as we like 是不等式结构作后置定语修饰our own . 最后的介词短语是时间状语修饰全句。


  9.句子主语较长,其中saved是过去分词作后置定语修饰the money


  Children not suffering from such a grave disease could be fed with half that amount -not on a diet like ours, but on plain, basic, life-sustaining food. It is not unreasonable to believe that the amount of money we spend on the average pet dog could keep a child alive in a region of great poverty. To give what we would spend on a cat might not feed a child, but it would probably pay for his medical care or basic education.⑩ The point needs no laboring. That is that need be said.

  10.本句是由 but 连接的两个并列句。在前一部分中,To give what we would spend on a cat是主语,其中有一个由what引导的宾语从句,意思是:“我们可能在一只猫身上花的钱”

anro 发表于 2010-1-18 21:57:33
英译汉翻译方法介绍 词的翻译(一)



  英文是含糊的语文(ambiguous language),因此在翻译中遇到最多的问题就是词义的选择。解决办法:根据语境(context)即上下文来确定词义,翻译的最小单位是句子而不是词。


  例如:term n. 学期,术语,说法,条款

  stand v. 站立,位于,忍受,承受

  bank n. 银行,河岸 story n. 故事,楼(层)


  例如:book n. 书 v. 预定

  run v. 跑,n. 一次出生(或一起饲养)的动物

  rest v. 休息 n. 其余(的东西)

  sound n .声音 v. 听起来 a. 合理的,健康的 ad. 彻底地


  1. 名词与动词的转换

  It's my pleasure to have you for dinner. (n.-v.) 很高兴能请你吃饭。

  Tell me what this word means. ( v. -n.) 告诉我这个词的意义。


  I‘m not against your opinion.我不反对你的观点。

  She went to shop for tea .她去商店买茶叶。

  He lay down on the bed in his clothes.他穿着衣服躺在床上。


  有一些表示心理状态的形容词,一般只能作表语,例如:afraid, glad, sorry, fond, sure, alive, asleep, awake, able/unable, aware/unaware

  I‘m afraid he is out . 我担心他出去了。 I’m sure you are right. 我肯定你是对的


  参看教材P288 例句



  Mother was hanging out the wash. 妈妈把洗好了的衣服挂起来。

  We can room together. 我们可以住一间屋。

  2.实体名词:Air China 中国国际航空公司

  3.抽象名词:tension 要根据具体语境,译成紧张(情况、关系、局势或心情)。

  教材P318 例句

  4.名词复数:dogs 几只狗,一些狗





  1.省略主语:One will fail unless he works hard. 不努力就会失败。

  2.省略物主代词:He is keeping his bed. 他正卧床养病。

  I‘ll try my best . 我尽力而为。

  3.省略连接词:Sunday is the day when I am not busy. 星期天是我不忙的日子。



  What we want is to learn,to learn and to learn.

  Taxes,taxes and more taxes


  The country has its advantage. 农村有农村的优势。

  教材P 322 例句


  We have to learn to analyze and solve problem. 我们必须学会分析问题解决问题。
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