






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-1-27 16:30| 查看数: 1381| 评论数: 3|

一位英国男子因为梦话被老婆贴上博客声名大噪。这哥们儿想象力特丰富,能梦到吸血企鹅和僵尸豚鼠,不过他最经典的一句是:你妈又来了,快把我埋了,埋深点。 "My vision of hell is a lentil casserole."


"I haven't put on weight — your eyes are fat."


"Vampire penguins? Zombie guinea pigs? We're done for ... done for."


These are just some of the bizarre remarks from an British man who sleep talks almost every night, according to his wife.


Karen Slavick started a blog last February after having her sleep repeatedly disturbed by husband Adam's nightly musings.

在睡眠屡次被老公Adam的梦话打扰后,Karen Slavick去年二月开了一个博客。

The site has become so popular the couple, who live in Brooklyn, New York, now sell T-shirts with quotes as slogans.


"For a long time, I just kept my own log of everything he said and laughed over it with our friends," Mrs Slavick told men's lifestyle website Asylum.

Slavick 太太对一家男人生活网站的编辑说,“有很长一段时间,我只是把他说过的所有的话记下来了,跟我们的朋友们一起乐乐。”

"About two months ago, I put up the blog, more for my own amusement than anything — and then it just took off!"


Mrs Slavick said she records her husband's remarks and listens to them in the morning.

Slavick 太太说她都是把她老公的梦话录下来,早晨听一下。

The recordings were not edited, she said, and they were not going to be published online because they were "intimate".

这些录音都是没有经过剪辑的,也不会被公开,因为这些录音太私密了。 我要啦免费统计

On Monday evening, a sleeping Mr Slavick told his wife: "Your mum's at the door again. Bury me. Bury me deep."


He later muttered: "Shhhhhhhhh. shhhhhhhhh. I'm telling you: your voice, my ears. A bad combination."


Mr Slavick followed it up on Tuesday night, saying: "Pork chops are most satisfying. Mmmmmmm. Dangle them from the ceiling."


Mrs Slavick said she was "furiously typing" on her computer after the batteries ran out of the recorder last Saturday.


On that night, Mr Slavick said: "You can stop clapping now if you want. Really. You'll need your energy for cheering me later. Shhhhhhhh. shhhhhhhh."


He then added: "Legs time! Everybody get your legs!" before finishing with: "Oompa loompas don't sing in heaven. They tidy up the clouds."


Mrs Slavick said the couple considered seeing a doctor but believed the conditon had been "healthy" for Mr Slavick.

Slavick 太太说他们考虑过去看个医生,不过他们认为现在这种情况对Slavick 先生来说是“健康的”。

"It's like nightly catharsis ... maybe we should all do it," she said on the blog.



NCE1-Mary 发表于 2010-1-27 21:14:06
I haven't put on weight — your eyes are fat."

NCE1-Mary 发表于 2010-1-27 21:14:46
Mrs Slavick said she records her husband's remarks and listens to them in the morning.

Slavick 太太说她都是把她老公的梦话录下来,早晨听一下。
NCE1-Mary 发表于 2010-1-27 21:14:51
Mrs Slavick said she records her husband's remarks and listens to them in the morning.

Slavick 太太说她都是把她老公的梦话录下来,早晨听一下。
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