






发布者: twemty | 发布时间: 2010-1-28 21:54| 查看数: 966| 评论数: 1|


Just days after the Jan. 4 premiere of Hollywood blockbuster Avatar in China, the box offices across the country had gone beyond 100 million yuan (around 14.7 million), thanks to the enthusiasm of huge number of Chinese movie fans.


Though almost every movie theater in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai gives Avatar top billing, with as many as 20 show times a day, Chinese viewers still find it tough to get a ticket. In Beijing, the Wanda Movie Theater in Shijingshan, the first IMAX theater in Asia, is the theater of choice for Avatar moviegoers. The theater's general manager told Chinese state-run broadcaster CRI Online that the theater shows the 3D IMAX version of Avatar five times a day, and that tickets are generally sold out a day in advance.

北京和上海等大城市几乎每家影院都为《阿凡达》安排了最优先的档期,每天最多达20场,然而中国观众仍然觉得一票难求。北京石景山的万达影院是亚洲首家IMAX巨幕影院,也是《阿凡达》观影者的首选。这家影院的总经理对国营媒体国际在线说,影院每天放映五场3D IMAX版《阿凡达》,电影票通常提前一天售罄。

In Shanghai, to get an IMAX ticket for Avatar can mean waiting in freezing weather all night for a show three days later. Shanghai local media reported that on Friday, around 500 people were queuing for tickets at 8 a.m. in front of the downtown Peace Cinema, including some who had waited for 12 hours. Movie fans came equipped with quilts, wooden stools and snacks, in a scene reminiscent of that at train-station ticket windows before the Lunar New Year holidays in China, when huge numbers of Chinese travel to be with family.


For the 3D version of Avatar, ticket prices varied for different theaters and time slots, ranging from 60 yuan to 120 yuan. Meanwhile, illegal tickets traders asked as much as 600 yuan for the IMAX version in Shanghai. The Peace Cinema is planning to raise the ticket price for the IMAX version to as much as 200 yuan from the current 150 yuan from Jan. 14 for some time slots.


With a lack of IMAX theaters, people are traveling long distances to see the movie. In southern China, the IMAX-equipped Dongguan Wanda theater has seen a huge influx of people from Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Wednesday afternoon, due to a technical breakdown of the system, the movie was suspended for an hour, and the sound didn't synch with the picture. In the end, the general manager of the theater had to beg forgiveness on his knees twice to sooth the angry audience who drove a long way to see the movie; the theater had to refund each audience member the full ticket price as well as 200 yuan for traffic expenses.


"Avatar" has now grossed more money at the domestic box office than any other film released in 2009.


"Avatar," with 429 million overall at the domestic box office, beat out "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," which earned 402.1 million domestically, to become the top domestic grosser among films released in 2009. The world-wide gross for "Avatar" is now at 1.335 billion, second only to the 1.843 billion pulled in by "Titanic," another film directed by Cameron.

《阿凡达》在美国创造的票房总收入为4.29亿美元,超过《变形金刚:复仇之战》(Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen)一片4.021亿美元的国内票房收入,成为2009年上映影片中获得国内票房收入最高的一部。《阿凡达》迄今在全球创造的总收入为13.35亿美元,仅次于卡梅隆导演的另一部影片《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)所创造的18.43亿美元。

"Exactly twelve years ago, James Cameron and his juggernaut 'Titanic' was the king of the box-office world, the question is, how long will 'Avatar' manage to hold its death grip around the number one spot?" said Paul Dergarabedian, president of the box-office division of Hollywood.com, via email.



bison 发表于 2015-6-4 22:21:34
Thank you for your sharing.
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