





票房大片成今年奥斯卡热门 旨在吸引观众

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-2-8 10:21| 查看数: 1173| 评论数: 0|



周二,奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards)主办方将更多受观众喜爱的影片纳入已扩大的最佳影片提名名单中,希望此举将有助于把群星璀璨的奥斯卡颁奖典礼打造成一个人人必看的节目。

The movie industry took what it hopes will be a big step toward making its star-studded Academy Awards ceremony a must-see event again, by including more audience favorites Tuesday in its expanded list of best-picture nominees.

美国电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences)去年决定,把奥斯卡最佳影片奖这一好莱坞最高奖项的候选影片数量从五部提高到10部。这个措施的目的是为了提高颁奖典礼的收视率。

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences decided last year to double the number of candidates for Hollywood's top prize to 10 from five, in a move to boost television ratings for the awards show.


The Oscars, broadcast live around the world, were once a ratings juggernaut. But in the past few years, the show's popularity has slipped, its television audience has aged and its relevance as a barometer of popular culture has been questioned.


Dramatically expanding the number of films in contention for the top honors, however, has allowed crowd-pleasing hits to bask in the Oscar aura along with the art-house fare that the academy often favors.

从目前来看,此举可能会产生预期效果。周二宣布的10部提名影片中,除了《拆弹部队》(The Hurt Locker)、《成长教育》(An Education)和《严肃的男人》(A Serious Man)这些票房低但受评论家喜爱的影片以外,还包括了2009年票房最高的八部电影中的三部:《阿凡达》(Avatar)、《飞屋环游记》(Up)和《弱点》(The Blind Side)。

So far, the move appears likely to have the intended effect. In addition to low-grossing critics' favorites like 'The Hurt Locker,' 'An Education' and 'A Serious Man,' the 10 nominees announced Tuesday include three of the eight top-grossing films of 2009: 'Avatar,' 'Up' and 'The Blind Side.'

另外几部提名影片分别是《无耻混蛋》(Inglourious Basterds)、《在云端》(Up in the Air)、《珍爱》(Precious)和《第九区》(District 9)。

The other nominees are 'Inglourious Basterds,' 'Up in the Air,' 'Precious' and 'District 9.'

据票房网站Box Office Mojo的数据,截至上个周末,10部提名影片在美国和加拿大的平均票房收入为1.51亿美元,是去年提名影片平均票房收入7,100万美元的两倍多。这些影片在北美地区共15亿美元的总票房,是去年总票房3.53亿美元的四倍多。

The 10 nominees' average box-office gross in the U.S. and Canada was $151 million through last weekend, more than double the $71 million average for last year's field, according to Box Office Mojo. The field's total domestic gross of $1.5 billion is more than four times as large as last year's total of $353 million.

最大的意外要属《弱点》的提名。这是一部适合全家观看的橄榄球题材影片,桑德拉?布洛克(Sandra Bullock)主演,在得克萨斯普莱诺这样的美国内陆城市的票房表现比在纽约或洛杉矶好很多。

The biggest surprise was the nomination of 'The Blind Side,' a family-oriented football drama that stars Sandra Bullock and played far better in heartland cities like Plano, Texas, than it did in New York or Los Angeles.

影片的幕后团队没有抱持任何幻想。《弱点》的制作与营销机构艾肯娱乐公司(Alcon Entertainment)联席首席执行长约翰逊(Broderick Johnson)说,我们不相信自己有任何获胜的机会,所以我们可以安安心心地享受这次提名。

The film's backers are under no illusions about their prospects. 'We don't believe we have any chance of winning,' said Broderick Johnson, co-chief executive of Alcon Entertainment, which produced and marketed 'The Blind Side.' 'So we can relax and savor the nomination.'


Hollywood executives said the academy's roughly 6,000 voting members might have favored the same hit films enjoyed by the rest of America simply because they, too, had seen them.

去年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的观众人数为3,600万,较前一年增长13%,但自从1998年观众人数达到5,500万以来,节目的收视率一直节节下降。1998年,奥斯卡最佳影片大奖颁给了票房大片《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic),即《阿凡达》导演卡梅隆(James Cameron)的上一部制作。

While U.S. viewership for last year's Oscars increased 13% over the previous year, to 36 million, the program's ratings have been in a steady decline for years from a high of 55 million in 1998. That was the year the best-picture Oscar went to the blockbuster 'Titanic' -- the previous feature from 'Avatar' director James Cameron.

去年提名影片中只有两部的北美票房超过1亿美元,它们分别是《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)和《返老还童》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button),前一部最终获奖。其他几部提名影片单片票房均不及3,500万美元。相比之下,今年有五部提名影片票房过亿。

Just two of last year's nominees made more than $100 million domestically: 'Slumdog Millionaire,' which won, and 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.' The rest made less than $35 million each. By contrast, five of this year's nominees made more than $100 million.


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