






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-9 19:33| 查看数: 968| 评论数: 1|

 accumulator multidraft machine 无滑动多次拉丝机

  accumulator plate 蓄电池极板

  accumulator railcar 电瓶轨道车

  accumulator register 累加寄存器

  accumulator still 缓冲釜

  accumulator switch 蓄电池转换开关

  accumulator tank 缓冲罐

  accumulator tray 集油盘

  accumulator 蓄电池

  accurate complete equipment 精密成套设备

  accurate position finder 精密测位仪

  accurate positon indicator 精密位置指示器

  accurate sweep generator 精密扫描发生器

  accurate type wire wound resistor 精密线绕电阻器

  accurate wool 卷曲度正常的羊毛

  accutron 电子手表

  ace-tarsoni 滴维净

  acebrochol 醋布洛可

  aceburic acid 醋羟丁酸

  acebutolol 醋丁洛尔

  acecainide 乙酰卡胺

  acecarbromal 醋卡溴脲

  aceclidine 醋克立定

  acedapsone 醋氨苯砜

  acediasulfone sodium 醋地砜钠

  acefylline piperazine 哌醋茶碱

  aceglatone 醋葡醛内酯

  aceglutamide 乙酰谷酰胺

  Acelan 阿塞纶聚丙烯腈短纤维

  Acelba 阿策尔巴乙酰化粘胶纤维

  Acele 阿西尔醋酯纤维

  acemetacin 阿西美辛

  acenaphthene 二氢苊

  acenaphthenequinone 苊醌

  acenaphthylene 苊

  acenocoumarol 醋硝香豆醇

  aceperone 醋哌隆

  acephate 乙酰甲胺磷

  acepromazine 乙酰丙嗪

  aceprometazine 醋异丙嗪

  acer theiferum fang 桑牙茶

  acerdol 高锰酸钙

  acet 乙酰

  Aceta 阿策塔醋酯长丝

  acetal adhesive solution 缩醛胶液

  acetal baking adhesive solution 缩醛烘干胶液

  acetal baking insulating paint 缩醛烘干绝缘漆

  acetal fibre 缩醛纤维

  acetal polymer 缩醛缩聚物

  acetal resin 缩醛树脂

  acetal 缩醛

  acetaldehyde cyanohydrin 乙醛氰醇

  acetaldehyde resin 乙醛树脂

  acetaldehyde 乙醛

  acetalized fibre 缩醛化纤维

  acetamide 乙酰胺

  acetamidoeugenol 醋胺丁香酚

  acetaminophen 醋胺酚

  acetaminosalol 醋氨沙罗

  acetanilide powder 退热粉

  acetanilide 乙酰替苯胺

  acetarsol 乙酰胂胺

  Acetat Rhodia 阿策塔特罗迪阿醋酯短纤维

  acetate butyrate rayon 醋酯-丁酯人造丝

  acetate cellulose fibre 醋酯纤维

  acetate colour 醋酸性染料

  acetate crepe 醋酯绉绸

  acetate crepe-back satin 醋酯背绉缎

  acetate disc 醋酸酯唱片

  acetate dye 醋酯纤维染料

  acetate fibre paste 醋纤浆料

  acetate fibre 醋酯纤维

  acetate filament 醋酯长丝

  acetate film 醋酸纤维胶片

  acetate hollow filament 醋酯中空长丝

  acetate moire 醋酯丝波纹绸

  acetate of lead 铅醋酸盐

  acetate panne satin 醋酯丝光面缎

  acetate rayon filament 醋酯人造丝

  acetate rayon staple 醋酯短纤维

  acetate rayon 醋酯人造丝

  acetate satin 醋酯丝缎

  acetate sharkskin 醋酯丝雪克斯丁

  acetate sheeting 醋酸纤维片材

  acetate silk 醋酸人造丝

  acetate spinning machine 醋酯纤维纺丝机

  acetate spun yarn 醋酯纱

  acetate staple fibre 醋酯短纤维

  acetate stockinette 醋酯弹力织物

  acetate twill lining 醋酯丝斜纹里子绸

  acetate visor 醋酸纤维护目镜

  acetate voile 醋酯巴里纱

  acetate wool 醋酯人造毛

  acetate 醋酸盐

  acetate-viscose blend 醋-粘混纺

  acetazolamide diamox 醋氮酰胺

  acetazolamide 乙酰唑胺

  Acethion 家蝇磷

  acethxybenzamide 止痛灵

  acetiamine 乙酰硫胺

  acetic acid rubber 乙酸橡胶

  acetic acid 乙酸

  acetic aldehyde 乙醛

  acetic anhydride 乙酸酐

  acetic ester 乙酸酯

  acetic ether 乙酸乙酯

  acetic oxide 乙酸酐

  acetic starch 醋酸淀粉

  acetificator 醋化剂

  acetifier 醋化器

  acetimeter 醋酸比重计

  acetin 醋精

  acetiromate 醋替罗酯

  acetoacet-ortho-anisidide 乙酰乙酰邻甲氧基苯胺

  acetoacet-ortho-chloranilide 乙酰乙酰邻氯苯胺

  acetoacetanilide 乙酰乙酰苯胺

  acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸盐

  acetoacetic acid 乙酰乙酸

  acetoacetic ester 乙酰乙酸酯

  acetoacetic ether 乙酰乙酸乙酯

  acetochlor 乙草胺

  acetofenate 三氯杀虫酯

  acetohexamide 醋磺己脲

  acetomenaphthone 乙酰甲萘醌

  acetomeroctol 醋辛酚汞

  acetometer 乙酸比重计

  acetonaphthone 萘乙酮

  acetone acid 醋酮酸

  acetone cyanohydrin 丙酮氰醇

  acetone dicarboxylic acid 丙酮二羧酸

  acetone oxime 丙酮肟

  acetone 丙酮

  acetonformaldehyde 甲醛丙酮

  acetonic acid 醋酮酸

  acetonitrile 乙腈

  acetonumerator 尿丙酮定量器

  acetophane 阿西妥芬

  acetophenazine 醋奋乃静

  acetophenetidin 非那昔丁

  acetophenone 苯乙酮

  Acetoxon 乙酯磷

  acetriptine 乙酰色胺

  acetrizoic acid 醋碘苯酸

  aceturic acid 醋尿酸

  acetyl bromide choline 溴化乙酰胆碱

  acetyl bromide 溴乙酰

  acetyl cellulose film 乙酸纤维素薄膜

  acetyl cellulose sheet 乙酸纤维素薄片

  acetyl cellulose 乙酸纤维素

  acetyl chloride 氯乙酰

  acetyl cyanide 乙酰氰

  acetyl ethanonlamine 乙酰乙醇胺

  acetyl fibre 乙酰纤维

  acetyl hydrate 醋酸

  acetyl iodide 乙酰碘

  acetyl iso-eugenol 乙酰基异丁香酚

  acetyl oxide 醋酸酐

  acetyl phenol 乙酰苯酚

  acetyl phenyl hydrazine 乙酰苯肼

  acetyl salicylic acid 乙酰水杨酸

  acetyl-gasoline 乙酰汽油

  acetyl-m-toluidine 乙酰间甲苯胺

  acetyl-nitrocellulose 乙炔硝化棉

  acetyl-p-phenylenediamine 乙酰对苯二胺

  acetyl-p-toluidine 乙酰对甲苯胺

  acetylacetone nickel 乙酰丙酮镍

  acetylacetone 乙酰丙酮

  acetylated cotton 乙酰化棉

  acetylated phenolic fibre 乙酰化酚醛纤维

  acetylated staple 乙酰化短纤维

  acetylating viscose rayon 乙酰化粘胶人造丝

  acetylator 乙酰化器

  acetylcholine bromide 溴化乙酰胆碱

  acetylcholine chloride 氯乙酰胆碱

  acetylcholine iodide 碘化乙酰胆碱

  acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸

  acetyldigitoxin 醋洋地黄毒甙

  acetyldigoxin 醋地高辛

  acetyldihydrocodeine 醋氢可待因

  acetylene black 乙炔黑

  acetylene bottle 乙炔瓶

  acetylene burner 乙炔焊枪

  acetylene carbon black 乙炔碳黑

  acetylene compressor 乙炔压缩机

  acetylene converter 乙炔转化器

  acetylene cutter 乙炔切割器

  acetylene cylinder 乙炔瓶

  acetylene drying device 乙炔干燥器

  acetylene flasher 乙炔闪光器

  acetylene gas generator 乙炔气发生器

  acetylene generator 乙炔发生器

  acetylene hose 乙炔胶管

  acetylene lamp 乙炔灯

  acetylene regulator 乙炔调节器

  acetylene rubber hose 乙炔软管

  acetylene stripper 乙炔汽提塔

  acetylene tetrachloride 四氯化乙炔

  acetylene welding set 乙炔气焊机

  acetylene 乙炔

  acetylenic corrosion inhibitor 乙炔缓蚀剂

  acetylenyl benzene 乙炔基苯

  acetylenyl carbinol 乙炔基甲醇

  acetylfluoride 乙酰氟

  acetylformic acid 乙酰甲酸

  acetylfuratrizine 醋呋三嗪

  acetylglucosamine 乙酰氨基葡萄糖

  acetylizer 乙酰化器

  acetylmethadol 醋美沙醇

  acetylpromazinimaleas 乙酰普吗嗪

  acetylpropionic acid 乙酰丙酸

  acetylsalicylic acid compound 复方阿司匹林

  acetylsalicylic acid powder 阿司匹林粉

  acetylsalicylic acid tablet 阿司匹林片

  acetylspiramycin tablet 乙酰螺旋霉素片

  acetylspiramycin 乙酰螺旋霉素

  acetylstrophanthidin 醋毒毛花甙元

  acetylsulfafurazole 醋磺胺异恶唑

  acetylsulfalene 醋磺胺林

  acetylsulfamethoxazole 醋磺胺甲恶唑

  acetylsulfamethoxypyridazine 醋磺胺甲氧嗪

  acetylthiourea 乙酰硫脲

  acetysalicylic acid phenobarbital 阿苯

  acevaltrate 醋戊曲酯

  acexamic acid 醋己氨酸

  achene of great burdock 牛蒡子

  achene of Siberian cocklebur 苍耳子

  achroite 无色电气石

  achromat 消色差透镜

  achromatic condenser 消色差聚光器

  achromatic lens 消色差透镜

  achromatic magnetic mass spectrometer 消色差磁性质谱仪

  achromatic objective 消色差物镜

  achromatic prism 消色差棱镜

  achromatic telescope 消色差望远镜

  achromycin 铂霉素

  aciclovir 阿昔洛维

  acid pig iron 酸性转炉生铁

  acid accumulator 酸性蓄电池

  acid analyser 酸分析器

  acid and alkali resistant gloves 防酸碱手套

  acid and alkali-resistant hose 耐酸碱胶管

  acid anhydride 酸酐

  acid asbestos 酸性石棉

  acid azo dye 酸性偶氮染料

  acid bath 酸脱槽

  acid battery 酸性电池

  acid black 酸性黑

  acid blow case 吹气扬酸箱

  acid blue black 酸性深蓝

  acid blue 酸性蓝

  acid bordeaux 酸性枣红

  acid bottom 酸性炉底

  acid brilliant croceine 酸性朱红

  acid brilliant fuchsine 酸性亮红

  acid brilliant pink 酸性桃红

  acid brilliant scarlet 酸性大红

  acid bronze 耐酸青铜

  acid brown 酸性棕

  acid carbonate 酸式醇酸盐

  acid carboy inclinator 酸坛倾斜器

  acid carboy 酸坛

  acid centrifugal pump 酸离心泵

  acid charysophanic 柯牙素

  acid chrome black 酸性铬黑

  acid chrome blue 酸性铬蓝

  acid chrome brown 酸性铬棕

  acid chrome dark blue 酸性铬深蓝

  acid chrome dye 酸性铬媒染料

  acid chrome green 酸性铬绿

  acid chrome orange 酸性铬橙

  acid chrome red 酸性铬红

  acid chrome yellow 酸性铬黄

  acid circulating pump 酸循环泵

  acid clay 酸性土

  acid complex red 酸性复红

  acid concentrator 酸浓缩器

  acid condenser 酸冷凝器

  acid container 贮酸瓶

  acid conveying rubber hose 输酸胶管

  acid cooler 冷酸器

  acid copper lead 耐酸铜铅合金

  acid cyanine 酸性菁

  acid delivery hose 输酸软管

  acid densimeter 酸浓度计

  acid direct-arc electric furnace 酸性直接电弧炉

  acid drop 酸粒糖

  acid dye 酸性染料

  acid electrode 酸性焊条

  acid elevator 升酸器

  acid ester 酸酯

  acid etching machine 酸性蚀刻机

  acid extractor 脱酸机

  acid feeder 送酸器

  acid felting 酸毡缩

  acid filter 滤酸器

  acid firebrick 酸性耐火砖

  acid fixer 酸性定影粉

  acid fixing salt 酸性定影盐

  acid flesh 酸性果肉

  acid fluorescence yellow 酸性荧光黄

  acid fog inhibitor 酸雾抑制剂

  acid from recovery plant 再生酸

  acid fuchsine 酸性品红

  acid gloves with turnback cuffs 反转袖口防酸手套

  acid gravimeter 酸比重计

  acid green 酸性绿

  acid ground glass 毛玻璃

  acid hydrogen 酸式氢

  acid hydrometer 酸性液体比重计

  acid ink blue 酸性墨水蓝

  acid iron 酸性铁

  acid lake blue 酸性湖蓝

  acid light dyestuff 酸性耐光染料

  acid light yellow 酸性嫩黄

  acid lined converter 酸性转炉

  acid lixiviant 酸性浸出剂

  acid material 酸性材料

  acid measurer 量酸器

  acid metal 耐酸金属

  acid milling dye 酸性耐缩绒染料

  acid milling 酸缩绒

  acid modified fibre 酸改性纤维

  acid modified oxidized etherified potato starch 酸改性氧化醚代马铃薯淀粉

  acid modified polyester fibre 酸改性聚酯纤维

  acid mordant black 酸性媒介黑

  acid mordant blue 酸性媒介蓝

  acid mordant brown 酸性媒介棕

  acid mordant dark blue 酸性媒介深蓝

  acid mordant grey 酸性媒介灰

  acid mordant navy blue 酸性媒介藏青

  acid mordant orange 酸性媒介橙

  acid mordant red 酸性媒介红

  acid naphthol red 酸性大红

  acid navy blue 酸性藏青

  acid oil 酸性油

  acid open-hearth 酸性平炉

  acid orange 酸性橙

  acid pellet 酸性球团

  acid phosphate 过磷酸钙

  acid pickled magnesium ingot 酸洗镁锭

  acid pig 酸性生铁

  acid printed lustrine 烂花绡

  acid prolealytic enzyme 酸性蛋白酶

  acid proof light boots 耐酸轻便靴

  acid proof paper 耐酸纸

  acid pump of hard porcelain 硬瓷耐酸泵

  acid pump 酸泵

  acid receiver 盛酸器

  acid red 酸性红

  acid refractory brick 酸性耐火砖

  acid refractory 酸性耐火材料

  acid resistant paper 耐酸纸

  acid resisting enamel 耐酸瓷漆

  acid rinse 洗酸剂

  acid rock 酸性岩

  acid rose red 酸性玫瑰红

  acid salt 酸式盐

  acid scarlet 酸性大红

  acid separator 除酸器

  acid setting tank 酸沉降罐

  acid settler 酸沉降器

  acid soil 酸性土

  acid stage oil 酸性油

  acid steel 酸性钢

  acid storage battery 酸性蓄电池

  acid storage tank 储酸罐

  acid suction hose 吸酸管

  acid sulfate 酸式硫酸盐[/td][/tr]




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