






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-9 19:41| 查看数: 1088| 评论数: 0|

acid sulfite 酸式亚硫酸盐

  acid tank truck 酸罐车

  acid tank 酸槽

  acid tar 酸焦油

  acid tower 制酸塔

  acid value analyzer 酸值分析仪

  acid valve 酸阀

  acid 酸

  acid-acceptor 吸酸剂

  acid-azoresorcinol sodium salt 酸偏氮间苯二酚钠

  acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂

  acid-base meter 酸碱测定仪

  acid-base titration detector 酸碱滴定检测器

  acid-cured resin 酸凝树脂

  acid-dipped steel sheet 酸洗薄钢板

  acid-etched frosted glass 酸蚀毛玻璃

  acid-free oil 无酸油

  acid-free paper 无酸纸

  acid-free tissue paper 无酸薄棉纸

  acid-frostecl glass 酸蚀毛玻璃

  acid-processed gelatin 酸法胶

  acid-proof alloy 耐酸合金

  acid-proof apparatus 耐酸设备

  acid-proof asphalt varnish 耐酸沥清漆

  acid-proof brick 耐酸砖

  acid-proof cast iron 耐酸铸铁

  acid-proof casting 耐酸铸件

  acid-proof cement 耐酸水泥

  acid-proof ceramic tile 耐酸瓷砖

  acid-proof ceramics 耐酸陶瓷

  acid-proof concrete 耐酸混凝土

  acid-proof enamel 耐酸搪瓷

  acid-proof fabric 耐酸织物

  acid-proof fan 耐酸风扇

  acid-proof floor tile 耐酸地面砖

  acid-proof gloves 耐酸手套

  acid-proof half low side boots 耐酸半统靴

  acid-proof hose 耐酸软管

  acid-proof ink 耐酸油墨

  acid-proof iron 耐酸铁

  acid-proof lining 耐酸衬里

  acid-proof long gloves 耐酸长手套

  acid-proof mastic 抗酸胶粘剂

  acid-proof material 耐酸材料

  acid-proof overalls 耐酸工装裤

  acid-proof paint 耐酸漆

  acid-proof porcelain pump 耐酸陶瓷泵

  acid-proof pump 耐酸泵

  acid-proof raglan sleeves 耐酸袖套

  acid-proof refractory 防酸耐火材料

  acid-proof resin 耐酸树脂

  acid-proof rubber apron 耐酸橡皮围裙

  acid-proof rubber boots 耐酸橡皮靴

  acid-proof rubber hose 耐酸胶管

  acid-proof silk 防酸绸

  acid-proof spirit varnish 抗酸挥发清漆

  acid-proof steel 耐酸钢

  acid-proof stoneware 耐酸粗陶瓷

  acid-proof valve 耐酸阀

  acid-proof varnish 耐酸漆

  acid-proof working suit 耐酸工作服

  acid-refined oil 酸洗油

  acid-resistant alloy 耐酸合金

  acid-resistant brick 耐酸砖

  acid-resistant cast iron 耐酸铸铁

  acid-resistant coating 耐酸涂料

  acid-resistant plate 耐酸板

  acid-resistant refractory brick 耐酸耐火砖

  acid-resistant rubber sheet 耐酸平胶板

  acid-resistant steel 耐酸钢

  acid-resistant stoneware pump 耐酸陶瓷泵

  acid-resistant stoneware tower 耐酸陶瓷塔

  acid-resistant stoneware valve 耐酸陶瓷阀门

  acid-resisting aggregate 耐酸集料

  acid-resisting alloy 耐酸合金

  acid-resisting brick 耐酸砖

  acid-resisting cement 耐酸水泥

  acid-resisting glass coil 耐酸玻璃蛇管

  acid-resisting glazed ware fitting 耐酸涂釉陶瓷配件

  acid-resisting glazed ware pipe 耐酸涂釉陶瓷管

  acid-resisting iron 耐酸铁

  acid-resisting material 耐酸材料

  acid-resisting paint 耐酸漆

  acid-resisting steel 耐酸钢

  acid-resisting varnish 耐酸清漆

  acid-restoring plant 酸回收装置

  acid-treated oil 酸洗油

  acid-washed asbestos 酸洗石棉

  acid-washed limed goat hair 酸洗灰退山羊毛

  acid-washed limed white goat hair 酸洗灰退白山羊毛

  acidamide 酰胺

  acidic refractory 酸性耐火材料

  acidic resin 酸性树脂

  acidic shampoo 酸性香波

  acidified starch 酸解淀粉

  acidifier 酸化器

  acidimeter for battery 电池用测酸计

  acidimeter 酸比重计

  acidity meter 酸度计

  acidized graphite granule 酸化石墨粒子

  Acidol dye 阿齐多染料

  acidometer 酸比重计

  acidomycin 酸霉素

  acidulant 酸化剂

  acidulin 阿齐杜林

  acidum aceticum 醋酸

  acidum benzoicum 苯甲酸

  acidum boricum 硼酸

  acidum carbolic 石碳酸

  acidum iopanoicum 碘番酸

  acidum lacticum 乳酸

  acidur 阿西杜尔铁硅合金

  acieral 铝基合金

  Acilan dye 阿西仑染料

  acipimox 阿西莫司

  acitrin 阿齐特林

  ackey 硝硫混合酸浸渍液

  aclacinon HC1 vial 注射用盐酸安乐霉素

  aclantate 阿克兰酯

  aclarubicin hydrochloride 盐酸阿柔比星

  Acme cotton 阿克梅棉

  acmite 锥辉石

  acne lotion 防粉剌化妆水

  acoin 阿可因

  acolite 低熔合金

  aconiazid 阿克烟肼

  aconite bolus for regulating the function of middle-{jiao} 附子理中丸

  aconite root 乌头根

  aconite 乌头

  aconitic acid 乌头酸

  aconitum chinese paxton 川乌

  aconitum fischeri peichb 白附子

  aconitum 乌头

  acontum fischeri 附子

  acores 本色麻布

  acorite 锆石

  acorn kernel meal 橡子仁粉

  acorn nut kernel 橡子仁

  acorn nut 盖形螺母

  acorn oil 浆栎果油

  acorus aclamus 菖蒲

  acorus gramineus soland 九节菖蒲

  acorus gramineus 石菖蒲

  acoumeter 测听计

  acouometer 听力

  acouophone 助听器

  acoustextile 隔音纺织品

  acoustic alarm 音响报警器

  acoustic altimeter 声学高度计

  acoustic board 隔音板

  acoustic brick 隔音砖

  acoustic burglar alarm 防盗警报器

  acoustic celotextile 纤维隔音板

  acoustic clarifier 声干扰消除器

  acoustic corrector 声校正器

  acoustic coupler 声耦合器

  acoustic damper 消音器

  acoustic delay-line storage 声延迟线存储器

  acoustic densitometer 声学密度计

  acoustic detector 声波探测器

  acoustic explosive bomb 声响炸弹

  acoustic felt 吸音毡

  acoustic fiber board 吸声纤维板

  acoustic filter 滤声器

  acoustic frequency generator 声频发生器

  acoustic frequency measuring instrument 声频测量仪器

  acoustic frequency signal generator 声频信号发生器

  acoustic gas analyzer 声学气体分析器

  acoustic generator 发声器

  acoustic high-speed holographic framing camera 声学高速全息画面摄影机

  acoustic image converter 声像转换器

  acoustic impedance meter 声阻抗仪

  acoustic instrument 声学仪器

  acoustic intensity unit 声强仪

  acoustic interferometer 声干涉仪

  acoustic jammer 声干扰器

  acoustic lens 声学透镜

  acoustic logger 声波测井仪

  acoustic magnetic mine 音响磁性水雷

  acoustic memory 声存储器

  acoustic metanometer 声学甲烷计

  acoustic meter 噪声仪

  acoustic microscope 声显微镜

  acoustic paint 吸声油漆

  acoustic paper 隔音纸

  acoustic paramagnetic spectrometer 声学顺磁谱仪

  acoustic pick-up 拾音器

  acoustic radiator 声辐射器

  acoustic radiometer 声辐射计

  acoustic ranger 声测距仪

  acoustic ray trace indicator 声线轨迹指示器

  acoustic releaser 声释放器

  acoustic remotely controlled survey vehicle 声波遥控测量车

  acoustic resonator 共鸣器

  acoustic sand probe 声波探砂器

  acoustic sensor 声敏元件

  acoustic shock absorber 减震器

  acoustic sounder 声波测深器

  acoustic spectrometer 声频谱计

  acoustic spectroscope 声谱仪

  acoustic storage 声存储器

  acoustic submersible tracker 声学可潜跟踪器

  acoustic theodolite 声经纬仪

  acoustic thermometer 声学温度计

  acoustic tile 吸音板

  acoustic transducer 声换能器

  acoustic transformer 声变换器

  acoustic transponder 声应答器

  acoustic underwater survey equipment 水声探测设备

  acoustic velocity logger 声速测井仪

  acoustic velocity meter 声速测定计

  acoustic wave filter 声滤波器

  acoustical anemometer 声学风速表

  acousticon 助听器

  acoustimeter 声强测量器

  acousto-optic crystal 声光晶体

  acousto-optic filter 声光滤波器

  acousto-optic modulator 声光调制器

  acousto-optic receiver 声光接收机

  acousto-optic tunable filter 声光可调滤波器

  acousto-optically tuned laser 声光调谐激光器

  acoustolith tile 吸音贴砖

  acquarium 金鱼缸

  Acquinite 氯化苦

  acquisition laser 搜索激光器

  acquisition radar 搜索雷达

  acquisition scope 探测显示器

  acquisition sensor 探测传感器

  acquisition system 探测系统

  Acrain cotton 阿克雷恩棉

  acraldehyde 丙炔醛

  Acramin pigment colours 阿克拉明涂料

  acramoll W paste 阿克拉玛浆W

  Acrawax 合成脂肪酸酯

  Acrex 敌螨通

  Acri cotton 阿克里棉

  acribometer 精微测量器

  acrichine 阿的平

  Acricid 乐杀螨

  Acridel 阿克里代尔针织用高膨体纱

  acridine dye 吖啶染料

  acriflavine 吖黄素

  acriflavinium chloride 吖啶黄

  Acrilan 阿克利纶

  acrisorcin 吖啶琐辛

  Acritet 腈碳混剂

  Acrizane 吖啶氯

  Acroart 高密度聚乙烯合成纸

  acrocinonide 阿克缩松

  acroleic acid 丙烯酸

  acrolein resin 丙烯醛树脂

  acrolein 丙烯醛

  acrometer 油类比重计

  Acron 阿克朗牌大客车

  acronine 阿克罗宁

  Acronize 金霉素

  Acronol dye 阿克罗诺染料

  across-the-line starter 全压起动器

  Acrybel 阿克里贝尔丙烯腈共聚物短纤维

  acryl acid 丙烯酸

  acryl-nitrile rubber 丙烯腈橡胶

  Acrylaglas 玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯酸系塑料

  acrylaldehyde 丙烯醛

  acrylamide dye 丙烯酰胺染料

  acrylamide 丙烯酰胺

  acrylate coated fiber 丙烯酸酯涂覆光纤

  acrylate plastic paint 丙烯酸酯塑料涂料

  acrylate resin 丙烯酸酯树脂

  acrylate 丙烯酸酯

  Acrylene dye 阿克里利染料

  acrylic acid paint 丙烯酸酸性涂料

  acrylic acid 丙烯酸

  acrylic aldehyde 丙烯醛

  acrylic amide 丙烯酰胺

  acrylic and wool blended cap 腈纶和羊毛混纺帽子

  acrylic and wool blended pullover 腈纶和羊毛混纺套衫

  acrylic and wool blended sweater 腈纶和羊毛混纺毛衫

  acrylic anhydride 丙烯酸酐

  acrylic apparel 腈纶衫

  acrylic baking enamel 丙烯酸烘干磁漆

  acrylic baking hammer finish 丙烯酸烘干锤纹漆

  acrylic baking paint 丙烯酸烘漆

  acrylic baking transparent paint 丙烯酸透明烘漆

  acrylic baking varnish 丙烯酸烘干清漆

  acrylic binder for pigment printing 丙烯酸涂料印花粘合剂

  acrylic blanket 腈纶毯

  acrylic boa 腈纶皮毛

  acrylic brilliant paint 丙烯酸自干闪光漆

  acrylic bulky yarn 腈纶膨体纱

  acrylic cap 腈纶帽子

  acrylic clear lacquer for plastics 塑料用丙烯酸清漆

  acrylic coated fiber 丙烯酸涂覆光纤

  acrylic coating for plastics 丙烯酸塑料漆

  acrylic colour 丙烯酸染料

  acrylic continuous filament 丙烯腈系长丝

  acrylic electro static spraying baking enamel 丙烯酸静电烘干磁漆

  acrylic electro static spraying baking varnish 丙烯酸静电烘清漆

  acrylic embroidery thread 腈纶绣花线

  acrylic emulsion thickener 丙烯酸乳液增稠剂

  acrylic enamel 丙烯酸磁漆

  acrylic epoxy baking paint 丙烯酸环氧烘漆

  acrylic ester 丙烯酸酯

  acrylic fancy suiting 腈纶花呢

  acrylic fibre blanket 腈纶毛毯

  acrylic fibre cloth doll 腈纶布娃娃

  acrylic fibre 丙烯腈系纤维

  acrylic filament 丙烯腈长丝

  acrylic flashing paint 丙烯酸闪光漆

  acrylic fleecy 3-pieces set 腈纶绒三件套

  acrylic fleecy infant's overall with stocking attached 腈纶绒宝宝连脚裤

  acrylic fleecy long suit for children 腈纶绒童衫裤

  acrylic fleecy shirt for children 腈纶绒娃娃衫

  acrylic fleecy suit with contrast color 腈纶薄绒拼色套装

  acrylic fleecy suit 腈纶薄绒套装

  acrylic fleecy sweater and trousers 腈纶绒卫生衫裤

  acrylic fleecy sweater 腈纶绒套衫[/td][/tr]




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