






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-9 20:08| 查看数: 1194| 评论数: 0|

addition agent 添加剂

  addition material 添加料

  additional condenser 附加电容器

  additional resistor 附加电阻器

  additional roller table 延伸辊道

  additional warp 附加经纱

  additive blended oil 添加剂调合油

  additive colour filter 加色滤色器

  additive colour high-speed step optical printer 加色法高速步进光学印刷机

  additive colour printer 加色印片机

  additive engine oil 含添加剂的机油

  additive lubricating oil 含添加剂的润滑油

  additive motor oil 含添加剂的机油

  additive 添加剂

  additive-containing nylon 含添加剂尼龙

  addometer 加算器

  address book 地址簿

  address controller 地址控制器

  address counter 地址计数器

  address decoder 地址解码器

  address memory 地址存储器

  address printing machine 地址印刷机

  address register 地址寄存器

  address server 地址服务器

  address stamp 地址印章

  addressing machine 地址印写机

  addressograph 地址印写机

  Adelaide wool 阿德雷德羊毛

  adelpholite 铌铁锰矿

  adenine phosphate 氨基嘌呤

  adenine 腺嘌呤

  adenoids curette 腺样增殖体刮匙

  Adenophora verticillata fisch 南沙参

  Adenos cotton 阿登诺棉

  adenosine cyclophosphate 环磷腺苷

  adenosine disodium triphosphate 三磷腺苷二钠

  adenosine phosphate 磷酸腺苷

  adenosine sodium triphosphate 三磷腺苷钠

  adenosine triphosphate 三磷腺苷

  adeps lanae 无水羊毛脂

  ader wax 粗地蜡

  adherent tissue 粘合织物

  adhering fibre 粘附纤维

  adherometer 粘附仪

  adheroscope 粘附性测定仪

  adhesion promotor 增粘剂

  adhesion-promotion yarn 增粘纱

  adhesion-type ceramic veneer 粘附型陶瓷饰面砖

  adhesive advertising paper 胶粘广告纸

  adhesive agent 粘合剂

  adhesive backing 粘合底布

  adhesive binder 小批量的胶订机

  adhesive bond strength tester 粘合强度试验机

  adhesive emulsion 粘附乳液

  adhesive envelope 胶口信封

  adhesive fabric for application by heat 热敷粘胶布

  adhesive fabric 粘合布

  adhesive filament 粘胶长丝

  adhesive for decorative sheet 装饰板胶粘剂

  adhesive for denture 假牙粘合剂

  adhesive for filter material of non-woven fabric 非织造布滤材用粘合剂

  adhesive for laminated film 复合薄膜胶粘剂

  adhesive for polyolefin plastic 聚烯烃塑料粘合剂

  adhesive for PVC leather 聚氯乙烯革胶粘剂

  adhesive for shoes 鞋用胶粘剂

  adhesive for wall tile 壁砖粘合剂

  adhesive for wood grain film 木纹膜胶粘剂

  adhesive latex 包封用胶乳

  adhesive meter 胶粘计

  adhesive paper 胶粘纸

  adhesive paste 浆糊

  adhesive plaster for treating gastric trouble 胃安膏

  adhesive plaster 橡皮膏

  adhesive pre-coated fiber 粘合剂预涂覆光纤

  adhesive preparation for surgical bandage 外科绷带粘合制剂

  adhesive purpose polychloroprene rubber 粘接专用氯丁橡胶

  adhesive resin 粘胶树脂

  adhesive stamp 带胶邮票

  adhesive tape dispenser 胶带分配器

  adhesive tape 胶粘带

  adhesive varnish 胶粘漆

  adhesive wax 胶粘蜡

  adhesive 粘合剂

  adiabatic apparatus 绝热设备

  adiabatic calorimeter 绝热量热器

  adiabatic reactor 绝热反应器

  adiabatic saturation psychrometer 绝热饱和干湿度计

  adiabator 保温材料

  adicillin 阿地西林

  adihydrochlorothiazide 双氰克尿噻

  adina 水杨梅

  adipaldehyde 己二醛

  adipamide 己二酰二胺

  adipate 己二酸酯

  adiphenine 阿地芬宁

  adipic acid 己二酸

  adipic aldehyde 己二醛

  adipic diamide 己二酰二胺

  adipic dinitrile 己二腈

  adipiodone sodium 放射性胆影钠

  adipiodone 胆影酸

  adiponitrile 己二腈

  adipsa 止渴剂

  Adix 阿迪克司牌手表

  adjustable air capacitor 可调空气电容器

  adjustable angular drill jig 角度可调钻孔夹具

  adjustable attenuator 可调衰减器

  adjustable bearing 可调轴承

  adjustable bench level 可调台用水平仪

  adjustable bench plane 可调台刨

  adjustable blade propeller runner 可调叶片式螺旋浆转子轮

  adjustable block level 可调气泡水准仪

  adjustable block plane 可调块刨

  adjustable bolt 可调螺栓

  adjustable brush 可调电刷

  adjustable bush 可调衬套

  adjustable cam 可调凸轮

  adjustable capacitance pressure transducer 可变电容式压力传感器

  adjustable capacitor 可变电容器

  adjustable carbide floating reamer 可调节硬质合金浮动铰刀

  adjustable cast iron plane 可调铸铁刨

  adjustable center auger bit 可调节式木工钻头

  adjustable coil 可调线圈

  adjustable column jack 可调节式圆柱千斤顶

  adjustable compensating condenser 可调补偿电容器

  adjustable compound tap 可调丝锥

  adjustable condenser 可调电容器

  adjustable constant-speed motor 可调恒速电动机

  adjustable cultivator 可调节式耕作机

  adjustable curtain rail 楞调节式窗帘轨

  adjustable curve board 随意曲板

  adjustable curve rule 随意曲板尺

  adjustable delivery pump 可调排量齿轮泵

  adjustable die 活络板牙

  adjustable dipole HF antenna 可调偶极高频天线

  adjustable discharge gear pump 可调排量泵

  adjustable dosing pump 可调计量泵

  adjustable drawing table 活动制图桌

  adjustable eccenter-worm pump 可调偏心螺旋式泵

  adjustable electric cooking stove 调温电炉

  adjustable end stop 升降档板

  adjustable engine 变速发动机

  adjustable feeding trough 可调节的饲料槽

  adjustable gauge 可调卡规

  adjustable gear shaving cutter 可调式叠片剃齿刀

  adjustable gloss agent 可调型光亮剂

  adjustable guide 可调导板

  adjustable hack saw frame 调节钢锯架

  adjustable hand punch 手扳冲床

  adjustable hand reamer 可调节手用铰刀

  adjustable hook spanner 活钩扳手

  adjustable housing 可调机架

  adjustable ID gauge 可调内径量规

  adjustable impedance type ballast 可调阻抗式镇流器

  adjustable inductor 可调电感器

  adjustable industrial sewing machine stand 可调式工业缝纫机架

  adjustable level 活动水平尺

  adjustable lighting stand 调节式灯座架

  adjustable limiter 可调限幅器

  adjustable micrometer calliper 活动千分尺

  adjustable milling cutter blank 可调式铣刀盘

  adjustable mirror 可调镜

  adjustable multiple spindle drill 可调式多轴钻床

  adjustable nozzle tip oiler 可调喷嘴油壶

  adjustable nozzle 可调喷嘴

  adjustable orifice scrubber 变径式除气器

  adjustable pipe spanner 活动管扳钳

  adjustable plastic cooling hose 可调塑料冷却管

  adjustable pulley 可调滑车

  adjustable pulse width pacemaker 可调脉宽起搏器

  adjustable ratio autotransformer 可调自耦变压器

  adjustable reamer 可调绞刀

  adjustable reaming tool 可调铰孔刀具

  adjustable resistor 可调电阻器

  adjustable rheostat 频敏变阻器

  adjustable rotary conducting magnetic jig 可调旋转式导磁卡具

  adjustable round split die with adjusting screw 带调整螺钉的可调式圆板牙

  adjustable screw 调整螺钉

  adjustable shock absorber 可调减震器

  adjustable shutter 可调百叶窗

  adjustable sieve 可调筛

  adjustable sine conducting magnetic jig 可调正弦式导磁卡具

  adjustable slipover 有钮扣套衫

  adjustable spanner 活扳手

  adjustable speed motor 可调速电动机

  adjustable spring 可调弹簧

  adjustable sprinkler 可调节的洒水器

  adjustable stand magnifier 调整架放大镜

  adjustable starting rheostat 可调起动变阻器

  adjustable steel ironing board 调整式钢熨衣板

  adjustable step clamp 可调阶梯压板

  adjustable switch operating rod 密贴调整杆

  adjustable swivel chair 活动靠背转椅

  adjustable tap wrench 可调丝锥扳手

  adjustable tap 可调丝锥

  adjustable track gauge 活动道尺

  adjustable transformer 可调变压器

  adjustable triangle 活动三角尺

  adjustable try square 活动矩尺

  adjustable tubular hack saw frame 圆管钢锯架

  adjustable valve 调节阀

  adjustable varying-speed motor 可调变速电动机

  adjustable vaulting horse 活动木马

  adjustable voltage divider 可调分压器

  adjustable voltage generator 可调压发电机

  adjustable voltage stabilizer 可调稳压器

  adjustable wrench set 套装活络扳手

  adjustable wrench 活络扳手

  adjuster 调节器

  adjusting bar 调整杆

  adjusting bearing 调整轴承

  adjusting block 调整块

  adjusting bolt 调整螺栓

  adjusting device 调整装置

  adjusting gear 调节齿轮

  adjusting handle 调节手柄

  adjusting knob 调节旋钮

  adjusting lever 调整杆

  adjusting light platform 调光台

  adjusting magnet 调整用磁钢片

  adjusting mechanism 调整机构

  adjusting nut 调整螺母

  adjusting ring 调整环

  adjusting rod 调整杆

  adjusting screw 调整螺钉

  adjusting shaft 调整轴

  adjusting shim 调整垫片

  adjusting spacer 调整间隔器

  adjusting spring 调整弹簧

  adjusting tool 调整工具

  adjusting valve 调整阀

  adjusting wedge 调整楔

  adjusting winding 调整绕组

  adjustor 调节器

  adjutage 放水管

  Adjuvan T 助乳涕表面活性剂

  adjuvant drug 佐药

  admantine spar 刚玉

  admeasuring apparatus 测量仪

  Admes 爱母士牌手表

  admiral cap of capeskin leather 提督式熟羊皮便帽

  admiralty anchor 海军锚

  admiralty brass 船用黄铜

  admiralty bronze 船用青铜

  admiralty cloth 海军呢

  admiralty gun metal 海军炮铜

  admiralty metal 海军黄铜

  admiralty mixture brass 海军混合黄铜

  admission gear 进料装置

  admission pipe 进气管

  admission valve 进气阀

  admixer 掺合器

  admixture 混合剂

  adobe brick 晒干砖

  adonic 铜镍锡合金

  adonis 福寿草

  adonosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺甙

  Ador hairspray 雅黛定型喷发胶

  adoration 阿图莱欣涤纶絮棉枕芯

  adras 阿德拉斯绸

  adrenaline hydrochloride 肾上盐酸腺素

  adrenaline tartrate 肾上腺素注射剂

  adrenaline 肾上腺素

  adrenalinoscope 肾上腺素计

  adrenalone 肾上腺酮

  adrenobazone tablet 安络血片

  adrenosem injection 安络血注射液

  adriamycin vial 注射用盐酸阿霉素

  adrianople twill 印花土耳其红斜纹布

  Adsee 艾特赛

  adsorbent 吸附剂

  adsorber 吸附器

  adsorption spectrometer 吸收分光计

  adsuki bean 赤小豆

  adtevak 血浆

  adular 冰长石

  advanced calculator 高级计算器

  advanced data link controller 高级数据链路控制器

  advanced dual-mode computerized tomographic unit 先进的双模式电子计算机X射线断层扫描机

  advanced financial programmable calculator 高级财务可编程序计算器

  advanced gas cooled reactor 高级气冷式反应器

  advanced scientific programmable calculator 高级科研可编程序计算器

  advanced starting valve 预开起动阀

  advanced tactical fighter 先进战术战斗机

  advanced training machine 高级教练机

  advancer 超前补偿机

  advertising colour 广告色

  advertising lamp 广告灯

  advertising paper 广告纸

  advertising tape 经纱粘合带

  adze 扁斧

  adze-eye claw hammer 斧眼拔钉锤

  adze-eye hammer 小榔头

  adzing machine 削枕机

  aedelforsite 硅灰石

  aegirite 霓石弹性沥青

  Aegis 爱奇司牌手表

  aeolian 风神绸

  aerated beverage making machine 汽水饮料制作机

  aerated plastic 多孔塑料

  aerated water machine 汽水机

  aerated water 汽水

  aerated yarn 充气纱

  aerator tank 充气槽

  aerator 充气器

  Aeress 阿勒斯变性聚丙烯腈纤维

  aerial automatic vulcanizer 架空吊篮式自动加硫机

  aerial broadcaster 飞行播种机

  aerial burst bomb 空中爆炸炸弹

  aerial cable 架空电缆

  aerial cableway 架空索道

  aerial camera 航空摄影机

  aerial condenser 空气冷凝器

  aerial conveyer 架空运输机

  aerial cooling-air machine 架空吊篮式冷风机[/td][/tr]




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