






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-3-12 16:57| 查看数: 1094| 评论数: 0|


  New York has elbowed its way on to the top of the banking and finance podium as the US city, for the first time, tied with London in the latest ranking of world financial centres.

  但这两个城市都不能高枕无忧,在Z/Yen集团为伦敦金融城公司(City of London Corporation)编制的全球金融中心指数中,香港和新加坡正在向它们逼近。金融中心排行榜也突显出来自亚洲的挑战越来越大。排名综合了对金融专业人士的调查结果,涉及办公室租金、机场满意度和税率等因素。

  But neither city can rest easy, as Hong Kong and Singapore are gaining ground on them in the Global Financial Centres Index compiled by Z/Yen for the City of London Corporation. The table, which combines a survey of financial professionals with factors such as office rents, airport satisfaction and tax rates, also highlights the growing challenge from Asia.


  Fears about a regulatory backlash and new taxes drove down London's score by 14 points to tie with New York at 775 points. New York's score rose by only one point, Hong Kong and Singapore posted double-digit gains, and all but four of the 75 cities in the survey recorded improvements in their scores. The gap between London and New York and the rest of the world is at its narrowest since the twice-yearly survey began in 2007.

  伦敦金融城公司负责政策事务的主席斯图尔特•弗雷泽(Stuart Fraser)表示:“此项研究为决策者敲响了警钟:不应把我们全球领先的金融中心地位视为理所当然。”伦敦金融城公司的工作是促进英国金融服务业发展,提供本地服务。

  “This research is a wake-up call for decision-makers that our standing as a world-leading global financial centre should not be taken for granted,” said Stuart Fraser, policy chairman for the City of London, which promotes the UK financial services sector and provides local services.


  New York outpolled London for business environment, availability of people and infrastructure, but the US city was also seen as having sustained the most damage in the financial crisis.


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