






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-13 21:13| 查看数: 1021| 评论数: 0|

clometerone 氯甲睾酮

  clomethiazole 氯美噻唑

  clometocillin 氯甲西林

  clomifene 氯米芬

  clominorex 氯氨雷司

  clomiphene 克罗米酚

  clomipramine 氯米帕明

  clomocycline 氯莫环素

  clonazepam 氯硝西泮

  clonidine 可乐定

  clonitazene 氯尼他秦

  Clonitralid 贝螺杀

  clonitrate 氯硝甘油

  clonixeril 氯尼舍林

  clonixin 氯尼克辛

  clopamide 氯帕胺

  clopenthixol dihydrochloride 二盐酸氯哌噻吨

  clopenthixol 氯哌噻吨

  cloperastine 氯哌丁

  clopidol 氯吡多

  clopimozide 氯哌莫齐

  clopipazan 氯哌帕生

  cloponone 氯泼酮

  cloprostenol 氯前列醇

  cloprothiazole 氯普噻唑

  cloquinate 氯喹方

  cloqué fabric 凸纹针织物

  cloqué organdy 泡泡蝉翼绉

  cloracetadol 氯西他醇

  cloral betaine 氯醛甜菜碱

  cloranolol 氯拉洛尔

  Clorene 克洛纶聚偏氯乙烯单丝

  cloretate 氯乙双酯

  clorexolone 氯索隆

  clorgiline 氯吉林

  cloridarol 氯达罗

  clorindanic acid 氯茚酚酸

  clorindanol 氯茚酸

  clorindione 氯茚二酮

  clorofene 氯苄酚

  cloroperone 氯哌隆

  clorotepine 氯替平

  clorprenaline 氯丙那林

  clortermine 邻氯苯丁胺

  close blade pug mill 密闭式叶片搅拌机

  close continuous mill 多机轧制的连续式轧机

  close loop interferometeric fiber optic sensor 闭环干涉型光纤传感器

  close weave 紧密织物

  close-coupled water closet 紧密装配式大便器

  close-grained wheel 细砂轮

  close-knit 细网眼针织物

  close-type evaporator 闭式蒸发器

  close-up lens 近拍镜头

  closed agitator 密闭搅拌器

  closed antenna 闭路天线

  closed circuit television common antenna system 闭路电视共用天线系统

  closed circuit television 闭路电视

  closed coil winding 闭圈绕组

  closed condenser 闭式冷凝器

  closed cooling tower 闭式冷却塔

  closed core type reactor 闭合铁心型电抗器

  closed core type transformer 闭合铁心式变压器

  closed crankcase compressor 闭式曲轴箱压缩机

  closed crankcase ventilating system 闭式曲轴箱通风装置

  closed electric furnace 封闭电炉

  closed end wrench 闭口扳手

  closed feed water heater 密封给水加热器

  closed filter press 密闭压滤机

  closed magnetic-vibrating feeder 封闭型电磁振动给料机

  closed manometer 闭管压力计

  closed oscillator 闭合振荡器

  closed planer 龙门刨床

  closed plastic refining machine 密封式炼塑机

  closed roll mill 密闭式轧机

  closed shell and tube condenser 闭式壳管式冷凝器

  closed shelter-decker 封闭式遮蔽甲板船

  closed sterilizer 密闭式杀菌器

  closed tester 闭杯闪点测定器

  closed tongs 紧嘴火钳

  closed tube fuse with patch seal 有填料封闭管式熔断器

  closed TV system in market 商场闭路电视系统

  closed type single point press 闭式单点压力机

  closed water heater 密闭热水器

  closed-chain hydrocarbon 闭键烃

  closed-circuit air turbine 闭式循环空气透平

  closed-circuit ball mill 闭路球磨机

  closed-circuit crusher 闭路循环破碎机

  closed-circuit deduster 闭路收尘器

  closed-circuit laser 闭路激光器

  closed-circuit screen 闭路筛

  closed-circuit TV camera 闭路式电视摄影机

  closed-coil armature 闭圈电枢

  closed-cycle gas turbine 闭循环燃气轮机

  closed-cycle hydraulic piston pump 闭式循环水力活塞泵

  closed-cycle iodine laser 闭合通路碘激光器

  closed-edge gutter stabilizer 封缘淌蜡稳定器

  closed-iron transformer 闭铁心变压器

  closed-system separator 闭路循环选矿机

  closely bound goods 紧密织物

  closely woven fabric 紧密织物

  closer 闭合器

  closet bowl 便器陶瓷部件

  closet pan 大便器

  closet suite 成套卫生瓷

  closing coil 闭合线圈

  closing cylinder 闭模汽缸

  closing machine for cylindrical can 圆罐封罐机

  closing machine 捻绳机

  closiramine 氯西拉敏

  clostebol 氯司替勃

  closure-sealing machine 密封机

  cloth and rubber insulating boots 布胶绝缘靴

  cloth and rubber insulating shoes 布胶绝缘鞋

  cloth applique 贴花缝绣织物

  cloth bag filter 布袋过滤器

  cloth bag 布袋

  cloth blanket 平纹薄绒毯

  cloth board 布纹纸板

  cloth boots 布靴

  cloth braid 饰边狭花边

  cloth brusher 刷布机

  cloth brushing machine 刷布机

  cloth cap 布帽

  cloth curtain 布帘

  cloth cutter 切布机

  cloth cutting machine 裁衣机

  cloth dust collector 布袋集尘器

  cloth expander 布匹扩展器

  cloth folding machine 折布机

  cloth hat 布帽

  cloth insertion sheet 双面胶布

  cloth inspecting and folding machine 检布折布联合机

  cloth inspecting machine 验布机

  cloth measuring and cutting machine 量裁机

  cloth of acca 金蓝闪光绸

  cloth of gold tissue 金地绸

  cloth of gold 金线织物

  cloth of silver 银线织物

  cloth plaster 胶布

  cloth press 织物打包机

  cloth printed cretonnes 大印花装饰布

  cloth raising machine 起绒机

  cloth rewinder 卷布机

  cloth roller 卷布辊

  cloth rolling machine 卷布机

  cloth rubber shoes 布面胶鞋

  cloth sample cutting machine 切样布机

  cloth screen 布筛

  cloth shoes 布鞋

  cloth slitting machine 切布机

  cloth soled cotton shoes 布底布鞋

  cloth stockings 布袜

  cloth surgical linen 布手术巾

  cloth tester 织物引张试验机

  cloth toy 布玩具

  cloth turning machine 翻布机

  cloth umbrella 布伞

  cloth vacuum extractor 织物真空脱水机

  cloth washing machine 洗布机

  cloth wear testing machine 织物耐磨试验机

  cloth 布

  cloth-backed paper 衬布纸

  cloth-both-sides 夹胶布

  cloth-centered paper 布芯纸

  cloth-coated exposing machine 涂布曝光机

  cloth-edge speaker 布边扬声器

  cloth-lined paper 衬布纸

  cloth-one-side sheet 单面胶布

  cloth-product winding machine 卷布机

  clothes basket 盛衣篮

  clothes brush 衣刷

  clothes closet 立柜

  clothes dryer 干衣机

  clothes for children 童装

  clothes hanger 衣架

  clothes hook 衣钩

  clothes horse 晒衣架

  clothes line 晒衣绳

  clothes peg 晒衣夹

  clothes tree 柱式衣帽架

  clothes 衣服

  clothes-wadding 棉絮

  clothing accessory 服装辅件

  clothing brush 衣刷

  clothing for men 男服装

  clothing for protection against fire 防火衣

  clothing leather 服装革

  clothing lined board 衬布纸板

  clothing twill 三页纬面斜纹

  clothing wool 粗纺羊毛

  clothing 衣服

  clotiapine 氯噻平

  clotixamide 氯噻吨胺

  clotrimazole 克霉唑

  cloud altimeter 云高计

  cloud base recorder 云底记录器

  cloud ceilometer 云幂仪

  cloud density measuring apparatus 云密度测量仪

  cloud gauze 云纱

  cloud height finder 云高测定器

  cloud height indicator 云高指示器

  cloud height meter 云高计

  cloud height recorder 云高记录器

  cloud range finder 云层高度测定器

  cloud scanner 云层析象器

  cloud theodolite 测云经纬仪

  cloud-detection radar 探云雷达

  cloud-drop sampler 云滴取样器

  cloud-drop tester 云滴测试仪

  cloud-layer mirror 测层镜

  cloud-projector 测云器

  clouded glass 毛玻璃

  clouded jade 碧犀

  cloudy amber 蜜蜡琥珀

  cloudy colour 哑色

  cloudy glaze 云纹釉

  cloudy goods 云斑织物

  cloudy web 云斑棉网

  clout nail 平头钉

  clout 擦桌布

  clouties 亚麻布

  clove bark 丁香皮

  clove bud oil 丁香花蕾油

  clove flavoured olive 丁香榄球

  clove grape wine 丁香葡萄酒

  clove mother 母丁香

  clove oil cement 丁香油粘固粉

  clove oil 丁香油

  clove plum 丁香李

  clove sausage 丁香香肠

  clove trio-pack olive 丁香榄球

  clove wine 丁香葡萄酒

  clove 丁香

  clove-spiced plum 丁香嘉应子

  clover honey 苜蓿蜜

  clover meal 苜蓿饲料粉

  clover seed 苜蓿草籽

  clover 苜蓿

  cloverleaf cyclotron 三叶草回旋加速器

  clovershrub 大红袍

  cloxacillin sodium 氯苯唑青霉素

  cloxacillin 邻氯青霉素

  cloxazolam 氯恶唑仑

  cloxiquine 氯羟喹

  cloxypendyl 氯羟喷地

  clozapine 氯扎平

  club hammer 大锤

  Club 俱乐部牌汽车

  club-foot sheep's foot roller 弯脚羊蹄压路机

  clubmoss 石松

  Clubstar 俱乐部之星牌大客车

  Cluny guipure 克伦尼网眼花边

  Cluny lace 克纶尼花边

  Cluny tapestry 克伦尼装饰毯

  Clupak 克拉帕克弹性纸质无纺布

  cluster burner 聚口灯头

  cluster gear 齿轮组

  cluster mallow fruit 冬葵果

  cluster mill 多辊式轧钢机

  cluster pleated skirt 分集褶裥裙

  cluster-type checker brick 花砖型格子砖

  clustering wool machine 簇绒机

  clutch arm 离合器摇臂

  clutch assembly 离合器总成

  clutch bearing 离合器轴承

  clutch body 离合器体

  clutch box 离合器壳

  clutch brake 离合器制动器

  clutch compressing disc 离合器压盘

  clutch controlling cup 离合器控制碗

  clutch diaphragm spring 离合器膜片弹簧

  clutch disc 离合器盘

  clutch disengaging lever 离合器分离杠杆

  clutch driven disc 离合器从动盘

  clutch driving disc 离合器主动盘

  clutch facing 离合器衬片

  clutch gear 离合器齿轮

  clutch handle 离合器手把

  clutch housing 离合器壳体

  clutch lever 离合器杆

  clutch lining 离合器衬片

  clutch motor 离合器电动机

  clutch pedal 离合器踏板

  clutch pilot bearing 离合器导轴承

  clutch pinion 离合器小齿轮

  clutch plate 离合器片

  clutch pressure plate 离合器压板

  clutch release bearing sleeve 离合器放松轴承套筒

  clutch release bearing 离合器放松轴承

  clutch release fork 离合器放松叉

  clutch release lever 离合器放松杆

  clutch releasing arm 离合器放松臂

  clutch releasing pin 离合器放松销

  clutch releasing ring 离合器放松圈

  clutch releasing roller 离合器放松滚轮

  clutch shaft 离合器轴

  clutch spring 离合器弹簧

  clutch tap holder 丝锥铰杠

  clutch throw-out bearing 离合器分离轴承

  clutch throw-out fork 离合器分离叉

  clutch thrust bearing 离合器推力轴承

  clutch 离合器

  clutchless speed change gear 无离合器的变速齿轮

  clutter filter 杂波滤波器

  clyburn spanner 活扳手

  clydella 克莱德拉棉毛混纺呢

  CM copper CM高强度导电铜

  CMOS integrated circuit CMOS集成电路

  CNC 5-coordinate milling-boring machine 五坐标数控铣镗床

  CNC abrasive belt surface-grinding machine 数控砂带平面磨床

  CNC abrasive line cut-off machine 数控砂线切割机床

  CNC angular approach cylindrical grinding machine 数控端面外圆磨床

  CNC automatic multi-slide lathe 数控自动多轨车床

  CNC automatic riveting machine 数控自动铆接机

  CNC automatic turning machine 数控自动车床

  CNC bar loading magazine 数控杆料进料匣

  CNC bed-type horizontal milling machine 数控工作台不升降卧式铣床

  CNC bed-type milling machine with travelling column 数控立柱移动工作台不升降铣床

  CNC bed-type vertical milling machine 数控工作台不升降立式铣床

  CNC chucking lathe 数控卡盘车床

  CNC controller 数控控制器

  CNC coordinate measuring machine 数控坐标测量机

  CNC copy milling machine 数控仿形铣床

  CNC deep hole boring machine 数控高效深孔镗床

  CNC deep-hole drilling & boring machine 数控深孔钻镗床

  CNC double column jig boring machine 数控双柱坐标镗床

  CNC double spindle lathe 双轴数控车床

  CNC double-column vertical turning & boring mill 数控双柱立式车床

  CNC electrical discharge machine 数控电火花加工机床

  CNC electrode grinding machine 数控电极磨床

  CNC electrolytic tool and cutter grinder 数控电解工具磨床

  CNC external cylindrical angular plunge-cut grinder 数控斜角全面进磨式外圆磨床

  CNC floor-type milling & boring machine 落地式数控铣床

  CNC formed cylindrical grinder 数控成形外圆磨床

  CNC front loaded machine 数控前载机车床

  CNC gear hard finishing machine 数控齿轮精加工机床

  CNC grinder for external thread 数控外螺纹磨床

  CNC grinder for internal thread 数控内螺纹磨床

  CNC grinding machine 数控磨床

  CNC heavy turning machine 数控重型车床

  CNC heavy-duty horizontal lathe 数控重型卧式车床

  CNC high speed double-wheel angular approach cylindrical grinding machine 数控高速双砂轮端面外圆磨床

  CNC high speed turret milling machine 数控高速转塔铣床

  CNC horizontal broaching machine 数控卧式拉床

  CNC horizontal milling & boring machine 数控卧式铣镗床

  CNC horizontal surface grinding machine with rectangular table 数控卧式矩台平面磨床

  CNC hydraulic press brake 数控液压折弯机

  CNC internal grinding machine for bearing ring 数控轴承套圈内圆磨床

  CNC internal thread grinding machine 数控内圆端面磨床

  CNC jig grinding machine 数控坐标磨床

  CNC knee type horizontal milling machine 数控卧式升降台铣床

  CNC knee type vertical milling machine 数控立式升降台铣床

  CNC laser processing machine 数控激光加工机

  CNC lathe 数控车床

  CNC milling cutter 数控铣刀

  CNC milling machine 数控铣床

  CNC movable single column vertical turning & boring mill 数控单柱移动式立式车床

  CNC oblique cutting cylindrical special grinding machine 数控斜切外圆专用磨床

  CNC planer horizontal milling and boring machine 数控刨台卧式铣镗床

  CNC planer type milling machine 数控龙门铣床

  CNC race grinding machine for ball bearing inner ring 数控轴承内圈沟磨床

  CNC race grinding machine for ball bearing outer ring 数控轴承外圈沟磨床

  CNC ram-type milling machine 数控滑枕式铣床

  CNC roll grinder 数控轧辊磨床

  CNC shearing machine 数控剪板机

  CNC single column jig boring machine 数控单柱坐标镗床

  CNC single column vertical turning & boring mill 数控单柱立式车床

  CNC slant-bed turning machine 数控斜式车床

  CNC sliding headstock auto-lathe 数控纵切车床

  CNC special purpose milling machine 数控专用铣床

  CNC tap grinding machine 数控丝锥磨床

  CNC three dimensional measuring machine 数控三维测量机

  CNC tool profile grinding machine 数控工具曲线磨床

  CNC tube bending machine 数控弯管机

  CNC turning machine 数控车床

  CNC turning tool 数控车刀

  CNC turret punch press 数控冲模回转头压力机

  CNC turret punching press 数控冲模回转头压力机

  CNC turret vertical miller 转塔式数控立式铣床

  CNC twin-spindle chucker-type turning machine 数控双轴卡盘式车床

  CNC universal milling machine 数控万能铣床

  CNC universal tool milling machine 数控万能工具铣床

  CNC vertical external broaching machine 数控立式外拉床

  CNC vertical turning machine 数控立式车床

  CNC water cutting machine 数控水力切割机

  CNC wire-cut electric discharge machine 数控电火花线切割机床

  CNC wire-cut machine 数控线切割机床

  CNC-camshaft milling machine 数控凸轮轴铣床

  CNC-turn-broaching machine 数控车拉两用床

  CND precision guideway grinder 数控精密导轨磨床

  CO firing waste heat boiler 一氧化碳燃烧废热锅炉

  Co-Ral 蝇毒磷杀虫剂

  co-selector 补偿选择器

  co-spun yarn 共纺丝

  Co-thion 三毒磷混剂

  co-trimoxazole tablet 复方磺胺甲基异恶唑片

  coach bolt 方头螺栓

  coach lace 装饰车辆用狭花边

  coach maker's bevel edge chisel 车匠斜边凿

  coach wrench 双开活络扳手

  coachman coat 马夫式大衣

  coachman style raincoat 马夫式雨衣

  coachman's cloth 密绒厚呢

  coagel 凝聚胶

  coagulant agent 凝结剂

  coagulant for rubber latex 胶乳凝结剂

  coagulant 凝结剂

  coagulated fibre 凝固纤维

  coagulated yarn 凝固丝

  coagulator 凝结器

  coagulometer 凝度计

  coal ball stove 煤球炉

  coal ball 煤球

  coal barge 煤驳

  coal basket 煤筐

  coal bin 煤箱

  coal box 煤炭箱

  coal breaker 碎煤机

  coal briquetting machine 制煤球机[/td][/tr]




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