






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-3-15 14:04| 查看数: 1395| 评论数: 2|




  Assisted suicide for anyone over 70 who has simply had enough of life is being considered in Holland.


  Non-doctors would be trained to administer a lethal potion to elderly people who 'consider their lives complete'.


  The radical move would be a world first and push the boundaries even further in the country that first legalized euthanasia.


  The Dutch parliament is to debate the measure after campaigners for assisted suicide collected 112,500 signatures in a month.


  Euthanasia has been available for the terminally ill in Holland since 2002 in cases of 'hopeless and unbearable suffering' certified by two doctors, but this would be a far bigger step.


  Supporters say it would offer a dignified way to die for those over 70 who just want to give up living, without having to resort to difficult or unreliable solitary suicide methods.


  They might include widows and widowers overwhelmed by grief, those unwilling to face the frailties of extreme old age or people determined to ‘get out while they’re ahead’ and meet death on their own terms.


  The assistants who administered the deadly cocktail of sedatives would need to be certified, campaigners said.


crystal-xlf 发表于 2010-3-15 17:00:08
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