






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-3-18 21:44| 查看数: 1002| 评论数: 0|

 laxative vegetable 植物轻泻剂

  laxative 缓泻药

  Lay 莱伊锡铅合金

  lay winding 迭绕组

  lay-in coating circular knitting machine 双面圆型外衣针织机

  layer press 层压机

  layer thickness gauge 膜层测厚仪

  layer thickness meter 镀层测厚仪

  layered laser 层状激光器

  layette wool 高级精梳毛

  layette 婴儿全套用品

  laying head 吐线机

  laying machine 码纸机

  laying ship 铺管船

  laying tractor 履带式铺管机

  laying winch 铺管绞车

  laying-in knitted fabric 衬垫针织物

  laying-in thread 衬垫纱

  laying-up machine 合绳机

  layout machine 测绘缩放仪

  Laz 拉斯牌汽车

  Lazo 草不绿

  lazulite 天蓝石

  lazy-jack 屈伸起重机

  lazy-tongs 惰钳

  LB142 alloy LB142高锡铅基轴承合金

  LCD speaker phone 液晶显示型电话机

  LDPE & HDPE film & bag and other products 高低密度聚乙烯薄膜袋及其他制品

  LDPE & HDPE sheet & bag 高低密度聚乙烯薄膜及薄膜袋

  Le Baron 男爵牌汽车

  Le Car 勒卡牌汽车

  Le Sabre 马刀牌汽车

  Le-Phare 利飞亚牌手表

  lea yarn 湿纺亚麻纱

  leach 滤灰桶

  leaching agent 助滤剂

  lead accumulator 铅蓄电池

  lead acetate 醋酸铅

  lead alloy 铅合金

  lead and acid battery 铅酸蓄电池

  lead arsenate 砷酸铅

  lead arsenite 亚砷酸铅

  lead bar 铅条

  lead battery 铅蓄电池

  lead bisilicate 二硅酸铅

  lead bismuth alloy 铅铋合金

  lead borate glaze 铅硼釉

  lead borate 硼酸铅

  lead boro-silicate glaze 硼硅酸铅釉

  lead box for transportation of radio active element 放射性元素运输铅罐

  lead brass plate 铅黄铜板

  lead bromide 溴化铅

  lead bronze 铅青铜

  lead cable press 电缆铅包皮压力机

  lead carbonate 碳酸铅

  lead casting machine 铅铸机

  lead chain 铅链

  lead chloride 氯化铅

  lead chromate 铬酸铅

  lead compensator 超前补偿器

  lead concentrate 铅精矿砂

  lead container 铅容器

  lead covered cable 铅包电缆

  lead covered paper insulated cable 铅包纸隔绝缘电缆

  lead covered wire 铅包线

  lead crystal flower basket 铅料花篮

  lead crystal flower vase 铅料花瓶

  lead crystal fruit bowl 铅料果碗

  lead crystal fruit tray 铅料果盘

  lead crystal glass 铅晶质玻璃

  lead crystal smoker's set 铅料烟具

  lead crystal water set 铅料水具

  lead crystal wine set 铅料酒具

  lead cutter 切铅条机

  lead dialkyl 二烷基铅

  lead dibromide 二溴化铅

  lead diethyl 二乙基铅

  lead dimethide 二甲基铅

  lead dioxide 二氧化铅

  lead drier 铅催干剂

  lead ethyl 乙基铅

  lead ethylcaproate 乙基己酸铅

  lead fluoride 氟化铅

  lead fluorosilicate 氟硅酸铅

  lead foil 铅箔

  lead for retractable pencil 铅芯

  lead gauge 螺距规

  lead glass 铅玻璃

  lead glaze 铅釉

  lead hammer 铅锤

  lead headed hook 铅头鱼钩

  lead hydroxide 氢氧化铅

  lead in wire 引入线

  lead ingot 铅锭

  lead lanthanum zironate titanate 锆钛酸铅镧

  lead line 铅锤绳

  lead lined wooden tank 衬铅木箱

  lead mercaptide 硫醇铅

  lead metaborate 偏硼酸铅

  lead monoxide 一氧化铅

  lead nail 铅钉

  lead naphthenate 萘酸铅

  lead niobate 铌酸铅

  lead nitrate 硝酸铅

  lead oleate 油酸铅

  lead ore 铅砂

  lead orthosilicate 正硅酸铅

  lead oxide 氧化铅

  lead p-aminobenzoate 对氨基苯甲酸铝

  lead pan 铅锅

  lead paper 铅箔

  lead pencil file 铅笔锉刀

  lead pencil knife 削铅笔刀

  lead peroxide 过氧化铅

  lead phosphite 磷酸铅

  lead pig 铅块

  lead pipe 铅管

  lead plate 铅板

  lead powder 铅粉

  lead reactor 前置反应器

  lead red 红丹

  lead refill 铅笔芯

  lead rod 铅条

  lead rubber apron 铅胶皮围裙

  lead rubber gloves 铅胶皮手套

  lead rubber 含铅橡胶

  lead salt 铅盐

  lead screw cutting lathe 丝杠车床

  lead screw for cross-slide 横向进给螺杆

  lead screw for longitudinal feed 纵进刀螺杆

  lead screw for saddle 床鞍螺杆

  lead screw for top slide 刀架螺杆

  lead screw grinding machine 丝杠磨床

  lead screw handle 丝杆把手

  lead screw measuring instrument 丝杠测量仪

  lead screw monocomparator 导杆螺旋单象坐标仪

  lead screw 螺丝杆

  lead seal casing patch tool 铅封式套管修补器

  lead seal liner hanger 铅封衬管悬挂器

  lead seal single slip liner hanger 铅封单卡瓦衬管悬挂器

  lead seal type hanger 铅封式悬挂器

  lead seal 封铅

  lead selector 引入线选择器

  lead sheathed cable 铅包电缆

  lead sheathed cotton-insulated distributing cable 棉纱绝缘铅包配线电缆

  lead sheathed high-frequency communication cable 铅包高频通信电缆

  lead sheathed low-frequency communication cable 铅包低频通信电缆

  lead sheathed telephone cable 铅包电话电缆

  lead sheathed wire 铅包线

  lead sheet 铅板

  lead shot for hunting 打猎铅弹

  lead silicate 硅酸铅

  lead sinker 铅沉子

  lead sleeve 铅套管

  lead soap 铅皂

  lead solder 铅焊料

  lead spitter 引线曳放器

  lead sponge 海绵铅

  lead stabilizer 导向稳定器

  lead stearate 硬酯酸铅

  lead sulfate tribasic 三盐基硫酸铅

  lead sulfate 硫酸铅

  lead sulfide photodetector 硫化铅光电探测器

  lead sulfide 硫化铅

  lead sulfite 亚硫酸铅

  lead sulfuric acid storage battery 铅硫酸蓄电池

  lead superoxide 二氧化铅

  lead tantanate 钽酸铅

  lead tartrate 酒石酸铅

  lead telluride detector 碲化铅探测器

  lead tester 导程检查仪

  lead tetraacetate 乙酸高铅

  lead tetraethyl 四乙基铅

  lead tetramethyl 四甲基铅

  lead thiocyanate 硫氰酸铅

  lead thiosalicylate 硫代水扬酸铅

  lead titanate 钛酸铅

  lead tolerance determination apparatus 四乙铅容许量测定器

  lead tube 铅管

  lead wire 铅丝

  lead wool 铅棉

  lead X-ray glass 防X射线的铅玻璃

  lead zirconate 锆酸铅

  lead zirconate-titanate ceramics 锆-钛酸铅陶瓷

  lead zirconate-titanate piezoelectric ceramics 锆-钛酸铅压电陶瓷

  lead zirconate-titanate 锆-钛酸铅

  lead 铅

  lead-acid accumulator 铅酸蓄电池

  lead-acid battery 铅酸电池

  lead-acid storage battery 铅酸蓄电池

  lead-and-oil paint 铅-油油漆

  lead-antimony alloy 铅锑合金

  lead-brass wire 铅黄铜丝

  lead-bronze bearing 铅青铜轴承

  lead-coated sheet 镀铅薄钢板

  lead-coated stainless-steel wire 铅包不锈钢丝

  lead-coated steel plate 镀铅钢板

  lead-covered oil impregnated paper tape insulated cable 铅包油浸渍纸绝缘电缆

  lead-filled plastic fibre 铅芯塑料纤维

  lead-free glaze 无铅釉

  lead-in bushing 引入套管

  lead-in cable 引入电缆

  lead-in clamp 引入线夹

  lead-in insulator 引入绝缘子

  lead-in-air indicator 空气含铅指示器

  lead-iron ferrule 铅铁箍管

  lead-patented cold-drawn wire 铅淬火冷拉钢丝

  lead-pencil paper 铅笔书写纸

  lead-silver alloy anode 铅-银合金阳极

  lead-zinc ore 铅锌矿砂

  leaded fuel 含铅燃油

  leaded glass 含铅玻璃

  leaded low-phosphorus steel 含铅低磷钢

  leaded nickel brass 加铅镍黄铜

  leaded nickel silver 加铅镍银

  leaded nickel tin bronze 加铅镍锡青铜

  leaded sash 铅条玻璃窗

  leaded steel 加铅钢

  leaded tin bronze 加铅锡青铜

  leader film 牵引片

  leader mill 精整轧机

  leading screw lathe 丝杠车床

  leading screw 丝杠

  leading spark plug 前置火花塞

  leading tap 机用螺丝攻

  leadless glaze 无铅釉

  leadless piezoelectric ceramics 无铅压电陶瓷

  leadless quick-drying enamel 无铅快燥磁漆

  leadpolythene cable 聚乙烯铅皮电缆

  leaf clarifier 叶片澄清器

  leaf electrometer 箔静电计

  leaf fibre 叶纤维

  leaf filter 叶片式过滤器

  leaf meal pellet 叶粉粒

  leaf meal 叶粉

  leaf mill 树叶扫磨器

  leaf mustard preserved with chilli 辣芥菜

  leaf mustard 包心大芥菜

  leaf of Chinese ilex 冬青叶

  leaf of common fig 无花果叶

  leaf of dragon's tongue 龙舌叶

  leaf of elm tree 榆树叶

  leaf of fragrant plantain lily 玉簪叶

  leaf of hollyhock 蜀葵苗

  leaf of Japanese banana 芭蕉叶

  leaf of narrow-leaved oleaster 沙枣叶

  leaf of negundo chastetree 牡荆叶

  leaf of purple perilla 紫苏叶

  leaf of spring 弹簧板

  leaf of the Chinese sumac 盐肤叶

  leaf rain-cloak 蓑衣

  leaf rake head 草耙头

  leaf spring center bolt 钢板弹簧中心螺栓

  leaf spring shot blasting machine 片簧喷丸机

  leaf spring 片弹簧

  leaf tobacco 烟叶

  leaf valve 簧片阀

  leaf-stem fibre 叶梗纤维

  leaf-type vacuum filter 叶式真空滤机

  leak detector 测漏仪

  leak finder 检漏器

  leak indicator 漏泄指示器

  leak pulsing tester 漏泄脉冲测试仪

  leak tester 检漏机

  leak tester 检漏器

  leak valve 漏泄阀

  leak-off valve 放泄阀

  leak-proof motor pump 防漏式电动泵

  leakage circuit breacker 漏电保护开关

  leakage current monitor 漏泄电流监测器

  leakage detector 检漏器

  leakage indicator 漏泄指示器

  leakage magnetic type right angle iron 漏磁式直角铁

  leakage protector 漏电保护器

  leakage relay 漏电继电器

  leakage testing transformer 漏电试验变压器

  leakiness inspector 检漏机

  leaky capacitor 漏电电容器

  leaky grid detector 栅漏检波器

  Leamington Axminster 利明顿阿克明斯特小地毯

  lean alloy steel 低合金钢

  leaning wheel grader 斜轮式平路机

  leaping tuna 金枪鱼

  lease banded hank 分绞绞纱

  leash rod 缚棍

  leash 皮带绳

  Leaster 利阿斯特聚酯纤维

  leather and canvas trunk 皮帆布箱

  leather attach case 皮公事箱

  leather bag 皮包

  leather ball & imitation leather ball 皮球及仿皮球

  leather ball & synthetic leather ball 皮球及合成革球

  leather ball 皮球

  leather belt buckle stapling machine 皮带扣装订机

  leather belt steelyard 皮带式杆秤

  leather belt 皮带

  leather bleaching preparation 皮革漂白制剂

  leather blower 皮粒虎

  leather boots 皮靴

  leather brief bag 皮公文包

  leather brief case 皮公文包

  leather brief suitcase 公文箱

  leather buffer strap for textile machine 纺织机用皮垫圈

  leather button 皮钮

  leather camp moccasins 鹿皮软皮鞋

  leather carrying case 皮手提箱

  leather case angle-wrapping machine 皮箱包角机

  leather case measuring tape 皮壳卷尺

  leather case 皮箱

  leather chopper mittens 外罩不分指皮手套

  leather cloth 漆布

  leather coat 皮革上衣

  leather coating black 皮革喷涂黑

  leather coating blue 皮革喷涂蓝

  leather coating brown 皮革喷涂棕

  leather coating orange 皮革喷涂橙

  leather coating red 皮革喷涂红

  leather collar 皮垫圈

  leather colour 皮革染料

  leather cup 皮碗

  leather cushion seat 皮垫座

  leather cushion 皮垫

  leather cutter 皮革剪切机

  leather cutting knife 拉皮刀

  leather cycle jacket 骑自行车皮短外衣

  leather dorothy bag 女用皮开口手提包

  leather drier 皮革烘干机

  leather drying and sterilizing machine 皮革干燥杀菌机

  leather dye 皮革染料

  leather equalizing and roughing machine 皮革修匀粗化机

  leather equalizing machine 皮革修匀机

  leather fibre 皮革纤维

  leather finish varnish 皮革涂饰清漆

  leather finishing agent 皮革涂饰剂

  leather footwear 皮鞋

  leather garment 皮衣

  leather gauge 皮革测厚计

  leather gloss agent 皮革光亮剂

  leather gloves 皮手套

  leather glue 皮革胶

  leather glue 皮胶

  leather goods 皮件

  leather handbag 皮手提包

  leather hat 皮帽

  leather hose 皮革软管

  leather hunting jacket 皮猎装

  leather imitation paper 仿革纸

  leather ironing machine 皮革熨平机

  leather jacket 皮茄克

  leather key case 皮钥匙包

  leather meal 皮子粉

  leather measuring machine 量革机

  leather measuring tape 皮卷尺

  leather nailing machine 钉皮机

  leather oil 皮革油

  leather overcoat 皮大衣

  leather package 密封皮碗

  leather pants 皮裤

  leather paring machine 削皮革机

  leather picker for textile machine 纺织机用皮结

  leather picker 皮结

  leather pillow 皮枕头

  leather powder finish 皮浆粉

  leather preservative 皮革防腐剂

  leather press machine 皮革压平机

  leather products 皮件

  leather puncher 皮革穿孔机

  leather purses 皮钱包

  leather roller felt 皮辊毡

  leather roller sleeve pulling-on machine 套皮辊机

  leather roller 皮辊

  leather sandals 皮凉鞋

  leather school bag 学生皮书包

  leather school case 学生皮书箱

  leather shears 皮革剪切机

  leather sheath tape 皮壳卷尺

  leather shoes stitching machine 皮鞋缝合机

  leather shoes with injection moulded plastic soles 注塑模压底皮鞋

  leather shoes with injection plastic soles for child 注塑底童皮鞋

  leather shoes with injection plastic soles for lady 注塑底女皮鞋

  leather shoes with injection plastic soles for man 注塑底男皮鞋

  leather shoes with injection plastic soles 注塑底皮鞋

  leather shoes with leather soles for child 皮底童皮鞋

  leather shoes with leather soles for lady 皮底女皮鞋

  leather shoes with leather soles for man 皮底男皮鞋

  leather shoes with machine pressed cemented rubber soles 模压胶底皮鞋

  leather shoes with moulded rubber soles 模压橡胶底皮鞋

  leather shoes with moulded soles for children 模压底童皮鞋

  leather shoes with moulded soles for ladies 模压底女皮鞋

  leather shoes with moulded soles for men 模压底男皮鞋

  leather shoes with rubber soles for children 胶底童皮鞋

  leather shoes with rubber soles for ladies 胶底女皮鞋

  leather shoes with rubber soles for men 胶底男皮鞋

  leather shoes with vulcanized soles for children 硫化底童皮鞋

  leather shoes with vulcanized soles for ladies 硫化底女皮鞋

  leather shoes with vulcanized soles for men 硫化底男皮鞋

  leather shoes 皮鞋

  leather silk 皮革绸

  leather ski gloves 皮滑雪手套

  leather skin 皮革

  leather skiving machine 削皮机

  leather slippers 皮拖鞋

  leather snow boots 皮雪地靴

  leather sofa 皮沙发

  leather softener white oil 软皮白油

  leather softening oil 软皮油

  leather sole channeling machine 皮鞋底开槽机

  leather soled cotton shoes 皮底布鞋

  leather sport ball 皮运动球

  leather sport gloves 皮运动手套

  leather sport jacket 运动皮茄克

  leather stitcher 皮革缝合机

  leather stool 皮凳

  leather strap 皮带

  leather strop 革砥

  leather suit 皮上衣

  leather suitcase for household 家用皮箱

  leather suitcase lacquered 烤漆皮箱

  leather suitcase 皮箱

  leather suspender 皮吊带

  leather testing machine 皮革材料试验机

  leather thickness measuring machine 皮革厚度测试机

  leather transparent oil 透明皮革油

  leather travelling handing bag 皮旅行手提包

  leather vest 皮背心

  leather waist belt 皮腰带

  leather wallet 皮票夹

  leather washer 皮垫圈

  leather watch belt 皮表带

  leather wax 皮革用蜡

  leather wear 皮服

  leather working gloves 劳保皮手套

  leather wrist watch strap 皮手表带

  leather 皮革

  leather-top basket-ball shoes 皮面篮球鞋

  leather-working machine 制革机

  leatheret school bag 人造革书包

  leatheret 人造革

  leatherette bag 人造革袋

  leatherette paper 充皮纸

  leatherette 人造革

  leatherleaf mahonia 功劳木

  leatherleaf milletia 鸡血藤

  leatheroid 人造革

  leaven 发酵曲子

  Leavil 利阿维尔聚氯乙烯纤维

  Lebaycid 倍硫磷

  Lecher wire interferometer 勒谢尔线干涉仪

  Lechesen alloy 莱切森铜镍合金

  lecithin malt syrup 磷酯麦芽糖浆

  lecithin 卵磷酯

  leclanche cell 勒克朗射电池

  leclercq-dupire yarn 棉芯毛纱花线

  Lectos 莱克托斯牌手表

  lecture notes folder 讲义夹

  LED matrix display board 发光二极管矩阵显示板

  leda cloth 毛天鹅绒

  ledaloyl 铅石墨含油合金

  Leddel alloy 莱德尔锌合金

  ledebour onion 丝葱

  ledebouriella seseloides 防风

  Ledebur bearing alloy 莱德伯尔锌基轴承合金

  Ledebur's bearing metal 莱德伯尔锌基轴承合金

  lederhosen 皮短裤

  ledge door 直拼撑门

  ledged and braced door 直拼斜角撑门

  ledger blade 剪毛机上的固定刀片

  Ledloy 莱德洛伊含铅易切削钢

  Ledrite 莱德赖特含铅易切黄铜

  leech 水蛭

  leek flower 韭菜花

  leek 韭菜

  left crank for chainwheel 链轮用左曲柄

  left disengaging fork lever 左分离叉杆

  left screw 左转螺丝

  left side beam 左侧梁

  left-hand crankshaft 左旋曲轴

  left-hand eddy pump 左旋涡流泵

  left-hand engine 左旋发动机

  left-hand helical gear 左旋斜齿轮

  left-hand safety connector 左旋安全接头

  left-hand screw drill pipe 左螺旋钻杆

  left-hand square thread 左旋方形螺纹

  left-hand thread manual tap 左旋螺纹手控丝锥

  left-hand thread tap 左旋螺纹丝锥

  left-hand thread 左旋螺纹

  left-hand threaded nut 左旋螺母

  left-hand tool joint thread 左旋钻杆接头螺纹

  left-hand two-flute drill 左旋双槽钻头

  leg guard 护腿

  leg knit 袜子

  leg roller pin 车脚小轮销钉

  leg roller 车脚小轮

  leg vice 长腿虎钳

  leg wear 袜子

  leg-row-boat 脚划船

  legalon tablet 利肝隆片

  legging machine 袜统机

  leggings 绑腿

  leghorn hat 麦秆辫草帽

  Leghorn 来航鸡

  Legumez extra 草除灵

  Legurame 长杀草

  lehr loader 连续式玻璃退火炉的装载机

  Leica 莱卡牌照相机

  Leicaflex 莱卡费莱克斯牌照相机

  Leicester wool 莱斯特有光长羊毛

  leiopyrrole 利奥吡咯

  leisure candy 休闲果

  leisure chair 逍遥椅

  leisure shirt 假日衬衫

  leisure suit 假日套装

  leisure tread shoes 松紧鞋[/td][/tr]




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