





葡萄牙评级下调 欧元走低

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-3-25 10:15| 查看数: 1136| 评论数: 0|


  The euro tumbled to a 10-month low against the dollar yesterday after a credit downgrade for Portugal and uncertainty over an aid package for Greece undermined the currency.


  Sentiment soured towards the euro after rating agency Fitch downgraded Portugal's credit rating to AA- from AA, citing “significant budgetary underperformance in 2009” and “structural weaknesses” in the country's economy.


  The euro was already under pressure on reports that Germany and France had yet to resolve a rescue for Greece and the extent of any involvement by the International Monetary Fund ahead of today's two-day European Union summit.

  丰业资本(Scotia Capital)的外汇策略师卡米拉·萨顿(Camilla Sutton)表示,IMF可能加入对欧元区国家的纾困,这削弱了市场对欧元区其它国家支持某个成员国意愿的信心。

  Camilla Sutton, currency strategist at Scotia Capital, said the potential involvement of the IMF in a bail-out of a eurozone country had weakened market confidence in the willingness of eurozone members to stand behind a member nation.

  RBS Securities的艾伦·拉斯金(Alan Ruskin)说,似乎越来越有可能的是,欧洲将选择联合IMF和欧元区紧急救助工具的力量,为希腊纾困,从而让最糟糕的预言成真。

  Alan Ruskin at RBS Securities said it seemed increasingly likely Europe would embrace the worst of all words for the euro by choosing a combination of an IMF and a eurozone emergency facility for Greece.


  “Turning to the IMF encourages a view that the European Union is incapable of sorting out its own problems, with IMF voters in far flung places now having a say over how a major economic problem with Europe-wide ramifications is solved,” he said.


  Meanwhile, a poorly received $42bn auction of Treasuries in the US suggested markets were struggling to absorb the amount of bonds governments must sell to plug fiscal deficits.


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