





主题:/飓风之谷/Hold on_Michael Buble 不要轻易说放手

发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-4-19 13:31| 查看数: 1469| 评论数: 0|



Time waits for no one~

Michael Buble - Hold On

Didn't they always say we were the lucky ones.

I guess that we were once, babe, we were once,

but luck will leave you cursed, it is a faithless friend,

and in the end, when life has got you down,

you've got someone here that you can wrap your arms around.

So hold on to me tight,

hold on to me tonight.

We are stronger here together,

than we could ever be alone.

So hold on to me,

don't you ever let me go.

There's a thousand ways for things to fall apart,

but it's no ones fault, no it's not my fault.

Maybe all the plans we made might not work out,

but I have no doubt, even though it's hard to see.

I've got faith in us, and I believe in you and me.

So hold on to me tight.

Hold on, I promise it will be alright.

Cuz it's you and me together,

and baby all we've got is time.

So hold on to me,

hold on to me tonight.

There's so many dreams that we have given up.

Take a look at all we've got,

and with this kind of love,

and what we've got here is enough.

So hold on to me tight.

Hold on, I promise it will be alright.

Cuz we are stronger here together,

than we could ever be alone.

Just hold on to me,

don't you ever let me go.

Hold on to me, it's gonna be alright.

Hold on to me tonight.

They always say, we were the lucky ones.


Michael Buble(麦可布雷,1975年9月9日-)生于不列颠哥伦比亚省本那比市,是一位加拿大著名流行爵士乐歌手,也是一位影视演员。2003年,他的专辑《麦可·布伯雷》打进了加拿大、英国和澳大利亚三地的当年流行音乐销售榜的前十名,同时在美国市场也有不错的成绩。而布伯雷在2004年的专辑《与我共遨游》(Come Fly With Me)在Billboard杂志和澳大利亚40大专辑均榜上有名。2005年,布伯雷的专辑《是时候了》(It's Time)令他在美国打响了名堂。

 'Crazy Love' 是Michael Bublé沉寂近2年半之后的又一张大碟。特别版的专辑还带有一个题为'Making Of The Album' 的DVD纪录片。这位多次获得格莱美大奖的艺人在纽约布鲁克林的录音室里,经过半年的制作,将这一收录跨越了不同年代11首爵士经典曲目,以及2首自创的新歌的自选专辑完美的呈现(注:标准版是13首)。首支单曲,由他自己编写的Haven't Met You Yet在8月31日电台播出。此外,专辑还收录了不少经典翻唱,包括与Sharon Jones 和The Dap-Kings合唱的'Cry Me A River,' 'You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You,' 'Georgia On My Mind' 以及'Baby (You've Got What It Takes)'。主题曲'Crazy Love.'则是翻唱自The Van Morrison Gem的同名曲目。CD以一首动人的,和无伴奏团体Naturally 7合作的Stardust(星尘^ ^)作为结尾。Michael Bublé 谈到这张专辑,称其为一张“极尽讲述了不可避免的,如同坐着过山车一般的人际关系的专辑”。专辑的制作人是David Foster,Bob Rock 和Humberto Gatica,由华纳发行。



轻松时刻 :

Hold on ,please~


/飓风之谷/haven't met you yet ~Michael Buble尽显温柔本色~

最后由 快乐小子J 于 2010-04-17 23:22:49编辑


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