





情系玉树 大爱无疆

发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-4-22 09:46| 查看数: 999| 评论数: 0|


周二晚,在中央电视台举办的大型赈灾特别节目上,百名演艺明星齐聚一堂,为玉树地震灾区募集善款。 Several hundred entertainment stars gathered to attract donations for earthquake-hit Yushu county during a China Central Television Station telethon on Tuesday evening.

表演艺术家、社会知名人士、各大新闻机构、国有企业以及民营企业均捐赠了善款。全部款项将通过民政部和中国红十字会送达地震灾区。 The donations mainly came from the country's performing artists, dignitaries, news organizations as well as private and state-owned enterprises. The donations will be channelled to the quake zone through the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Red Cross Society of China.

该节目时长4小时。导演金越表示,节目所集善款将全数捐给民政部、中国红十字会以及中华慈善总会。 Donations raised during the telethon will go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Red Cross Society of China and the China Charity Federation, according to Jin Yue, director of the four-hour telethon.

金越说:“全国上下,如此多的个人及机构乐意伸出援手。通过举办这次特别节目,我们为他们提供了一个援助灾区的平台。” 她本人也是今年春晚总导演。 "So many people and organizations around the country want to help. By presenting a telethon, we are providing a platform for all them to give a hand," said Jin, who also directed the station's annual Spring Festival gala this year.

本此活动由中宣部、民政部、广电总局以及中国红十字会联合主办。 The telethon was organized by the publicity department for the Communist Party of China Central Committee; the Ministry of Civil Affairs; the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television; and the Red Cross Society of China.

金越表示:“这是一个特殊时刻,万众目光聚焦玉树灾区。在本次活动上,我们向每个人讲述了玉树灾区的现状,让他们了解到灾区人民正在做些什么,同时也回顾了灾难发生时以及救援过程中的难忘瞬间。在某种程度上,这次活动就好比一部纪录片。” "It is a special moment, and people's eyes are all on Yushu. In the telethon, we were telling everyone what it is like now in Yushu, what people are doing,we recounted moments of the disaster and the rescue efforts. This telethon was, in a way, like a documentary," said Jin.

演员巍子也参加了此次活动,他表示很高兴成为其中一员。 Weizi, one of the actors who participated, was glad to be a part of it.

他表示:“正如兄弟姐妹们正身处苦难之中,怎能袖手旁观?” "It is like your brothers and sisters are trapped in tribulations. How can you not lend a hand?" he said.

“作为公众人物,我们可以利用自身名气,号召更多人来加入慈善事业。各界人士对于灾民已经表现出极大的关注与支持,但身为明星,我们希望能够激起更多的爱心与关怀。” "As celebrities we can use our star aura and call for more people to join in the charity cause. I see that people have shown great concern and support for the victims, but we as stars would love to inspire more sympathy and care."

此外,截止到周二下午1点,国内私营企业共捐款5.29亿元(合7760万美金)。 In addition, China's private enterprises nationwide had given 529 million yuan (77.6 million U.S. dollars) as of 1 p.m. Tuesday.

全国工商联副主席褚平表示,救灾捐赠物资总值已达9400万元(合1400万美金)。 Material donations also reached 94 million yuan (14 million U.S. dollars) in value, said Zhu Ping, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

本周二时财政部表示,中国政府再次划拨3亿元(合4390万美金)赈灾资金。 The Chinese government allocated another 300 million yuan (43.9 million U.S. dollars), the Ministry of Finance said Tuesday.

到周二下午4时为止,已向地震灾区运送34.468顶帐篷,77.402床棉被,55.407件棉服,饮用水以及方便面共计1106吨。 By 4 p.m. Tuesday, 34,468 tents, 77,402 cotton quilts, 55,407 cotton-stuffed coats, 1,106 tonnes of drinking water and instant noodles had been sent to quake zone.

(Translator & Editor: 21英语 Aaron AND Lily)


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