





Meeting at the airport

发布者: crystal-xlf | 发布时间: 2010-5-27 21:54| 查看数: 1905| 评论数: 0|

本帖最后由 crystal-xlf 于 2010-5-28 18:05 编辑


A:Excuse me,are you Mr.Johnson?

B:Yes,that's right.

A: How do you do,Mr Johnson,My name is Tom Lee,sales manager of ABC Company.

B:How do you do,Mr.Lee,glad to meet you.

A:Me too,I came to pick you up to your hotel.

B:Thank you ,you are very kind.

A:How was your flight?

B:Not very good,I got airsick.

A:Do you feel better now?

B:Yes,but I feel very tired,because it was a long trip.

A:Let's go,let's get you checked in the hotel.

B:Ok,thank you

A; Let me help you with your luggage.

B:It doesnt matter,thank you,I can handle by myself.

A:Ok,this way please,my car is outside.

B:Ok,let's go.

A:Please wait for me here,I'm going to the parking lot to drive my car.

B:Ok,no problem.

Let's go to the parking lot directly,because it is not convenient here.

B:Of course,no problem.

A:Let me help you with your luggage.

B:Thanks,you are very kind.


A:Excuse me,are you Mr.Willson form London?I am the manager of Jin Shan Trading Company.My name is Sun Kai.

B:How do you do,Mr.Sun.It's nice to meet you.

A:How do you do.Welcome to Dalian.

B:Thank you,it's very nice of you to meet me at the airport.

A:You're welcome,may I introduce my colleague Liu Lan?Miss Liu is our sales manager.

B:Glad to meet you,Miss Liu.

C:Glad to meet you too.I have heared a lot about you.

B:Thank you.

A:Did you have a good flight?

B:Not bad,there was a dense fog in London,so the flight was delayed several hours.

A:I'm sorry to hear that.

C:How long did the flight take?

B:16hours non-stop.

C:It must be a very tiring trip.

B:It is.

A:So you need a good rest after such a long flight,we dont stand in your way.

B:Thank you very much.


A:Good morning,Mr.Murphy.Welcome back to Dalian.

B:How nice to see you again,Miss Liu.Thank you for meeting me here.

A:My pleasure,how are you doing?

B:Very well,thank you,and you?

A:Can't be better.

B:I'm glad to hear that.

A:How was you flight?

B:Very nice,the service of CAAC is superb.

A:I'm glad to hear that.Oh,let me help you with your baggage.

B:Thank you,I can manage at all.

A:Watch out.

B:It's have long time since last time we met,er,,more than two months.Time flies!You know.

A:Yes,and Dalian have changed a lot ever since,in fact,Dalian is changing everyday.I hope I'll be able to show you around.I'm sure you'll be impressed.

B:Thank you.I'm sure I will.


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