






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-5-31 07:39| 查看数: 1885| 评论数: 7|

What do you think of “winning prize by quitting smoking”?



Smoking will be prohibited in many indoor public places, workplaces, public vehicles and other outdoor workplaces in mainland of China since Jan of 2011. Therefore, Ministry of Health stipulates that the employees who take the initiative in quitting smoking for one year will be given a reward of 500 Yuan. Those who are caught smoking in the office building or displaying tanks will be given a notice of criticism.


One can be awarded 500 Yuan for having quit smoking, this has aroused controversial discussion.


Will prohibition be in written or oral form and without any practical effect? Let us have a discussion, do you think it is reasonable to win prize by quitting smoking? How can the prohibition be carried out efficiently?

Please express your views in English.请用英文表达你的看法。


dickarray 发表于 2010-5-31 07:54:27
Second-hand smoke has proven to be very harmful to people who don't smoke.People should stop smoking, period.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20 赠送红包


niubility 发表于 2010-5-31 08:03:29

highly developed economy will be helpful with prohibition.


参与人数 1鲜花 +5 收起 理由
katy006688 + 5 赠送红包


梦儿 发表于 2010-5-31 08:15:53
Of the whole family, because we do not smoke, that's very harmful to!


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20 赠送红包


smile* 发表于 2010-5-31 10:17:24
I oppose smoking.one person smoking hurt some people health.

I agree “winning prize by quitting smoking”.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20 赠送红包


Kittybaby 发表于 2010-5-31 11:34:08
Maybe it works because the money is really an attraction.but I really wonder to know where is the 500RMB from.And who are the supervisers of the smokers?There are lots ofproblems which are worth thinking.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20 赠送红包


淡淡的才好 发表于 2010-5-31 11:37:24
本帖最后由 淡淡的才好 于 2010-5-31 12:07 编辑

Personally speaking, I am totallyin favour of being awarded by quitting one's smoking.Relatively it is very hard to require people correcting their bad habits which have been developed many years.The best encouragement of this way operated may be a proper awarding.That will activate such kind of policy runs smoothly and effectively.As we have known,stop-working is so difficult that there can be tremendous amount ofpeople can't avoid the same frustration at the moment whenthey make an attempt to quitthis irritating habit.But everyone loves to be encouraged by material goods like money ,and through this all can getbenefits.To tell you the truth.the same kind regulation has been runningin my company for several years,with it the same punishment also has been into use,that is someone must submitpenalty if he/she smokes beyond the regulated place.

“Smoking is harmful to ur health” shows clearly from every cigar's box .Nomatter what kind of regulation,stimulation ,and advocation ,we actually hope that preventing smoking beside others will be a self-conscious action and spread further and further.The dream that living in a clear,harmless,and harmonious environment will come true soonly .


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20 赠送红包


kevincen 发表于 2015-1-26 08:12:28
not success
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