





The Six Financial Mistakes Couples Make (2)

发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-6-20 07:05| 查看数: 1368| 评论数: 0|

夫妻间六个错误财务认识 (2)

上一期向您介绍的是关于财务合并(Merging the Finances)和还债问题(Dealing with Debt)的错误认识(详情请见时尚版2010年2月刊),本期我们将再向您介绍两个可能会引发夫妻二人争吵的错误财务认识。

3. Keeping Spending in Check

The Wrong Approach: I’m a saver and you’re a spender. That’s the problem.

The Right Approach: We both spend, but on different things. Let’s budget.

Your husband keeps nagging at you that you spend too much, but then comes home one day with a huge smile and – surprise! – a 70-inch flat-screen plasma TV. He happily explains how he sealed the “terrific” deal. You’re definitely not impressed.

What usually happens is that one spouse gets labeled the “spender” and is blamed for skimming all the money out the checkbook. In most cases, however, that’s not accurate. Studies show that men and women spend the same, they just spend differently. Women usually take care of most of the family’s daily expenses: the groceries, the bills, clothes for the family – while men spend on large purchases like plasma TVs, cars or computers.

The solution here is to identify the real problem, namely, that you’re both spending money on a tight budget. Then sit down and decide how much money you’ll allocate to the “dailyness” of life, and how much to save for the big purchases. What we’re trying to do is to get the “Surprise!” out of it.

4. Investing Wisely

夫妻间六个错误财务认识Six Financial Mistakes_英语沙龙时尚版_新浪博客 The Wrong Approach: You’re a risk-taker, I’m risk-averse. Hands off our retirement savings.

The Right Approach: Let’s think in time frames and take as much risk as our goals allow.

The fighting about how much risk to take with your investments based on how you feel about risk. You could be completely risk-averse with money you need for next year, but you can be a huge risk-taker with money you’re saving for retirement. If that doesn’t work for you, seek the help of a broker or a financial planner.

Whatever your investment choices, review your investments together at least once a year and make sure that, overall, your portfolios1 balance each other out.

3. 做好消费安排






4. 精明投资






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