





[Central Perk: Oprah enters through the door.]

发布者: 黑色森林 | 发布时间: 2010-7-2 14:21| 查看数: 1102| 评论数: 1|

Oprah: Whoo...! (audience cheering) How cool! Woow! Whoo, I'm here! Okay... So cool! This is it. The last season. The end of an era. I'm standing on the actual set of one of the biggest television shows in history. Friends! Okay... And so, this... this is Central Perk, the famous coffee shop where every Thursday night for ten whole years we've all hung out with Rachel and Chandler, Monica and Joey, Phoebe and Ross... And today in their first farewell interview, the cast of Friends says "Goodbye". Please welcome Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Courteney Cox, David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow and Matt Le Blanc.

(The cast enter Central Perk, and start shaking hands, hugging and kissing Oprah.)

Oprah: Wow! It's really thrilling to be here. Thrilling to see all of you guys here. What do you think the finale week is gonna be like?

Courteney: I think that Jennifer probably won't be able to breathe. Uhm, because she starts crying uhm... like that thing, she started crying the first day we got here this year.

Oprah: (to Jennifer) Did you?

Jennifer: I'm crying right now.

Oprah: You're crying right now? Who'd ever thought of it? Yeah?

Courteney: And, I think that it'll be the most emotional week that we'll probably ever go through... ever.

[Some clips from the first season are shown, and we hear Oprah as a voice-over.]

Oprah: It's hard to believe it was only ten years ago we were first introduced to Phoebe, Rachel, Monica, Ross, Joey and Chandler... I met the cast back in '95, when the Friends frenzy was just starting.

[We see a clip from the March 1995 Oprah show:

Woman from the audience: I wanna know how your new found fame has changed your personal lives.

Matthew: Not at all. (starts pretend crying and holds his hand in front of his face)

Oprah: Really Jennifer, anything?

Jennifer: No, I haven't felt... I still just go to work every day... and... and... the only difference is...

Oprah: You don't feel it yet?

Jennifer: (pointing to the others) I don't get it as much as these guys, I don't know why. I haven't been bombarded by people, and I don't feel of it has changed my life that much.]

[We return to 2003, Central Perk with Oprah. Jennifer was watching her clip closely, and now she sits back again, looking at Matthew who's smiling at her.]

Oprah: (about the 1995 clip) Is that the hair that everybody had, and called it the "Rachel"?

Jennifer: Yeah, and for some reason... It's so circular... (pointing to her face, making a circle) It was circular...

Oprah: Who do you think is going to be consoling whom, when the final week comes? Who will be the biggest consoler in the group here?

Matthew: I think we'll all be really consoling each other, and Jennifer's... you know... "this is the last bagel I'm gonna eat on the second day of rehearsal..." There's a lot of that stuff, you know.

Oprah: Is it true that all the girls, all of you eat lunch together, still every day?

Jennifer: Yeah.

Oprah: Yeah. Every day for ten years?

Jennifer: Well...

Oprah: And is it true that you order the same thing every day for ten years?

Courteney: That is true.

Jennifer: Yeah...

Courteney: That is true... That salad?

Jennifer: Yeah!

Courteney: Yeah. I'm so tired of the salad, but... it's easier just to say "Oh, I'll take what she's having." It's just easier sometimes...

Oprah: And what's the salad?

Jennifer: It's a cobb salad.

Oprah: Every day the same thing?

Jennifer: Yeah. I'm a creature of habit.

Oprah: Creature of habit.

Jennifer: But you know, we change it up on Thursdays and Fridays, actually.

Courteney: Yeah, we throw some onions in it.

Jennifer: We just mix it up a little bit. (to Courteney) HEY!

Oprah: I want to ask you all this. I know I have a bunch of questions about who is... Okay? Who's gonna have the hardest time, do you think, on the final taping day? The hardest time...

Matt: Jennifer.

Oprah: Jennifer?

Lisa: No, 'cause she's getting it out now.

Jennifer: I'm gonna be still on that night. I think that Matty may have a hard time.

Matthew: The last night here will be really tough on me.

Oprah: Who is the funniest? Who is the funniest?

Courteney: Matthew Perry?

Jennifer: Matty Perry!

Matthew: Uh, well, I don't know about that...

Courteney: As far as being the funniest person, not necessarily on camera?

Oprah: Yeah, who's the funniest?

Courteney: It's definitely Matthew Perry.

Oprah: Definitely Matthew Perry, okay.

Courteney: Just all the time.

Matt: Well not on camera. Not on camera, Matt.

Courteney: I mean, without having... Just on his own, without writers or anything, he's the funniest person from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed, that I think I've ever met.

Oprah: Okay, who's the most serious?

Matt: That would be David.

Lisa: Don't look at me!

Jennifer: (pointing to David) That guy!

Oprah: David is. And who's the most emotional?

Lisa: Jennifer...

Oprah: Who's the best advice giver?

Matt: Courteney.

Jennifer: Oh Courteney... and Lisa.

Oprah: Who's the person most likely to borrow... twenty bucks?

Jennifer: Matthew. (they all laugh)

Matthew: That's a true story.

Oprah: Okay, who's the person most likely to be late?

Courteney: Me and Jennifer...

Oprah: Yeah, okay... Who's the person you would call in the middle of the night if you were thrown in jail?

Jennifer: Courteney

Lisa: Le Blanc, Courteney.

David: Le Blanc.

Matt: Don't wake me up.

Oprah: Don't wake you up? Okay, who's the biggest flirt?

Lisa: Oh wow!

Jennifer: Everybody.

Lisa: The two Matts.

Matthew: I think we stopped flirting with each other, well, you know, to the extend I was at the beginning... Because at some point, you just realise you don't have a shot... (they all laugh)

Oprah: Okay, who's the most stubborn?

Jennifer: Oh God! Schwimmer!

Oprah: Who would win first prize at a karaoke contest?

Jennifer and Lisa: Courteney!

Matthew: Definitely Courteney!

Courteney: Not because I'm good... Because I like it so much. Matthew probably win for singing.

Oprah: Okay. Who's changed the most in the past ten years? Who's changed the most that you all have noticed?

Matthew: Uhm... The camera just went to me. (they all laugh) I certainly, I suppose have had uhm... you know... well documented ups and downs in the last ten years.

Oprah: Alright David, do me a favour and describe each cast member in ways that we wouldn't know.

David: Le Blanc, I've always thought of as like blue collar, like show up every time, every day on time. He's a hundred percent. Always got your bet. He's the guy you want, like, if you get in a fight in a bar, he's the guy you want... And just in terms of...

Matt: I can kick some ass, Oprah, let me tell you.

Oprah: The bottom line, yeah.

Matt: Well, its kind of strange you know. We have these really rich, full characters to hide behind. To sit here as ourselves is really kind of nerve wrecking.

Oprah: Is it? Would Joey be having a better time?

Matt: Oh, he'd probably hit on you. (they laugh)

Oprah: Okay, continue...

David: Well, uhm... Lisa's got the most unpredictable comic timing and instincts that, I feel, constantly surprise you... and probably herself which is a real gift.

Oprah: Is that true, do you really surprise yourself sometimes?

Lisa: Uhuh, yeah.

David: She's also, well, you know, she's a knock-out. I love her hair right now. (Lisa has short hair now, which just reaches to her shoulders.)

Lisa: Thank you! (there's cheering)

David: Uhm, well Court has... most people may not know this, but she just has the most generous heart of anyone you will ever know. (to Courteney) Seriously, you are... Uhm, Matthew... hysterical... uhm, some of the best lines are off-camera, when it's... you know... there's no camera rolling. Uh, uhm, Jen... She's just... she amazes me. Also a very generous, warm, warm person. Uhm, just always puts the other person first, and I think it's a gift.

Oprah: I feel the love here. I feel the love. I do, I really do. Amongst all of you. Okay, that's fantastic.

[We see wedding photos of Lisa, Courteney and Jennifer and clips of what's to come and hear Oprah tell us:

Oprah: Later, marriage and babies. The Friends' lives off TV and coming up...

Jennifer: Oh God, get somebody else...

Oprah: It is an emotional day...

Jennifer: Oh, no I don't know if I can do it yet.

Oprah: Stay tuned.]


黑色森林 发表于 2010-7-2 14:24:57
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