






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-7-13 10:23| 查看数: 1153| 评论数: 0|

Lure of money and jobs draws European model to China 欧洲模特来中国 爱钱爱工作

很多外国人来中国,是为了寻找刺激和冒险,但19岁的匈牙利模特Adrienn Zarka却不这么想。她觉得中国给她很大的安全感和成就感。因为她在家乡事业发展并不太顺利,而在中国,却得到了很好的待遇。

While most people coming to China do so to embrace a sense of rugged adventure, Adrienn Zarka did it to find refuge - and success - from the over competitive nature of the modeling industry in Hungary.

The 19-year-old Hungarian model spent the last three years working in her home country pursuing a career in modeling, while also attending school, but she said the experience wasn't what she'd call a good one.

"At home, it's so much more stressful; everyone is always yelling," she said.

"In Beijing, everyone is very nice." One Time in one instance, while doing a photo shoot, she was forced to model for several hours in the middle of winter, wearing a very small outfit while having fans blow air into her face and a photographer yell at her. The experience left her less than impressed and slightly ill.

"The director couldn't understand anything; he was just shouting," she said and added, since spending a short time in Beijing, she's already noticed a massive difference in how she is treated.

"Here, the agency and clients are much more professional," she said.

The 178-cm slender brunette may be a bit shy on words, but her motivation for coming to China is clear - it's where the money is. She said in Beijing she has found that there is better money, more jobs for foreign models and a wider range of photos being taken.

"Asia and Europe are polar opposites. I tried modeling both back home and in Italy - but it didn't work for me," she said.

But beyond just making cash, Adrienn said it's also a good way to explore new territory.

"I really enjoy seeing new culture. China is perfect for that," she said.


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