






发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-7-20 11:19| 查看数: 1094| 评论数: 0|


  A serial pitch invader was punched to the ground by a security guard as he stormed the Soccer City ground and threw a hat over the solid gold World Cup trophy before last night's final.

  Pitch invasion: 'Jimmy Jump' bursts on to the grass and attempts to throw a hat over the World Cup trophy


  Lightning reaction: A security guard runs on to the pitch to stop Jaume Marquet Cot

  After being punched to the ground, he was carried down the tunnel by seven stewards, past astonished players and officials who were lining up ready to take to the field.

  这名入侵者与球场保安发生了闪电般的对抗,但最终还是被保安一拳击地,紧接着还是被7名管理员在“花容失色”的球员目睹下,被抬出场外。 3867704_102921_1.jpg

  Floored: The pitch invader falls to the ground after being hit by a security guard

  倒地:入侵者虽然离大力神杯仅仅半步之遥,还是被保安的拳头拦住了前进的脚步。 3867704_102959_1.jpg

  Security alert: Jump is punched to the ground by a security guard

  保安训练有素:入侵者“应拳倒地”。 3867704_103032_1.jpg

  Shock: Officials and football fans look astonished as Marquet Cot lies on the floor

  A police spokesman said: 'The man is Jaume Marquet Cot, who has done this sort of thing before.

  据调查,这位入侵者全名“Jaume Marquet Cot”,是西班牙房产推销员,常常闯入足球和橄榄球场捣乱。 3867704_103104_1.jpg

  Game over: Marquet Cot is held on the ground by security officials

  结束了,再见了大力神杯。 3867704_103148_1.jpg

  Facing jail: Jump is carried from the Soccer City grounds and is charged by police



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