





新传记披露朱莉以养子为饵 钓到布拉德·皮特

发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-8-4 12:58| 查看数: 1381| 评论数: 0|

本周一,传记作家安德鲁·莫顿(Andrew Morton)在谈到自己新作《安吉丽娜:未经授权传记》(Angelina: An Unauthorized Biography)时披露,安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)在拍摄《史密斯行动》(Mr. & Mrs. Smith)时,利用养子麦多克斯(Maddox)为饵,成功把布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)从詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)身边钓开。


麦多克斯还触动了朱莉年幼时遭母亲玛奇琳·伯特兰德(Marcheline Bertrand)遗弃的旧伤,莫顿说:“这段经历解释了朱莉种种怪异行为:自伤、吸毒、双性恋。因为朱莉太像她的父亲乔·沃特(Jon Voight),所以玛奇琳不喜欢她。”至于朱莉后来用刀子割伤了自己的颈、大腿和胸部的举动虽然奇怪也就不难解释,“经历了这种心理创伤,自伤就成了一种释放手段。”莫顿还披露了更加骇人的事,朱莉曾雇佣杀手杀自己。“她深陷抑郁之中,动了自杀念头,她说她雇了一名杀手,准备付钱让他杀掉自己。”


Excerpts from Andrew Morton’s Angelina: An Unauthorized Biography caused the release date of the book to be moved earlier to August 3.

Morton creates unimaginable sensationalism with controversial personalities. He did biographies on Tom Cruise, Monica Lewinsky and Princess Diana.

The book states Angelina’s mother left her to her father until she was two years old because Jon Voight was cheating.The book touches on Jolie’s drug addiction, anorexia in her teens and early twenties, bisexuality, virginity lost at 14 and living in at that age with her mother’s consent.

Familiar names linked to Jolie: Jonny Lee Miller, Timothy Hutton, Jenny Shimizu, Billy Bob Thornton were mentioned plus surprising ones like Mick Jagger and Gary Sinise.

Jolie’s mother was said to have checked her in the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA for three days.

Morton mentions Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Willem Dafoe as part of the choices Jolie was eyeing way back then to dig her claws in.

Jolie’s dedicated work for the U.N. was touched.He mentions that Jolie paid for her first trip to Sierra Leone.

The book paints “a person with abandonment issues, extreme impulsivity and a knack for leveraging the media.”


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