





戛纳夏季经典时尚装扮 连身裤成首选

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-5 19:28| 查看数: 1110| 评论数: 0|

 The best place to discover the new summer trends is Cannes. Forget the red carpet, look to the Croisette1 instead.



  The perfect summer dress 最佳裙装

  No summer wardrobe should be without one, but the perfect cotton dress is notoriously hard to find. Carey Mulligan’s printed, belted version is by Prada and clocks in at around ?425. The label’s new Print Collection has sparked a mini-trend.

  纯棉连衣裙在夏季衣橱中不可或缺,不过要找到合心意的棉质连衣裙却极其困难。凯瑞·穆里根穿的是普拉达印花束带棉质连衣裙,售价大约是425 英镑。该品牌的新印花系列引发了超短裙风潮。


  Classic sunglasses 经典太阳镜

   Colourful shades and all their fun counterparts – the heart shape, the Lennon circular, the endless Wayfarer2 homages – are all very well for a festival. But for a summer party, you should take the lead from Cate Blanchett. Her Cannes frames epitomise elegance and timeless classiness. M&S has nailed this shape with a pair of understated sunglasses in tortoiseshell – less harsh than black – for a mere fiver.

   鲜艳的色彩和有趣的样式——心形太阳镜、列侬式的圆形太阳镜或是永恒的“徒步旅行者”纪念版太阳镜——都非常适合出席盛会时戴。但若是参加夏日聚会,你应该向凯特·布兰切特学习。她在戛纳戴的镜框呈现出优雅和永恒的时髦感。玛莎百货公司选择这种镜框形状来搭配这副朴素的杂黄褐色太阳镜——比黑色柔和一些,售价仅为5 镑。


  Short-sleeved shirt 短袖衬衫

  For a very long time, short sleeves for men were seen as a major fashion crime. This season, following a successful return to various catwalks and the high street they’re back in style favour. Think of it as a sophisticated T-shirt, which can be dressed up with neat trousers and smart shoes. Warning: Do not wear with anything resembling a tie; open two buttons instead.

  很长一段时间以来,男士短袖衬衫被视为一个大的时尚灾难。这一季,随着男士短袖衬衫在各个T 型台和繁华商业街成功回归,它们又重新流行起来。你可以将它想成是一件复杂的T 恤,可搭配整洁的裤子和时尚的鞋子。警告:不要戴诸如领带之类的东西,而应该将衬衫上面的两个扣子解开。


   Sparkly jumpsuit 闪亮的连身裤

   Witness Marion Cotillard illustrating that a sparkly jumpsuit can have as much impact as a bog-standard party dress yet is pleasingly much more covered up. Party jumpsuits are taking over event dressing by stealth, and the high street is completely on top of this.



  1. Croisette: 克鲁瓦塞特大道在戛纳电影节的主会场影节宫的旁边,这条大道是沿着戛纳海岸延伸的大道,两旁种满了棕榈树,所以也叫棕榈大道。

   2. Wayfarer是美国太阳镜品牌雷朋(Ray-Ban)的一个经典系列。


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