






发布者: liucongshan | 发布时间: 2006-10-1 00:23| 查看数: 12067| 评论数: 5|



样式:Dad was the kindest and most (1) ______ man I have ever met. Yet I was never able to know him as well as I had wished. He was a man of few words. He never spoke of the things close to his heart. I know that he loved all his children. But because in our family (2) ______ signs of affection were never shown, somehow I have never or at any time been able to (3) ______ my love for him.

I was with dad on the night he died and I longed to be able to (4) ______ by his bedside and say, “Dad, thank you for being so good to us. I love you , Dad.” Every time I tried to, but I was (5) ______. Even at that time I felt he would think it wrong for me to try to express my feelings in (6) ______.

After dad died, all of us (7) ______ round Mum. We thought that to have her children calling her would be a way to (8) ______ for the loss. It was so at first. I’d visit her twice a day and listen while she talked about her life with dad. (9) _____________________________________________. I think it was right that she did. It was far better to talk about dad to keep him alive in spirit. After all, death is inevitable. (10) _____________________________________________. All she wanted to do was live their lives together again. (11) _____________________________________________


1.       generous

2.       outward

3.       express

4.       kneel

5.       embarrassed

6.       words

7.       gathered

8.       make up

9.       She would relate their lives and relationship together from the time she first met him

10.   The great thing about mum was that she didn’t talk endlessly

I remember once when Pat and I had listened to her all afternoon, mum said, “Now I’ve talked to you both and I fell ten years younger.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-5 3:28:37编辑过]


JANASON 发表于 2006-10-3 00:20:45


liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-5 03:26:54


JANASON 发表于 2006-10-6 00:25:50
lenovo 发表于 2006-11-23 11:31:43
What can hospital do to help patients (1) ______faster from illness? Apart from nursing and medicine, one way that is getting more attention is to improve the (2) ______of the environment in hospitals.

Now some of Britain’s most (3) ______ artists have been called in to transform older hospitals. Of the 2,500 National Health Service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have large collections of (4)______ art in corridors, waiting areas and treatment rooms.

These recent creative ideas (5) ______a great deal to one artist, Peter Senior. He set up his (6) ______at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s. He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider (7) ______.

A typical hospital waiting room might have as many as 5,000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular (8) ______ of art! Senior was so popular that (9) _____________________________________________.

The effect was striking. (10) _____________________________________________.

The quality of the environment may reduce the expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. (11)_____________________________________________.

1. recover

2. quality

3. talented

4. contemporary

5. owe

6. studio

7. audience

8. exhibitions

9. he was soon joined by six young art school graduates

10.Now in the corridors and waiting rooms the visitors have a full view of fresh colors, amusing images and peaceful courtyards

11.According to a study, patients who had a view of a garden needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had only a brick wall to look at
zhh5229126 发表于 2006-11-27 12:01:24


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