





客机遭雷击断三截 仅1人遇难创奇迹

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-17 19:03| 查看数: 1027| 评论数: 0|

资料图 客机遭雷击断三截 仅1人遇难创奇迹

  A Boeing 737 crash-landedMonday on a Colombian resort island during a lightning storm, scattering passengers across the runway as it split in three, but somehow only one passenger died.


  A 73-year-old woman suffered a heart attack and died in hospital, but officials said it was a "miracle" there were no more fatalities among the 130 survivors, most of whom suffered some kind of injury.


  The plane was struck by lightning 80 meters (250 feet) above the tarmacat Gustavo Rojas Pinilla airport on the Caribbean island of San Andres, aviation officials said, but the cause of the crash was still under investigation.

  据当地航空部门官员介绍,这架客机在距离加勒比海圣安德列斯岛的古斯塔沃 罗哈斯 皮尼利亚机场停机坪上空80米(250英尺)处遭遇雷击,但具体的坠毁原因仍在调查之中。

资料图 客机遭雷击断三截 仅1人遇难创奇迹

  Passengers were "literally scattered over the end of the runway," a police statement said. The authorities later put the number of injured at more than 120, five of them seriously.


  There were at least 16 foreigners on board the Boeing 737-300, including six French, four Brazilians, four Americans and two Costa Ricans.


  "We all felt the plane was arriving very, very quickly on the tarmac," 28-year-old Virginie Giroux, one of the French passengers said.


  "We did not feel the contact with the ground. We just saw everything flying, everything bursting in the plane."


  Orlando Paez Baron, director of civil security from Colombia's national police, said the pilot had briefly lost control of the aircraft but showed skill in keeping the plane on the runway.


资料图 客机遭雷击断三截 仅1人遇难创奇迹

  The plane, belonging to Colombia's Aires airline, left Bogota shortly after midnight and crashed in San Andres in conditions of reduced visibility about two hours later, according to air traffic controllers.


  San Andres's governor Pedro Gallardo said it was only good fortune that prevented there being more casualties among the 131 people on board.

  圣安德列斯省长佩德罗 加拉多称,131名乘客中仅有一人遇难,真是幸运。

  "We thank God for the miracle granted to this archipelago," he told national radio. "The captain, the co-pilot and all the crew are safe."



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