





海外惊现IPAD牛人 手指油画惟妙惟肖

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-24 11:03| 查看数: 1313| 评论数: 1|

资料图 珍妮弗·安妮斯顿的画像惟妙惟肖

  Realistic: This image of actress Jennifer Aniston is artist Kyle Lambert's favourite of his iPad paintings   现代版现实主义肖像画:这款珍妮弗·安妮斯顿的画像画的惟妙惟肖,您看得出这是用“高科技画笔”画出来的“油画”吗?其实这是由艺术家Kyle Lambert运用苹果iPad应用程序中的Brushes作画。   From Amy Winehouse to Rihanna, these colourful pieces of art see creation meet technology in perfect unison.'Painted' on the iPad, these striking pictures of celebrities are the creation of young artist Kyle Lambert. He said: 'There's a lot of parallels to draw from painting in real life. The only difference is you're using your finger.'It's very direct and it can be quicker, and I love the portability element.'

  肖像画由艾米·怀恩豪斯一直到蕾安娜,这些美丽的自画像绝对是高科技与艺术的完美综合体。在Ipad上作画,成为现代人享受艺术的又一方法。艺术家Kyle Lambert说道:“这些创作灵感源于生活,这些画与普通的油画作品没有什么区别,唯一的区别就是这些画像不是用油画笔画出的,而是用我的“手指”(靠手指触摸屏幕作画)。”

资料图 歌手艾米·怀恩豪斯

  Lifelike: This portrait of singer Amy Winehouse was created using the iPad app Brushes


资料图 pop star Rihanna

  Portrait: This image of pop star Rihanna is amazingly lifelike. Mr Lambert, an illustration and animation graduate, says the pictures can take up to eight hours to complete.Mr Lambert, from Altringham in Cheshire, said the app could not be simpler and that while others are filled with thousands of complicated tools, Brushes has only a few tricks to get used to.


资料图 Russell Brand

  Larger than life: A stylised portrait of actor and TV presenter Russell Brand


资料图 Madonna

  Material girl: Pop icon Madonna gets the iPad treatment。


资料图 Hey Jude

  Hey Jude: Holywood actor Jude Law gets the Kyle Lambert treatment


资料图 Ipad的应用让油画变得简单多了

  New wave: Mr Lambert says that with the right amount of practice anyone could emulate his work on the iPad

  油画的改革?图为艺术家Mr Lambert 与他的作品。他说,Ipad的应用让油画变得简单多了。


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