





豪宅又进小偷 强盗持刀吓傻希尔顿

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-25 17:32| 查看数: 1333| 评论数: 0|


资料图 希尔顿

  Paris Hilton woke up to a shock on Tuesday morning. According to the star’s Twitter, a man allegedly attempted to break into the reality star’s Los Angeles area home.   社交名媛帕里斯-希尔顿在周二清晨被一阵异常的响动所惊醒,发现有一男子企图非法进入她在洛杉矶的家中,花容失色的她立刻拨打了911报警电话。   “So Scary, just got woken up to a guy trying to break into my house holding 2 big knifes. Cops are here arresting,” Paris Tweeted on Tuesday morning.


资料图 911赶到了事发现场

  The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to Access Hollywood that officers responded to a 911 call early Tuesday morning and arrived at Hilton’s home at 6:30 AM.   Police said they arrested an unidentified male in his 40’s and are investigating a possible break in.

  洛杉矶警方证实,在周二清晨接到了来自希尔顿家的911报警电话,他们在6:30时赶到了事发现场,拘捕了这个四十多岁身份不明的男子。   A rep for Hilton told Access, “I can confirm that in the early hours of this morning an armed man with two kitchen knives attempted to break in to Paris Hilton’s home when she was sleeping. The security cameras and alarm system were alerted and the police immediately came to the house and arrested the intruder who was attempting to break a window when they arrived. Paris is naturally shaken by the events but is unharmed and well. She is very thankful to her security team and the police for their swift and diligent response.”


资料图 希尔顿美若天仙

  According to a LAPD booking sheet released Tuesday afternoon, the man found at Hilton’s house, Nathan Parada, has been charged with felony burglary. He is currently being held on $50,000 bail.

  This isn’t the first time Paris’ home has been broken into. In August 2004, a home she was sharing with sister Nicky Hilton was burglarized and also again in December 2008.



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