






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-9-6 14:44| 查看数: 1400| 评论数: 0|

资料图 卡梅隆

  BRASILIA (AFP) – Film director James Cameron said Sunday he will return to Brazil this year to make a 3D film on indigenous people of the Amazon who oppose construction of a huge dam for fear it could flood tribal lands.   《阿凡达》导演卡梅隆近日透露,今年将重返巴西拍真实版的3D《阿凡达》。因担忧淹没部落土地,当地印第安部落反对在亚马逊河谷建造一巨型大坝。   "I want to return to meet some of the leaders of the Xikrin-Kayapo tribe who invited me," the Canadian director said in an interview published in the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper.


资料图 卡梅隆

  "I want to take a 3D camera to film how they live, their culture," said Cameron.   卡梅隆说:“我打算拍一部3D电影,以反应这些土著人的生活和文化”。   The filmmaker has already come to the Amazon twice in a show of support for the indigenous tribe and to film a short piece on their resistance to the damming project on the Xingu River, which will be included on the "Avatar" DVD to be released around Christmas.   为支持当地土著人,卡梅隆曾两度造访亚马逊流域。而且还拍摄到一些土著人反对建设大坝的画面。今年圣诞节期间发行的加长版《阿凡达》将添加这些画面。   Speaking of the fight against the dam construction, Cameron said he "did a film on the same topic," referring to Avatar, adding that when he was asked to help "the Brazilian Indians, who were desperate, I could not turn away."


资料图 卡梅隆

  Opponents of the dam project say it is not economically viable and would cause the displacement of 16,000 people because it would create a flood zone of 500 square kilometers along the banks of the Xingu.   按原计划,该项大坝工程于今年年底或明年年初开间。大坝反对者称,这个工程将会迫使1.6万土著人迁移别处。   The government says no indigenous land would be threatened and that it has spent millions on reducing the social and environmental impact of the dam.



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